Golden Sailor Hat time limited cosmetic

  • I wonder How many people bought golden sailor hat from shop when it was available to buy for few days. I never saw any pirate with this hat so im just wondering..

    This is How this item look like

  • 14
  • I have it, but I never wear hats.

  • @fgfoot I know about 10 people who have it just no outfit really goes good with it so nobody wears it.

  • @archangel-timmy
    Probably thats what everyone do. But still its cool looking hat !

  • I have it, so does everyone I know. Sometimes I wear it.

  • Added to my hat collection but dont wear.

  • I have it but i think it's way to ugly so i have never ever used it 😂

  • I have it. Goes really well with the Ferryman set that came with the Sea of Thieves controller.

  • @fgfoot said in Golden Sailor Hat time limited cosmetic:

    I wonder How many people bought golden sailor hat from shop when it was available to buy for few days. I never saw any pirate with this hat so im just wondering..

    This is How this item look like

    I have it but I don't like to wear it but I don't think it's ever coming back

  • @burnbacon said in Golden Sailor Hat time limited cosmetic:

    Added to my hat collection but dont wear.

    ah I see you're a man of hat colleting as well

  • I honestly have no idea if I did

  • @ajm123 said in Golden Sailor Hat time limited cosmetic:

    I honestly have no idea if I did

    you can check if you have it on the website now

  • I've got that hat! It looks great with the Admiral jacket, Triumphant Seadog jacket, and Ferryman Jacket! It's great, because it's very versatile and matches a bunch of stuff!

  • I've got it but it never seems to fit into any outfit I make

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