Seasonal Content Update Suggestions & Feedback

  • Ahoy!
    We've been 3 days into season 2 and so far I love the features, but they don't feel like they hold my attention. I understand we aren't getting "full/huge" updates due to Covid-19 as well, these are just suggestions for future seasons & content updates.

    Plunder Pass:
    The plunder pass is a great idea for the game. It's something to work towards each update and provides a good delivery for new items. Saying that I feel like there isn't enough in the actual paid portion of the plunder pass. As an active player that probably spends too much $$$ in the emporium supporting Rare, what do I get from my $10 in the plunder pass? I get 5 new items with the other half being 250 ancient coin and stuff I've owned for months. Th pass as well seems like it goes by too quickly without even focusing trials. Currently I only have 21 trials complete and am already tier 100 in the first 3 days without even focusing the pass, all I have to hold my attention until season 3 is the FoF & the new merchant trade routes. So my suggestions for season 2 are just more content for the paid portion, full item sets, slower progression, & maybe a theme that matches the content within the seasonal update.

    World Event (FoF):
    The Fort of Fortune is a fun addition for PvP and makes for great steals and decent gold. It just feels too similar to every else we've been doing since FotD. I've fought every ashen lord, I've slain the fort lords time after time, athenas chests have become worthless to people who have hit 20 in athenas & have all the commendations finished with the chest. To new players this is a great addition! Easy way to get those athena commendations & crank out the skeleton lord kills! But for veteran players I feel like the fort just falls flat. If I were to tweak the FoF I would want a new end of fort boss, some sort of new and exciting piece of loot exclusive to the fort, & maybe even small things like the skeletons in the towers shooting cursed cannonballs just to add that extra challenge to this special event.

    Merchant Commodities:
    Love these to death, would not make any changes except for fixing the bug where I dont get to pull all 8 crates from the merchant.

    As a day 1 player who plays more actively than a casual player I fully understand I see things in the game through a completely different lens. I'm just here to suggest things that could be added to help keep some players attention through the season. Even something as small as say for example the mermaid statues, could change the way we play the game. New islands and regions are a far fetched idea that I dont see happening unless SoT is redone to run on the series X & pc exclusively due to hardware limitations from the xbox one. If you have any ideas or comments please feel free to leave them below whether you're a newer player or an OG! I really want to hear peoples feedback and perspectives on these updates!

  • communitywindows 10feedbackgeneral
  • It feels like they increased the rate of the pass from the last season.
    I did the new fort once and got from level 5 to level 25.
    It could be the same rate as in the last season, in my opinion.

  • I agree! The season is flying by too quickly by far, maybe having a prestige system for more dedicated players to progress through might be a good idea. Throw a decent title at the end of it, I like the feeling of progression, I don't like only getting it for a week every three months.

    I love the new merchant commodities as well! It gives you a good risk reward factor and I feel like I have something to really protect and a reason to hunt other merchants while on on my trade route!

    The cosmetic rewards for the runs are really cool, I'm glad the company cosmetics are being broken out from the costumes!

  • @peachymilkk said:

    all I have to hold my attention until season 3 is the FoF & the new merchant trade routes.

    Um, what about the Reapers versus the World event, Twitch Drops, the all-new Prime drops, additional cosmetics, and whatever else Rare likely has planned that they haven't yet told us about?

    Oh, and I almost forgot - solving Duke's mystery too. Have you done that yet?

  • @galactic-geek Duke's mystery is interesting but I'm pretty sure it's being slowly slipped into the game each update vs it being something solvable right at the moment.

    Twitch drops & cosmetics are fun but they dont keep me actively involved unless locked behind stuff I need to work towards, like the monacle.

    Reapers vs the World seems fun! I just wish the events added some sort of new game feature to go alongside it.

    Ty for reminding me about Duke though!

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