Stupid spawn

  • I love how whenever I say my opinion on the game everyone downs me for it, but yet I spawn in on a sloop just to get screwed over cause another sloop is camping the outpost and I instantly get killed. But oh yeah there’s nothing wrong with the game alright. I have no time to react when I JUST SPAWN IN.. thanks to the game spawning me at someone who’s sitting and camping waiting for people

  • xbox onegeneral
  • You just spawned in, just leave and join a different server.

    The game tries to spawn you at outposts without any ships nearby, but it can mess up sometimes.

  • @stormz1255 as @AribAlam just spawned in, so nothing lost, not even lost time in that case...just start on another server
    Also, outpost campers are a very very rare thing...I saw one so far, and I play since release, so over 3 years

  • To echo what others have said, this is EXTREMELY rare. I must have hopped 20 times to do a few merchant lost cargo and commodity loops in 2 hours this afternoon. (Need to spawn on galleon’s grave or dagger tooth). Not once was someone waiting for me. Hell I can’t even remember this ever occurring to me over my entire history. The random merges right on top of another ship are way more likely given my history.

  • @schwammlgott 2 for me so far! And I've been sailing since the alpha!

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