Free stuff for new players? hello?

  • Why are you giving new players free store stuff for $ 40? (collector's soulflame ship set, skeleton alastian and 550 coins) why older players can't get it for free or give these things as a reward for e.g. a challenge, but it annoys me that old things, e.g. Drum of the deep, returned and everyone could get them and this was one of the "limited" items that were added at the first event (I think).

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  • bruh, I recommend to uninstall this game lol

  • @iksdeeeee i think i'll do it. pozdro awi

  • Bc Rare is desperate to keep this game alive. Won't surprise me if the game dies in less than a year.

  • Seems legit. After all, they got to make money and if it takes giving out items to new players to show them what they are in store for. So be it.

    Next we’re gonna have....Season pass....

  • @szymix23 probably because they have missed out on plenty other things.
    Youre free to buy another copy of the game mate

  • @szymix23 that explains why I just solo sank a gally and sloop alliance rocking that cosmetic.

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