What's your best experience on SOT?

  • Please share your stories from the seas, let's come together!
    My best experience was coming back after all these years seeing this community thriving.
    The discord filled with eager pirates, the game filled with old and new pirates!

    It is truly a moment I will hold on to! So what's your most memorable adventure moment in SoT?

    Yarrr!!! StoutOdin809

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  • Tum Tum:

    I joined an open crew and a kid was by himself at a shipwreck and he said something in a way and in a voice I'll never forget, "please don't leave" I think about that moment and how it impacted me a lot. It causes me to further pursue a goal of trying to understand how others might be feeling in a moment and how my actions will have an impact on their moment.
    I sailed with the kid I called Tum Tum for a few hours and stole a FotD with him after the other ship became hostile.
    By the end of the session he was making fun of me for being old asked me if there were inhalers around in the 1920s when I was a kid.


    Open crew brig I met this gentleman named Jacob. I know this because all he did the entire time was tell me his name was Jacob and that he loved me and that I was his best friend. Sailed with him a few hours. On my best day I'm not half as bright as he is for the environment around him.

    Mr. Peaceful:

    Open crew brig I met a guy from China. I enjoy playing with people from other parts of the world and it's fascinating to me to interact with others when we don't share a language. I was helping him work on something for merchant when a galleon attacked. Another moment I won't lose in the fog of my mind is how he reacted to the cannons hitting the hull. He typed what translated into pleas for peace, he ran below and just stood on the bed waiting for the end to come. I've long been a fight those that want to fight kind of pirate and that moment solidified the confidence I had about that style being compatible for me. I keep that image in my head when I make decisions on the sea.
    I was able to survive the galleon attack, got repaired, got his manifest sold and the galleon was dealt with.
    We sailed for a while after.

    I've been out there a long time. A lot of moments have happened that were and remain memorable. Moments that help me to help myself learn and grow. Moments that have helped me become more consistently patient and understanding. I'm more comfortable solo but from time to time I venture out to experience short term interactions with others, I've been fortunate in finding experiences that were pleasantly memorable.

  • I decided to dig up other pirates treasures today. And bury some of my own. I passed two non hostile sloops, and received a message from both asking if I wanted to join their alliance. I decided why not. We ended up having a 4 ship alliance with those two sloops working together, and me and the other crew doing our own thing. I usually only play for 2 to 2 1/2 hours per session, but ended up playing over 6 hrs this time. This was the first time that I could just play the game and not be on the lookout so much. I felt comfortable enough to try a shrine and a new fort without worries. Don’t read me wrong. Im not pushing for separate servers. It just felt good today.

  • "To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women"

  • I had walked away from SOT for a while and came back in about 3 weeks ago. I don't know what has changed but my crew and I seem to be having a much more enjoyable time. I'm loving the new Phantom Fortresses and commendations to go after. My crew and I have also come across more friendly crews and most just don't even bother coming near us. The random encounters of the Meg and Kraken have also been few and far between. Not sure how long our good fortune will last but I'm enjoying it as much as I can.

  • Making and breaking the alliance of doom.

    As we usually do, my discord clan was running a dual-galley alliance on a server.
    As we were still gathering supplies, our sister ship got sunk by a brig in spawn.
    We all chased after it, and as we were closing in, a reaper brig started going after that brig as well.

    At that point the original brig told us over their megaphone that they attacked our sister ship because they mistook them for the reaper and they didn't want to fight.

    So all 4 of us anchored, talked, and eventually decided to form a 4-ship mega alliance.
    The gallies would do legend of the veil and the brigs would do the FotD.

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    Initially we were planning to steal the FotD, but it took them so long to get it up that we finished legend of the veil, did a FoF, and as we were loading that up they finally brought the FotD up.
    It was getting too late for a few of our people, so they logged off.
    We decided that instead of a proper attacks we were just going to do a meme strat, and rowboat all the way from Sanctuary to tuck on the fort.
    On the way we picked up a third rowboat and a keg from an island.

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    The plan was that one of our guys would swim over, keg one of the brigs to cause a distraction, and the rest of us would grab some loot, load the rowboats, and we would scatter in different directions.
    We also overheard the brig crews mention they were piling all of their kegs in the middle of the island.

    So we sunk on brig with the keg, went in to steal, but couldn't find where they moved most of the loot.
    One of our guys grabbed an Athena keg to rush the other brig, but he got shot on the way and they detonated the stash.

    I started getting away with a chest in a rowboat but got sniped.
    Ultimately we didn't get anything but it was still funny.

  • oh, also this over the past weekend

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    I just hope someone was watching us on the map at that moment

  • @scheneighnay

    That absolute cackle 🤣

    The random weird glitches are definitely a fave.

    I like when I'm playing with my kids. The Legend and The Troll.

    Me and The Legend duo sloop. Max efficiency from both of us. Sometimes he gets ballsy and will go off and either sink or ally some random ship that was getting too close.

    The Troll... well. We pocket the blunderbombs quickly around him.

    But sometimes we brig and do vaults (and the Troll is in a cooperative mood) together 🥰 and it is amazing 👏. We've cleaned out Gold tier vaults in less than 2 minutes. We were at one of the easy load vaults and we had all but a few trinkets on the ship before the Vault closed.

    I wish I could get my daughter into running gally with us but SoT ain't their thang...

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