gamebar widgets crosshair

  • is gamebar overlay allowed on sot, more specificly crosshair widgets?

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  • It's not intended in combat or in the game so it would be opting out of equal footing combat for personal benefit.

  • @wolfmanbush The problem is that it's also like, free, you don't even have to pay for it and it comes with every W10 PC that has Xbox Gamebar.

    It's way too confusing for how it would be moderated.

  • I presume it is not a thing allowed, but, it is free widgets as far as you own a PC with the gamebar like @nex-stargaze said before.
    If such a thing exists, it seems hard to prevent users to download and use it.
    BTW, not all the players are going to use it, because they don't know it exists (or even don't care).

    Honestly, it can be really helpful using a pistol, which can "no-scope", also, it's a help for harpooning.
    But I don't think it's a game changer.

    I cannot wait to read Rare's answer !

  • It is to be noted that use of cross hairs, software or otherwise are against the rules even if it is near impossible to moderate and take note you can be reported for doing so.

    The combat of the game is not designed for cross hairs and instead favors iron sights.

  • @nex-stargaze said in gamebar widgets crosshair:

    @wolfmanbush The problem is that it's also like, free, you don't even have to pay for it and it comes with every W10 PC that has Xbox Gamebar.

    It's way too confusing for how it would be moderated.

    I don't think that negates Rare's ToS, or rules regarding using them as cheating

  • @tre-oni That's the wild thing: This is a software approved by Mircosoft for the Game Bar, a function that ideally you have to use in order to communicate, join and chat with your crewmates. Does it really count as third party when it's readily available from a first-party source? That's what makes it feel grey area to me. If it was some random program from whatever website sure, that's black and white, but would Rare, who is owned by Microsoft, have the authority to say what Microsoft-approved software/product we are/aren't allowed to use while playing one of their games?

    That's like walking into a McDonald's with a company-approved fork and the store manager says you're not allowed to use that per store policy. It's weird.

  • @nex-stargaze said in gamebar widgets crosshair:

    That's like walking into a McDonald's with a company-approved fork and the store manager says you're not allowed to use that per store policy. It's weird.

    That's a horrendous analogy lol.

    It's more like buying a mouse or keyboard that might be Microsoft made, using microsoft M & K centre to assign and use macros, and claim it's legit because it's first party Microsoft software and hardware... and we know it isn't. You'd still get banned

  • I didn't even know this existed. That's sad. It's not that hard to visualize the center of your screen.

    I knew an Xbox player once who clear taped a crosshair to their screen... while I agree with @tre-oni I don't think anyone would ever get banned from this.

  • @personalc0ffee It's also a very common gaming monitor feature. People can just turn it on from the monitors settings, regardless of the platform...

  • Yes. Functionality approved directly by Microsoft is obviously allowed.

  • @grumpyw01f said in gamebar widgets crosshair:

    I knew an Xbox player once who clear taped a crosshair to their screen... while I agree with @tre-oni I don't think anyone would ever get banned from this.

    Tape, no.

    An overlay.. doubtful. Never know though

  • @jumli7 said in gamebar widgets crosshair:

    @personalc0ffee It's also a very common gaming monitor feature. People can just turn it on from the monitors settings, regardless of the platform...

    That may be so but it is still not allowed.

    I have I can enable on my monitor, it's frankly awful and ugly but I never use it so w/e.

    Point is, just because you can, DOES NOT mean you should.

    Clarification: Use of crosshairs and macros is considered cheating. That doesn't mean people care or listen. You should and you should not use them because yes you can get in trouble for it.

    It is against the rules of the game. That should be enough.

  • Regardless if it already comes with the computer or not, it's still a 3rd party program and it strongly against the rules and may result in moderator action against your account.

    Because it's against the rules, there is no use in continuing this discussion, so I'm going to drop the anchor here.

    Have a good evening and may the seas be in your favor.

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