Distance sailed question

  • This is a post for help. I just found I cann't see my sailed diatance recently. And my game is a steam version. Can anyone help?

  • questionscreenshot
  • @potatomashey You can see the distance navigated here at this link. In the game it is possible to see in the decorations of each company.

  • @targasbr Yeah,I know that bro. The question is my distance is not shown. It shows'-m'.

  • @potatomashey said in Distance sailed question:

    @targasbr Yeah,I know that bro. The question is my distance is not shown. It shows'-m'.

    Literally "-m"? Could you send me a print please? I'm very curious, but I believe it is a bug.

  • My Distance Sailed is broken, so it wouldn't surprise me if yours is broken and if you're a new player there is simply no value and it's just showing "-m".

    I've been at 7,917,207m for close to 2 years now. I have a closed ticket from April 19, 2021 telling me they were investigating it.

  • @targasbr Sure, and I am not a new player :(
    alt text

  • @potatomashey I can not see the piture

  • @potatomashey You cannot embed photos directly out of your GMail account... only you have permission to see them.

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