It's a g-g-g-ghost!

  • We have ghostly villains and ghostly heroes - but that leaves me with 1 question: Where are my ghostly pets? 🤔


  • @galactic-geek what do you mean by ghostly heroes and villians? is this a new update im to laze to acually see?

  • @rtl-saint said in It's a g-g-g-ghost!:

    @galactic-geek what do you mean by ghostly heroes and villians? is this a new update im to laze to acually see?

    Ghost Flameheart and Ghost Pirate Lord.
    We have people, so where the ghost pets is what he asking.

  • They're in doggo hell.
    Trapped in a room with 1000 vacuum cleaners 😂

  • i still don't get it how death works in this game...
    will we become skellies or ghost when we die?
    ferryman used to not resurrect us... he does that because of some contract.
    but then what happens? and skellies can die even more as they can be ghost skellies as well? How flameheart died as a skelly and why is he a floating head? It drives me crazy

  • alt text

    would go perfect with the santa suit

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