Gender titles

  • I'm a french woman and I noticed all titles are male version (for exemple "Collectionneur"). Is it possible to get woman version of the titles (for exemple Collectionneuse) ?

  • 26
  • ... Why does it matter?

  • @cherry-bomb7456 I second this idea, the majority of English doesn't have gendered words, so it would just be "Collector" or something like that, which can apply to both males and females. Perhaps they could make it so you hover over it and tap x or something to change the gender of the word (assuming the word has a male and female version in the selected language).

  • @kalgert said in Gender titles:

    ... Why does it matter?

    i mean

    if you worked at a resturant would you like to be called waitress or waiter

    its called correct representation

    if i worked at a resturant i'd want to be called waiter to correctly represent my gender as im not female

    by that reasoning calling me waitress wouldn't represent my gender

  • @cherry-bomb7456 said in Gender titles:

    I'm a french woman and I noticed all titles are male version (for exemple "Collectionneur"). Is it possible to get woman version of the titles (for exemple Collectionneuse) ?

    That sounds like a very reasonable request.

  • @jollyolsteamed we don't even use waiter or waitress anymore we use server, but I agree with your direction :). Im a server/bartender.

  • Personally I identify as a House Plant and find it highly offensive that there is no representation for me in this game.

  • @glannigan
    No there is representation for you in this game, they have crates of plants.

  • @jollyolsteamed

    Maybe it works different in french, but generally words are "gender neutral."
    So they represent both.
    Like "firefighter, police officer." It's not "police officer woman."

    But again, perhaps different in french.

  • @kalgert said in Gender titles:

    ... Why does it matter?

    Maybe because its 2020 and time to actually acknowledge females within the world of gaming????

  • @combatxkitty said in Gender titles:

    @kalgert said in Gender titles:

    ... Why does it matter?

    Maybe because its 2020 and time to actually acknowledge females within the world of gaming????

    You took Kalegort’s bait.

  • @ghostpaw Its ok, I enjoy spreading the word.

    Always nice to see you around!

  • Yep, absolutely. Pretty shoddy if whoever does translation and localisation for Rare didn't think of this sooner...

  • @combatxkitty said in Gender titles:

    @kalgert said in Gender titles:

    ... Why does it matter?

    Maybe because its 2020 and time to actually acknowledge females within the world of gaming????

    I fall into the neutral category. Why do we have to specify gender at all? I prefer neutral terms as it doesn't show preference 1 way or the other. Sadly, many languages aren't built that way.

  • @combatxkitty yawn Boring argument, I know females exist in gaming. I've been playing with one for five years now.
    @Ghostpaw I don't see how my reply was "Bait"?

  • @kalgert Boring argument? Has nothing to do with you knowing females exist in gaming. It has to with gaming studios doing more to acknowledge us.

    You can think its boring, I seriously do not care.

  • @galactic-geek said in Gender titles:

    @combatxkitty said in Gender titles:

    @kalgert said in Gender titles:

    ... Why does it matter?

    Maybe because its 2020 and time to actually acknowledge females within the world of gaming????

    I fall into the neutral category. Why do we have to specify gender at all? I prefer neutral terms as it doesn't show preference 1 way or the other. Sadly, many languages aren't built that way.

    I wouldnt mind that, kind of like how a waiter or waitress is a server like someone else said.

    With that said though, you arnt wrong though unfourtantly about other languages not being gender neutral friendly so not sure gender neutral titles would work. I just do not see it happening due to that. Anyways as woman I agree with OP, should have appropriate titles.

  • @combatxkitty Yeah, this is bait. I am not going in to this with you.

  • @kalgert said in Gender titles:

    @combatxkitty Yeah, this is bait. I am not going in to this with you.

    LOL I am baiting ? I saw your comment on another thread about how you get banned from other forums. Now I see why.....

  • You see only what you want to see. Now I shall disembark from this thread because identity politics lead in to dark places.

  • @kalgert Ok , dont let the door hit ya on the way out.

    Sorry saying females need more acknowledgement in gaming offends you so much.

  • It's a reasonable request, we call all agree on this.

  • French, and other languages evolved from Latin are highly gendered. Before you go memeing and saying things to get imaginary internet points, maybe learn how languages work. If you are going to have male and female characters in a game, and then translate that game into a language like French, you need to put both in. It's less about representation (which alot of you seem to be insecure about) and more about linguistics

  • @jaegerdelt said in Gender titles:

    French, and other languages evolved from Latin are highly gendered. Before you go memeing and saying things to get imaginary internet points, maybe learn how languages work. If you are going to have male and female characters in a game, and then translate that game into a language like French, you need to put both in. It's less about representation (which alot of you seem to be insecure about) and more about linguistics

    Finally someone said it. There is too many people in this thread complaining about political issues and gender identity when this has nothing to do with that, its literally just how the languages work. Just wait until these people learn that random words like table and floor are either male or female in many languages (in portuguese, table is female and floor is male).

  • @jaegerdelt said in Gender titles:

    French, and other languages evolved from Latin are highly gendered. Before you go memeing and saying things to get imaginary internet points, maybe learn how languages work. If you are going to have male and female characters in a game, and then translate that game into a language like French, you need to put both in. It's less about representation (which alot of you seem to be insecure about) and more about linguistics

    Thank you! If we are going to properly translate into another language then we need to follow the rules of that language to communicate appropriately. It would be weird and immersion breaking if every pirate in the game were addressed as Mrs. (insert name) in English for some reason. For some languages, a pencil, a table, a lamp, a pond have gender. Asking why another language needs to refer to gender at all is basically wondering why we don’t just change fundamental aspects of someone else’s language. This is not a political movement or something. It is just about accurate translation.

    EDIT: It turns out @doormaat posted basically the same thing just before I did.

  • @doormaat Are people really complaining about it though? I see OP made a post asking for more female geared titles which is totally reasonable. What is the big problem?

    Sure someone brought up gender neutral but I mean even they acknowledged in their post most languages do not work that way.

    Not sure what exactly people are getting worked up over. Maybe I am blind? I just do not see all this complaining and political blah blah blah, I just see people agreeing female titles should be added, even you did.

    Maybe I am just totally missing it. Could be, been a long day.

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