Sea of thieves stories

  • So I'm in the process of writing a book about the adventures of my character and I'm kind of confused on where I would post it for the sot community to see. Any ideas? Creator crew? Tavern tales? Just generally confused

  • tavern tales would be a good starting spot

    you can always branch out after that if it becomes something bigger

  • @wolfmanbush thank u. Cause I'm like 10 pages into this thing and realized I didn't know where to put it

  • Ok with in game ability to sit you should recorded your character sitting at the tavern telling your tales

  • @poisnclawttv said in Sea of thieves stories:

    @wolfmanbush thank u. Cause I'm like 10 pages into this thing and realized I didn't know where to put it

    Tavern tales can be like a piratical blog spot when you can put your story and screenshots/clips

    Personally what I do have a blend of words and messages with pics but leave a lot of areas for people to tell the rest of the story themselves if they want to

    Kind of like a tall tale in the game. Not always clear and lots of room for interpretation by the reader

    Like the movie big fish. Real enough to surprise with authenticity but still a fantasy adventure

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