Fort of the now FURIOUS!

  • Really!?

    I pulled away from a Fort of Fortune we had all to ourselves to go sell what we got after killing the Helmsman for safety precautions and then the lousy SERVER MERGES, despawning the Fort only to activate it miles away for two Reaper emissaries already in place to fight it!? Really, guys!? You just HAD TO MERGE THE FRICKIN' SERVER TO RUIN MY NIGHT!?


    That is such BULL! I'm frickin' furious now.

  • I mean... it sucks but I don't see the point of this post. You were very unlucky, but it's just how it works, and there is nothing Rare can do about it. Merges happen, and if there is nobody close to a world event, it's gone.

  • @cpt-plainview you played it safe, you kept some of the loot.

    If you stayed and risked it all, since no one even bothered coming the whole time, you would have gotten it all...

  • @cpt-plainview said in Fort of the now FURIOUS!:


    I pulled away from a Fort of Fortune we had all to ourselves to go sell what we got after killing the Helmsman for safety precautions and then the lousy SERVER MERGES, despawning the Fort only to activate it miles away for two Reaper emissaries already in place to fight it!? Really, guys!? You just HAD TO MERGE THE FRICKIN' SERVER TO RUIN MY NIGHT!?


    That is such BULL! I'm frickin' furious now.

    The moral of the story is to Risk it all!

    Sell your house, your car, every asset you own. Draw it out the bank.
    Head to the casino.

    Put it all on black.


    Put it all on black again.

    Risk it all just for a laugh.


    On a serious note though.
    Its just one of those things.
    We nees merges. It sucks if you are unlucky but its a necessary evil.

  • lol that sucks but its your own fault for leaving the loot behind

  • The worst part is when this happens when you are actively pvping ships or when a ship is running and it merges you, its really stupid. Used to be that server merges only happened if you were the last ship in the server, and that's fair. Now they just do it all the time moving players around, getting sick of it honestly.

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