PST1980 - Permission to come aboard...

  • Greetings,

    My name is PST1980. The PST stands for PurpleSweetTart. And yes, I was born in 1980. I just started playing today with GamePass for PC. <pauses to wait for you to stop laughing at the noob> I am a disabled gamer. I have cerebral palsy. I use a power wheelchair and have limited dexterity. I have the XBox Adaptive controller using the Logitech Adaptive Gaming Kit switches. I can use the keyboard a bit. I have push-to-talk disabled, my mic is always live. I'm not doing it to be annoying, I can't push a lot of buttons at once.

    Here's the thing: You can call me every derogatory name in the book - I've already been called the R word today - you can board my ship and shoot me for fun because you think I'm an easy kill, you can doubt my ability, hate on disabled people because you're insecure about yourself, but I'm not going to rage quit. No one is going to stop me from gaming and being myself and having fun. Sure, I suck at being at the helm and people can shoot at me before I shoot them back, but someday I might just get the hang of the cannons or the harpoon gun.
    I've seen blind people play this game, they need help, yes, I need help too. But I'm here and I'm not leaving. I like this game's artwork, sound effects and there's fishing...and who doesn't want to be a pirate? Savvy?
    If you have questions about me, my limitations, abilities, favorite food, color, what I would take with me if I were stranded on an island, please ask.

    See you on the sea!

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  • Hi, welcome. I will guess your favorite color is purple. Ask me how I knew 😌.
    Also. I would like to ask what games you enjoy playing and if you find any to be better suited to the controllers you use? I was looking into adaptive controllers for my brother in law so he can play something with his son.

  • @boomtownboss I also play Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - it's on GamePass - with my controller as I am very good at button mashing from playing in arcades years ago. I am really good at fighting games. I wish there were more on PC.

  • @boomtownboss I have a question, I can mark an island on the map to start a quest but I can't figure out if I'm getting close to the island I need to go to, is there like a path or glowing something or other that you can see to let you know you are close to wear you need to be? I've just been swallowed up by a Kraken. A skeleton came after me when I was in my rowboat. That was a weird experience. I went to shoot at it but I can't tell where I am aiming because there are no crosshairs and I ran out of bullets, how do you get more or reload? I figured out that you can shoot yourself out of a cannon. That was so much fun!

    Oh, and I meant to say that I've only had my controller and switches for a short time and my occupational therapist and I are still trying to figure out the best setup. It's wonderful but lots of switches mean lost of wires so it looks very much like a spider.

  • @pst1980
    The eye of reach has a broken glass - the cracks meet in the middle.

    There is an ammo crate on each ship (and on some islands on fixed locations and also random that can be picked up).
    On the sloop it's below the starboard window on the ground.

    Your ship is on the map as well, you just have to navigate to it. When you get close to an island a message with its name will pop up.

  • @pst1980 this game does not provide any display elements. To traverse the world you will want to use your compass and the table map on the ship. The map shows the ships current location in the world
    You can find an ammo crate on the ship. Above the ammo crate is a weapons box to change weapons.
    If you have not already, on one of the main screens you can choose "Maiden Voyage". This is a tutorial to the game.

  • Dont let anyone to talk you down, i bet that you fight better then one of my crew mates XD
    She cant defend a ladder to save her life but its cool, its just a game and the most important thing is to laugh and have a good time.

    One thing i do want to ask, do you have any suggestion for the accessibility options that you want to see improved?
    Rare did a great job with giving options to players with disabilities but do you find yourself in situations that you think that they could have implement it better?

    Not talking about game changes choices like PvE mode, things that could help you to enjoy the Sea of Thieves experience better.

    See you in the seas!

  • @faceyourdemon Hi, nice to meet you, thanks for the encouraging words. I would like to see Rare put in Navigation points so you can tell where you are supposed to go without having to run to the map table. I am afraid to let go of the wheel to look at the map table because I'm playing solo right now and I don't want the ship to crash while I look at the map. I thought it would have beacons like in the tutorial. You could toggle the beacons on or off depending on your needs. They could even look like the beacons in the tutorial so they wouldn't need to create new assets to do this.
    Also, you could toggle a sound, this could help the visually impaired. In keeping with the sea theme, they could make it sound like a dolphin or a whale or a foghorn.

    Would it be practical to lower the anchor while I go to the map table? Is there another way that I might be able to handle the "I have to go look at the map, please ship, don't crash or run into a Kraken" situation?

    Is there a way to invite kind people to my crew without them being on my friends list? I usually have a closed crew so I don't trigger people who want to hate on accessible gamers.

  • @pst1980
    You can see the map table when you're on the deck with the wheel by looking down between the railing and the canopy.

  • @pst1980 Hey nice to meet you too and yes for your questions

    On a sloop behind the anchor you can see the table map without the need to go downstrais, just look down from where the anchor is.

    I hear you about navigation but my fear and maybe theirs is the immersion that you might lose, the game is trying to be minimal with HUD.
    Adding artificial visual features would hurt the natural feel of navigating the seas, this is why i think they try to avoid visual aid systems.

    More ambient sound like sea life and maybe finally to get to see more would be nice (or even to hunt 😈)dolphins sea turtles and more, the addition of mythical creatures is my first priority.

    You can invite players without adding them through their profiles, there are lots of Discord groups and Xbox groups.

    And on that note you are more then welcome to add me, played the game since early alpha/beta day 1 and i mostly sail with my crew, good people who loves to laugh so if youve got no problem with dark humor you are welcome to sail with us in our journey to slaughter heretics in the name of god XD

  • @FaceYourDemon I get your point about losing immersion and HUD clutter. Right now, I am practicing sailing. I've spent my morning capsizing because I hit a bunch of rocks. I feel like I'm on the Titanic. It says you can scuttle but I can't find the option. I did manage to put wood on a hull leak and bail some water but I went down anyway. I can't figure out how to make the ship go straight after I turn it to avoid a rock and I keep going in circles. I know there is a notch on the wheel that is different from the others and I thought having that one in front of you would keep the ship straight but either I'm doing something wrong or that theory is false.

    Do I add you out of game in the XBox app, I just got GamePass and I'm still learning how everything works. I can send invites to people I already know, like my brother, nut he only plays FIFA and Call of Duty...but I don't know how to add others. I don't see a place to type names.

    I would love to be in your crew if you have room. Thanks for being so nice. I have no problem with dark humor. I curse a lot though from frustration and anxiety. If you don't mind that, count me in.

  • @pst1980 Yeah through the Xbox app, its the same name so you can add me from there.
    And its cool man we all swear like sailors as long as we keep it respectful, ill do my best to show you the ropes.
    Ill probably play tonight, what is your time zone? Here its 18:09 at the moment

  • @pst1980 Ahoy, welcome!

    No one is going to stop me from gaming and being myself and having fun. I'm here and I'm not leaving.

    Nothing disabled about your attitude, your post is like a breath of fresh air, aye!! If you would like someone to help show you the ropes feel free to add me ( PollyOliverPerk ).
    So what would you take with you if you were stranded on an island? :-D
    I hope you have as much fun on the seas as I have, somehow I think you will.
    -Good sailing

  • @PollyOliverPerk Nice to meet you. I'll add you and we can sail together when the rest of my crew is getting 40 winks! We are all on different time zones. Today, I succeeded in crashing into several rocks but was able to repair my ship two separate times before going down. A stunning achievement! And, yes, I'd take you with me on an island. :)

  • @pst1980 Hi hi, got your add, looking forward to sailing with you. I am CST, so let me know when is a good time for you, we'll have you winning those rock battles in no time. :-D

  • @pst1980

    Welcome to the seas.

    Let me start off with, please ignore the rude pirates out there. We all encounter it at some points on our travels and it has really nothing to do with you or your disability. It is on them and their closed minded attitude or their idea it is cool to be mean. Feel free to report them if they really bothered you, verbal abuse isn't tolerated by the devs.

    I saw you had some queries regarding navigation and getting your sea legs. So, lets go into it a bit.

    1. Don't be scared to crash. We all crashed... if you know you are going to smack into something, don't bother anchoring (you can do it to avoid the hit if you want, but if you are going to hit it anyway it really isn't worth it). Take the hit, bucket out the water and repair the damage. When stuck or you are in a position where your ship wants to be a car, raise the sails. (When in doubt, bailing water is quicker than hammering a plank, control the water level before repairing)

    2. If you look ahead and don't see anything... you can let go of the helm. You don't need to hold it consistently unless you are in a storm.

    3. If the kraken comes for you... she will do it regardless of whether you are below deck or not (it is safer to be below deck). pssst she doesn't appear if there is a cloud event in the sky. (She is considered a world event and only appears in deep waters)

    4. Each ship has a position on the deck where you can look down upon the map. On the sloop it is in the back right behind the capstan, just glare over the railing down.

    5. Navigation, the map is cool and all... but try to also learn the outlines of the island themselves. That way you won't need the map in most situations. Also your compass is your main way of ensuring you are going the right way, so take note of what direction you want to be heading when at the map.

    6. Watch the horizon, even when doing activities in the world take your time every so often to find the high ground and do a 360 inspection. It will help you be prepared for when pirates are out on the hunt.

    7. Parking at an island: Raise the sails, Raise (don't lower) the anchor before leaving the ship. This will allow you to be able to quickly get moving by simply lowering the sails. Facing open waters is recommended, I usually like to be facing left/right compared to the island so one harpoon could still pick up items.

    8. If you like wearing a sword, learn the lunge into water (block+lunge+jump, if that works for you else normal lunges work while being a bit more restrictive) it will speed up and help getting to and from your ship as it significantly increases the distance you travel.

    9. The easiest way to deal with boarders is by ambushing them at the top of the ladder with a bunderbuss. Listen for the splash when they pop up from the water.

    10. Scuttle if you are being spawn camped and don't feel like trying to return to the ship to fight. There is no need to be stuck in an endless loop of death.

    Hope these basic tips help you out. Don't be scared to find a crew, there are many communities that would take you in and sail with you. Enjoy and happy sailing.

  • @cotu42 Hi, so nice to meet you and thank you for those tips, especially the one about not having to lower the anchor all the time.

    I finally managed to get to the Isle of Lost Words today and was greeted and killed by several skeletons who promptly shot me with blunderbusses. Thank God I didn't have to start back at the Tavern once I was near the island every time I died, I probably would have given up had it not been for that. Is that true for every quest or just the first Gold Hoarders one? I'm a horrible shot but I'm getting better with the cutlass. Is there a way to slash quickly or do you always have to hold the left mouse button down and release to have it lunge at them?

  • @pst1980

    Skeletons will always appear at islands even without a voyage, based upon your voyage they might be a bit more tanky later down the line. Focus on those with guns and/or use the others to block shots for you (they don't hurt each other, but it does stop the shot from hitting you).

    Just click instead of hold, will do a swing instead of a lunge. You can combo up to 3 swings on a successful hit.

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