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  • Im not on all to often due to i have nobody to really play with. I have a mic. Wish to only play with people who have mics. Im on xbox1 if i log on and see somebody playing i will join your party and see if there is room for me to play along if not i will leave without issue ill also leave if im not wanted lol. I love the game and i might play more often if i have a friends. Thank you.

    P.s im not to bad of a player either

  • My Xbox gamer tag is Warren Michal. If you'd like I can play with you, I'm on multiple times a week, so if I'm online shoot me a party request or message me. See you on the Seas matey.

  • @warren-michal i looked you up your not popping up on xbox. My gamer tag is theapeman678 no uppercase letters

  • @theapeman678 Hey don't worry I added you.

  • @theapeman678 said in Add me:

    Im not on all to often due to i have nobody to really play with. I have a mic. Wish to only play with people who have mics. Im on xbox1 if i log on and see somebody playing i will join your party and see if there is room for me to play along if not i will leave without issue ill also leave if im not wanted lol. I love the game and i might play more often if i have a friends. Thank you.

    P.s im not to bad of a player either

    well you can join me if me captain isn't on my gamertag is closinghare208

  • Ahoy Mattey,

    My gamer tag is Armonster24, I just started playing and have quested a few times with friends, I have a mic and am looking for other players to lead the way, I'm decent on a canon and quick on repairs and bilging. Add me if you'd like to play sometime!

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