
  • Hi, Daily player here, Please could you increase spawn rates of Megs please. I feel like they have decreased a lot since they were introduced. Thanks

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  • @lorrainethepain it's just rng...sometimes I have just one in a 5-8 hour session, sometimes every 30 minutes one spawns...
    So I don't feel any difference since they were introduced

  • @lorrainethepain said in Megs!:

    Hi, Daily player here, Please could you increase spawn rates of Megs please. I feel like they have decreased a lot since they were introduced. Thanks

    @lorrainethepain said in Megs!:

    Hi, Daily player here, Please could you increase spawn rates of Megs please. I feel like they have decreased a lot since they were introduced. Thanks

    I don't think so because the lie you can never get I encounter megs all the time

  • alt text

    they aren't too rare

    people hop servers too often and don't sail enough to enjoy their frequent spawns

  • It needs to spawn less if anything, its super annoying as its been popping up lately when im trying to attack someone and just goes after me. as a solo slooper, I dont have time to pay attention to a meg and another ship. I can do one or the other.

    They dont need to up any spawn rates so commendation farmers can have an easier time lol.

  • Not sure if this helps but megs will only spawn in squares that don't have an island in them. if your hunting megs go to the south of the roar and just sail around. nobody goes there and you can get megs, skeleton ships, and krakens.
    I heard this from a Youtube personality about how they spawn and after testing for 6 months can confirm. they will follow you to squares with islands but not spawn in them.

  • I have taken down over 1000 megs, The shrouded is the last commendation on adventure I need, I have done nothing but sail around the past few weeks and one spawns maybe after 3 to 4 hours. I used to get one more or less every hour. I have probably done shores of gold about 25 times now to spawn one in but recently it isn't 100% guaranteed to get one.

  • @elderterdkin A easier time?
    Megs are easy to get them to despawn. problem solved.

  • @closinghare208 I didn't say I never got them, I said I get them less frequent.

  • @elderterdkin sagte in Megs!:

    It needs to spawn less if anything, its super annoying as its been popping up lately when im trying to attack someone and just goes after me. as a solo slooper, I dont have time to pay attention to a meg and another ship. I can do one or the other.

    They dont need to up any spawn rates so commendation farmers can have an easier time lol.

    For a sloop it's no problem at all, as long as you don't shoot them they disappear after one or two minutes without attacking you, not always, but about 90% of the time

  • @schwammlgott thats what i had hoped as well but last time i was firing cannons on someone, out of no where my ship gets smacked real hard and then i notice a meg circling. so it was the aggressive one that spawned or it will attack you if you fire your cannons for any reason.

    Either way badluck for me but lately it seems like they have been getting aggressive.

  • @lorrainethepain said in Megs!:

    @closinghare208 I didn't say I never got them, I said I get them less frequent.

    ok then

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