A guide to be a good helmsman.

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  • @jazzzerg I absolutely love your diagrams and the smiley and frowney faces!

    Thank you for sharing.

  • @jazzzerg I ike your diagrams too although I don't necessarily agree with what they are showing. But still great constructive post which is a refreshing change.

  • I have been a helmsman for so long I didn't even realize this, thank you very much.

  • @octopus-lime was curious why you disagree with the OP’s strategy??

  • @beatyourownmeat Because all these depictions depend on wind direction and assuming the enemy boat doesn't change it's course, which is unlikely

  • obviously, the most professional of all helmsmen know that, when chasing, it is of paramount importance to always have the bowsprit directed at the centre of the ship you are pursuing. ideally you target the rudder when behind and the cannon broadside when approaching from the side. wind, cannon angle, and so on are mere ancillary concerns.

    the same is true when approaching an island, a skelly ship, a meg, floating resource barrels, etc. always aim that bowsprit dead-centre!

    if your helmsman doesnt already do this of his own volition, help him out whenever you can; grab the wheel and correct course to put the target in the centre of your bowsprit. he will love you for it!

  • @jazzzerg These are great diagrams to show a simple way to try and engage and escape!

    but you are telling me that the best helmsman don't get drunk, steal all the food, sail the wrong way and crash in to rocks, all whilst blaming the crew for not communicating?

    I think I need to re-assess my helmsman abilities....

    Although @Musicmee is a terrible lookout... just saying...

  • @dumy2008 You need to tell me to look out... or I wont!

    People who sail with me know... I moderate while sailing, it's a skill let me tell you.

  • @musicmee said in A guide to be a good helmsman.:

    @dumy2008 You need to tell me to look out... or I wont!

    People who sail with me know... I moderate while sailing, it's a skill let me tell you.

    Shouldn't have to tell the lookout to look out.... :P

  • @jazzzerg damn stop giving away secrets

  • @octopus-lime it actually does work as pictured as when they turn out/adjust course you do so as well. Despite what many believe being a helmsman in combat is a full time job and demands you be active at all times if you want to win through superior manuevers.

  • @captain-fob4141 Maybe this is something I do subconsciously then but I can't say it is something that I think about too often. @LucianSanchez82 is the driver anyway, I'm to busy falling of the ship to worry about anything else.

  • @octopus-lime This looks a bit complicated to me. I'll continue my tactic of turning directly in to their broadside. The ship blocks most of the cannon balls before they hit me anyway.

  • @luciansanchez82 Just block them with your face

  • @octopus-lime Block them with your bad attitude more like.

  • @beatyourownmeat said in A guide to be a good helmsman.:

    @octopus-lime was curious why you disagree with the OP’s strategy??


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