Are people cheating? Is this ever going to be resolved?

  • So I've gotten thousands of hours in this game, sunk hundreds of player ships, achieved legendary sea dog and legend of sea of thieves, I've solo'd no less than 30 fleets with a broken arm and won sloop arena matches solo against worthy crews, I've stolen some of the rarest items in the game using stealth, recon and cunning, but I feel like I'm still a complete noob when I see ships and players pulling off some of the things I'm about to describe. I've searched every forum and guide on the internet and watched hundreds of hours of the best streamers in the world and I don't have a clue or explanation besides cheating for what I'm experiencing and at this point I can't even be mad at these players, because the official sea of thieves channels seem to be completely oblivious to these things too, I've seen no streamer or youtuber mention them and I'm at a complete loss where to turn.

    Double gunning: is this just forever part of the game or is it cheating to shoot both of your guns at a single moment in time appearing as a single shot? I can't even believe this is lag as I have a great connection, and experience little to no other anomalies in player movements or behaviors besides this increasingly frequent occurrence. Joe Neate told me himself this is not how the game is supposed to be played and has attempted multiple times to fix this, but it seems to be getting worse where I now clearly see these people shooting two projectiles as one singular instant kill shot. How are they achieving this and is it cheating? I've seen guides explain a quicker way to swap weapons and frankly it seems unsportsmanlike, but to shoot both shots instantly seems completely bogus imho.

    Mast recovery without falling: I know how to repair a ship, frankly I can tend to my vessel with my eyes closed using sound alone, so I feel totally dumb googling this for hours only to be met with "beginners guides" but frequently, I will hit an enemy mast with a chain shot, and have clear confirmation of the hit, and the enemy crew is able to catch their mast before it even drops more than a few inches, and sometimes when I can see clearly that only one person is on the ship. But I have tried this countless times, sometimes I'm in the perfect position and on those ropes immediately, and I've never been able to achieve the speed I've seen others pull off, it's kinda triggering to repeatedly nail a ships masts bullseye after bullseye and they hardly even slow down a beat. When I get my masts hit and it's a totally different story, how are they pulling this off? Is there a way to bypass animations like so many other things in this game through an exploit?

    Ships unexplainably going faster in seemingly worse wind conditions. Now fyi about me, I have 20/15 vision. I can tell when another crew has their sails off, I know when dummy sails (centered against the wind) are ideal and the exact moment to turn them, I know what speeds each ship travels and I am frequently chasing a ship that seems to be going faster than the game logic should dictate. But all too often it seems when I'm tailing a ship (when I should have advantage seeing their movements ahead and adjusting instantly) they gain distance, even ships that appear unaware of basic sail speeds, meanwhile when I'm being chased, even by the same sized ship, I seem to do everything right according to all the guides and I'll successfulness anchor them multiple times, kill 3/4 their crew singlehandedly and yet they eventually close distance on me when it appears they are significantly slower at adjusting their sails. I watch closely at their flags to see if their wind is different or something, but I'm baffled by how little I seem to understand the game logic apparently after having 90% of the achievements done in the game and staying as active as anyone (I've been top of the emmisary leaderboards every month since they've come out and these things make me feel like I don't know anything and how is someone supposed to learn when the advanced information seems unavailable from official sources and and the basic information from tutorials and youtube guides seems obsolete compared to what a portion of the player base is capable of.

    This is all not to mention uncannily lucky snipes and cannon shots that seem almost completely impossible and ambushes that feel like some players had access to information on ship locations and loot on a server. Where can someone go to learn about what cheating is going on in this game, ultra-aadvanced technique like beyond perfect chasing strategy, instant mast repair and double attacking in a single strike. Players should know what they're up against, especially the most vigilant and studious should be able to find this information on what exploits are happening and how to defend ourselves from them. Does anyone have any anecdotes of these situations occuring for you? Any knowledge on where people can go who are experiencing these frustrating conundrums to learn more about how things work in this game? For example one interesting tip I know is that because players/ cannons movement is locked to their ship until they collide with another surface an interesting thing to pay attention to is for example when you jump off your ship as it crashes into another object, the rocking of the ship will cause you to rock as if you were attached to it in mid air like you were bound to it's gravity in orbit, so account for the crashes in your jumps or plan to land before the ship impacts (my example of an advanced trick I find very helpful for boarding ships/turning in arena chests)

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  • I, Like you have played a lot and have seen all these things but I don't assume any are cheating.

    I know going into every battle that there are plenty of people that are more skilled than me, I know there are many bugs and glitches that make things seem like something they aren't, and that at any time I can get taken out by both skill and complete luck by someone spamming with their sword.

    Double gunning - I play less arena so I can't say much there but in adventure it's pretty rare that someone actually does it with wild accuracy. I see people TRYING to do it but the interactions with those that are experts are limited. Some people play better than me and that's what I consider it.

    The mast recovery thing I don't even see how this is an issue. Mast gets hit mast they grab the rope pull it up and throw a repair down I don't see the big deal. On a sloop it's real easy. Some people/teams are efficient with their crucial moments. Good.

    There are people that are good at sailing it's as simple as that. They understand how the game works (whether it makes sense in reality or not) they adapt to the mechanics of the game and perform well

    You lost fights. I lose them all the time. A large majority are not cheating they are skilled alone and/or have a very competent and coordinated team.

    It's pretty obvious to see that skilled players are not cheating because all of their skills line up. They are skilled at sailing, boarding, shooting, tucking, etc etc. There isn't a cheat that just magically makes you good in all areas. They are just skilled.

  • I'm almost certain this is due to lag.

    I've seen other evidences that the "client side" has a vastly different experience from what the server is actually registering.

    Vastly in computer terms, somewhat ordinary in human terms.

    To the player double gunning you, he sees his first gun fire, then switch to second gun.

    To you you see both happen at same time.

    To server, it registers whatever it registers.

    Not the most optimized, but it's not so game-breaking that people have demanded it be fixed.

    I've identified an issue with the sword-slashing "stun effect" on the client side of the person receiving the stun.

    There's no animation. So you go around thinking you weren't hit.

  • I've heard about actual cheats:
    where you can see everybody on the map,
    you can see where people will respawn after death, even before they respawned
    where all loot is across the map
    what items are in people's inventories
    what weapons they are holding
    how much hp people have

    Have I ever encountered a cheater? Yes I believe so. Most times I get sunk is because people are better at PVP... Some times you're just unlucky... but sometimes things get very suspicious... double gunning ( I don't believe a barnacle this is because of lag )... very glitchy laggy movement, making you not able to hit others, but they can hit you every time... Hitting people 2-3 times with a blunderbuss from nearby, not seeing them eat and they still are not dead...

    Recent events made me start recording my gameplay, so I can actually start getting some proof. Also the rise of very toxic players over chat + speech is getting rather frustrating, so getting some actual proof for that would help banning them ^^

    @Ziggybitz024 I feel you. Sometimes it's just getting to obvious people not playing fair.

    1. Never encountered someone shooting so fast. Maybe it's possible by switching quickly or maybe they're using some key-bindings. Anyhow, it doesn't seem to be very prevalent and I wouldn't think much of it.

    2. I've had my mast broken plenty of times and as soon as I hear the cracking, I run to it and grab it, never failed me. As the mast gets broken, the sails are automatically raised. If you grab the mast as it falls, you'll need to raise the sails yourself. If the sails are not raised as you let go of the mast, it'll start falling again.

    3.Idk about that, I feel like Rare should be more clear about whether it's better to use dummy sails or turn them to one side when sailing against wind. Other than that, I've never felt that way.

    1. As you said, those are lucky snipes and cannon shots, no point dwelling on it.

    Regarding the tips/tricks, I think that if you can't find anything about it on google/youtube then just let it go.

    Hope that helps

  • @1 I always thought those are key macros .. simply program key presses (shoot, change weapon, shoot again) in least possible time intervals. There are keyboard/mouse hardware options natively supporting these. I didn't try it myself though.

    @2 You can expect your mast falling, or hear it soon enough to "catch it". I often half raise sails on encounters in sloop to get extra maneuverability and time during drive-byes to shoot multiple times and it also helps when your mast is hit. I've caught the mast plenty of times - no hacks there.

    @3 I experience that as well, however I think it might be waves affecting each ship in a little bit different way, especially depending on wind and sailing direction. Bu that is my hypothesis.

    Regarding tricks .. I don't know if it is a common knowledge, a feature, or a bug, but I noticed you normally get slowed down while performing sword-dash attack. This slow-down does not occur if you hold parry before that, allowing fast movement during sword-dash attack.

  • I’ve experienced double gunning a couple of days ago too, it’s really weird.

  • Just double gun lol

  • @ziggybitz024

    They all lack the critical information pepelaugh.

  • @ziggybitz024 said in Are people cheating? Is this ever going to be resolved?:

    Mast recovery without falling: I know how to repair a ship, frankly I can tend to my vessel with my eyes closed using sound alone, so I feel totally dumb googling this for hours only to be met with "beginners guides" but frequently, I will hit an enemy mast with a chain shot, and have clear confirmation of the hit, and the enemy crew is able to catch their mast before it even drops more than a few inches, and sometimes when I can see clearly that only one person is on the ship. But I have tried this countless times, sometimes I'm in the perfect position and on those ropes immediately, and I've never been able to achieve the speed I've seen others pull off, it's kinda triggering to repeatedly nail a ships masts bullseye after bullseye and they hardly even slow down a beat. When I get my masts hit and it's a totally different story, how are they pulling this off? Is there a way to bypass animations like so many other things in this game through an exploit?

    On this point alone - whenever I'm on the wheel and I see a chainshot comming, I switch to the sails just in case it hits. If it does, I grab the mast before it even moves and run down to put one plank in to get a move on and fix the rest later. Yesterday I managed to grab a falling mast, kill a boarder and grab the anchor before it dropped, so it's entirely possible, you just need to plan ahead a bit.

  • I don’t know why anyone would want to cheat in a silly cartoony Pirate game with no stats but I’m sure they do.

    I will say this, since I applying the XBOX Only and Controller only Filter I have not run into one situation where someone has “God Moded” my ship and crew.

    When cross play first hit and we were all playing together me and my crew were getting rolled 1-2 times a week without even hurting the attacker.

    Whatever the issue was it’s been fixed.

  • @ziggybitz024 said in Are people cheating? Is this ever going to be resolved?:

    So I've gotten thousands of hours in this game, sunk hundreds of player ships, achieved legendary sea dog and legend of sea of thieves, I've solo'd no less than 30 fleets with a broken arm and won sloop arena matches solo against worthy crews, I've stolen some of the rarest items in the game using stealth, recon and cunning, but I feel like I'm still a complete noob when I see ships and players pulling off some of the things I'm about to describe. I've searched every forum and guide on the internet and watched hundreds of hours of the best streamers in the world and I don't have a clue or explanation besides cheating for what I'm experiencing and at this point I can't even be mad at these players, because the official sea of thieves channels seem to be completely oblivious to these things too, I've seen no streamer or youtuber mention them and I'm at a complete loss where to turn.

    Double gunning: is this just forever part of the game or is it cheating to shoot both of your guns at a single moment in time appearing as a single shot? I can't even believe this is lag as I have a great connection, and experience little to no other anomalies in player movements or behaviors besides this increasingly frequent occurrence. Joe Neate told me himself this is not how the game is supposed to be played and has attempted multiple times to fix this, but it seems to be getting worse where I now clearly see these people shooting two projectiles as one singular instant kill shot. How are they achieving this and is it cheating? I've seen guides explain a quicker way to swap weapons and frankly it seems unsportsmanlike, but to shoot both shots instantly seems completely bogus imho.

    Mast recovery without falling: I know how to repair a ship, frankly I can tend to my vessel with my eyes closed using sound alone, so I feel totally dumb googling this for hours only to be met with "beginners guides" but frequently, I will hit an enemy mast with a chain shot, and have clear confirmation of the hit, and the enemy crew is able to catch their mast before it even drops more than a few inches, and sometimes when I can see clearly that only one person is on the ship. But I have tried this countless times, sometimes I'm in the perfect position and on those ropes immediately, and I've never been able to achieve the speed I've seen others pull off, it's kinda triggering to repeatedly nail a ships masts bullseye after bullseye and they hardly even slow down a beat. When I get my masts hit and it's a totally different story, how are they pulling this off? Is there a way to bypass animations like so many other things in this game through an exploit?

    Ships unexplainably going faster in seemingly worse wind conditions. Now fyi about me, I have 20/15 vision. I can tell when another crew has their sails off, I know when dummy sails (centered against the wind) are ideal and the exact moment to turn them, I know what speeds each ship travels and I am frequently chasing a ship that seems to be going faster than the game logic should dictate. But all too often it seems when I'm tailing a ship (when I should have advantage seeing their movements ahead and adjusting instantly) they gain distance, even ships that appear unaware of basic sail speeds, meanwhile when I'm being chased, even by the same sized ship, I seem to do everything right according to all the guides and I'll successfulness anchor them multiple times, kill 3/4 their crew singlehandedly and yet they eventually close distance on me when it appears they are significantly slower at adjusting their sails. I watch closely at their flags to see if their wind is different or something, but I'm baffled by how little I seem to understand the game logic apparently after having 90% of the achievements done in the game and staying as active as anyone (I've been top of the emmisary leaderboards every month since they've come out and these things make me feel like I don't know anything and how is someone supposed to learn when the advanced information seems unavailable from official sources and and the basic information from tutorials and youtube guides seems obsolete compared to what a portion of the player base is capable of.

    This is all not to mention uncannily lucky snipes and cannon shots that seem almost completely impossible and ambushes that feel like some players had access to information on ship locations and loot on a server. Where can someone go to learn about what cheating is going on in this game, ultra-aadvanced technique like beyond perfect chasing strategy, instant mast repair and double attacking in a single strike. Players should know what they're up against, especially the most vigilant and studious should be able to find this information on what exploits are happening and how to defend ourselves from them. Does anyone have any anecdotes of these situations occuring for you? Any knowledge on where people can go who are experiencing these frustrating conundrums to learn more about how things work in this game? For example one interesting tip I know is that because players/ cannons movement is locked to their ship until they collide with another surface an interesting thing to pay attention to is for example when you jump off your ship as it crashes into another object, the rocking of the ship will cause you to rock as if you were attached to it in mid air like you were bound to it's gravity in orbit, so account for the crashes in your jumps or plan to land before the ship impacts (my example of an advanced trick I find very helpful for boarding ships/turning in arena chests)

    DISCLAIMER: I do not practice double gunning. I have been curious as to how it is accomplished, but frankly, I do not like the practice at all.

      (Double gunning both is and isn't a cheat, depending on how it is accomplised)

    It can be done in one of 2 ways. One is using the game mechanics and timing. The other is a flat out cheat:

    Using Game Mechanics: It's accomplished by a very specific set of control actions on PC and Xbox. Fire weapon 1, then sprint, switch to weapon 2 and click fire button again in rapid succession immediately after each other. With enough practice, people have been able to get the timing right. Despite updates and fixes, I still see videos online of people double gunning to this day using this method.

    The flat-Out Cheat: There are some players on PC who use a macro to accomplish Double Gunning. This is something that gets you banned if reported.

    • MAST FIX
      I have no idea

    • SHIP SPEED - It depends on player coordination and wind effects. Wind changes direction rapidly in various grids. You may be ahead for a while, pulling away for a map grid or 2 from your chasers, but in a grid where you had diagonal wind, it may shift to straight forward direction by the time the other ship enters that same grid.

    Against the wind (with sails flat and facing forward):

    Sloops are fastest .
    Brigantines are 2nd fastest.
    Galleons are slowest.

    With the wind:

    Galleons are fastest, but have the slowest acceleration.
    Brigantine is 2nd fastest ship but has the fastest acceleration.
    Sloops are slowest with the wind in comparison to the other 2. It accelerates faster than the Galleon but slower than the Brigantine.


    With enough practice, you can adjust for angle and bullet accuracy even on a moving ship. It took me months of daily play, but I've gotten to a point where up to a certain distance, i can angle and lead my cannonball shots to land hits nearly 90% of the time.

    My sniping still leaves a lot to be desired.

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