Reaper's Beacons look terrible through the FotD

  • Is it just me? I don't think golden beams of light piercing through the skies fit the overall æsthetics of the Fort of the Damned, which is supposed to be this spooky, halloweeny place. I think they should remain hidden until the fort is cleared and the vault opened, at least. I don't like the fact that the beacons stay active all the time, actually, I don't get why Rare felt the need to change that. Chest beacons are for Arena.

  • @bobbcane you mean the reaper chests and bountys have a beacon in the FotD? Sounds like a bug to that beacon is just there when these chests spawn regularly in a shipwreck

  • @schwammlgott Unbelievably they are actually meant to be there. It's not a bug. I guess Rare thought a giant skeleton head with glowing red eyes wasn't enough of a sign the fort was being done. You can even look on the map and see the chest at FotD after it was activated. I agree with @BobbCane it's pointless and does break the immersion more.

  • @schwammlgott Since wednesday's update, the beacons are now permanent, like the Sea Dog Chests in Arena.

  • It's in patch notes. It's how it was when FOTD was under testing in Insiders a year ago and the beacons were removed because of the same reason.

    I don't understand why they've been added now...

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