"Special offer" by RARE

  • Hi all!!! The description of the game states that if you buy it from October 28 to November 3, then I will receive a new ship skin and a skin for a dog, ok, I bought this game now on October 29 and I don't see anything in the list of my Steam collections. How it works?
    There is description :

  • @eblanito yeah that deal is for the Microsoft store. Did you follow the link in the announcement?

  • @captain-coel announcement? I read this in the description for this game in the Steam store and then just bought this game. What link do you mean?

  • @eblanito Ahoy matey!

    If you have checked your cosmetic chests and are not seeing the items in there, I would give it 24 hours for the servers to catch up with the masses of pirates playing on update day, and then if you haven't received your bonuses by then submit a support ticket using the link below.

    Contact Support

  • I have one more question on this topic: this offer is intended only for new players who bought this game for the first time or is this offer available to everyone, including those who have this game on other platforms (for example, Steam and Microsoft store) ???

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