Problem with skeleton fort bosses in Lost Gold Fort

  • Me and two of my friends were completing a skeleton fort in Lost Gold Fort, as one of them is completely new to the game this was a pretty big thing. But then, as we were fighting The Duchess, she teleported under a platform in which she couldn't get out and we couldn't get in, we waited, dealed damage and when we decided to finally kill her, the skull and the key dropped inside there, and not even with a harpoon we were able to retrieve it.
    At the end of the day this friend was disappointed for paying so much go get to this...

  • fortsbugs
  • It happens from time to time

    First time i ever did FOTD I solo'd it and it felt like it took me about 38 years to complete and I got the bug where you open the vault and there is no loot.

    I've also had a few keys stuck in a spot i couldn't grab it.

    That kinda stuff happens in games it's not super common I've done hundreds and it's only happened 2 or 3 times so although I understand the frustration don't let it cause you to abandon ship

  • @wolfmanbush Oh man, that sucks!
    But hope you could retrieve it in some way brother! Peace.

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