New permanent alliance system

  • community
  • Sooo...make a server alliance even more easier?

  • Customs servers are coming, you will be able to invite all your friends on multiple ships!

    Memorable moments awaits!

  • @pudxpop

    Hard No on that one. That will be increbly unbalnced allances are shaky on purpose for a reason. There intened to be temporary up if someplayers use it as a lure then thats content. It's a tool designed to be used in a manner players deem it to be used.

  • @pudxpop

    Euhm... how is this an alliance and not just a let me increase my crew size with a fleet without any negatives so you can dumpster on the rest of the server harder and with more ease?

    Alliances are not supposed to be an expansion of your crew. They are supposed to be shakey collaborations between crews were they team till they no longer have the same goals in mind.

    A hard no. Also your delusion that this would benefit single ships... really having to take on multiple ships that are in perfect communication, cannot damage each other in a pirate battle versus your crew and believe that running towards another random crew hoping they will help out is going to happen if you can even find them? People won't rally the server to take you on, they will just quit.

  • There is problems with your idea making a farm server and the current alliance system works fine sometimes betrayals happen sometimes they don't just the other day me an my random crew decided to join a alliance we all sailed on the same ship shared the profits kept each other alive through the revive system would not believe how efficient a galleon is with more than 4 people

  • @cotu42 yeah your right I didn’t really think about how it could be op I was just really hoping for another way to increase the amount of friends I’m playing with since I always have more than 3 friends who want to play at a time and I thought it would be good idea that way you can play with more of your friends but yeah thinking about it now it probably wouldn’t be good. Hopefully they do make a bigger ship though that would be nice.

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