Use doubloons to dig up useful items.

  • We already have time saver voyages to get things at Outposts for doubloons. Things such as ritual skills, ashen chests and so on.

    I propose a little extension to this, adding a few more items you can unearth to save a little time.

    They would be...

    1. Empty Rowboat (Dig it up and push to sea)

    2. Empty storage crate

    3. Normal empty chest.

    These items are really easy to find just sailing around so paying doubloons to get them doesn't imbalance anything, it simply makes things more convenient and actually makes doubloons a currency you would use instead of just purely cosmetic things.

    You still must go and gather resources and so on. A rich player won't have an infinite head start over anybody else, as doubloons are easy to come be and the items themselves can be found pretty easily.

    It's simply a more practical time saver similar to the current voyages on offer now.

    Can't see it doing much harm although no doubt I expect some would take issue with this.

  • @daringclarky said in Use doubloons to dig up useful items.:

    We already have time saver voyages to get things at Outposts for doubloons. Things such as ritual skills, ashen chests and so on.

    I propose a little extension to this, adding a few more items you can unearth to save a little time.

    They would be...

    1. Empty Rowboat (Dig it up and push to sea)

    2. Empty storage crate

    3. Normal empty chest.

    These items are really easy to find just sailing around so paying doubloons to get them doesn't imbalance anything, it simply makes things more convenient and actually makes doubloons a currency you would use instead of just purely cosmetic things.

    You still must go and gather resources and so on. A rich player won't have an infinite head start over anybody else, as doubloons are easy to come be and the items themselves can be found pretty easily.

    It's simply a more practical time saver similar to the current voyages on offer now.

    Can't see it doing much harm although no doubt I expect some would take issue with this.

    I like the rowboat the way it is now because it has stuff in it howbout you can dig up the rowboat but with supplies in it because I think that would be better and the other two are good ideas and howbout for the openable chests there should be five you can dig up

  • Liking this idea a lot. Also I'm back

  • No, as it's still pay to win. Besides, what would stop rich pirates from byassing all of their predefined barrel placements with multiple storage crates at the places of their choosing?

  • @galactic-geek How is it pay to win if you don't spend real money on it? It just becomes play to win, which I'm fine with. Besides, the advantages are so miniscule that they hardly make a difference. Not enough of a difference to win a fight at least.

  • @mferr11 Enough of a difference? I have discussed this before - picture a storage crate of cannonballs next to every cannon (faster reloads), next to every potential hole filled with wooden planks (faster repairs), or strategically placed throughout the ship with food (faster healing). It speeds things up very unfairly, and is easy to do if paid for by those with millions. Furthermore, if we could do this with ammo crates, for example (or other sellable storage item), it essentially allows for a transfer of funds. Pirate 1 with millions buys a bunch of ammo boxes, then leaves the game - his penniless crewmate new to the game then sells them for a lot more than he's accustomed to, without having to ever actually play the game.

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