Crews backing out

  • Past few nights while sailing with reapers on we've came across 3 crews that we have caught up with and just as we board they back out to the main menu, Resulting in were losing out on that flag because it dosnt leave it behind, Starting to get annoyed with it now, think there should be some sort of penalty to players that do it just cause they don't want to lose the flag to the reapers crew.

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  • It's a thing.
    Be faster or don't fly Reapers Emmisary.


  • Lol get fast or don't fly it....we mega keg a boat flying a gold horders and instantly skuttle or leave the game leaving no flag, How fast do you wana be? super man fast 😂 we have no problem sinking people

  • @oo-rabby-oo said in Crews backing out:

    Lol get fast or don't fly it....we mega keg a boat flying a gold horders and instantly skuttle or leave the game leaving no flag, How fast do you wana be? super man fast 😂 we have no problem sinking people

    Don't bother trying to have a rational discussion with that person as they never have any constructive things to say with anything they don't agree on i.e. PvP.

    Back to the point, I think rare will fix it as it is just ridiculous at the moment and I guess that it is an unintended outcome that they did not foresee happening.

  • @octopus-lime said in Crews backing out:

    @oo-rabby-oo said in Crews backing out:

    Lol get fast or don't fly it....we mega keg a boat flying a gold horders and instantly skuttle or leave the game leaving no flag, How fast do you wana be? super man fast 😂 we have no problem sinking people

    Don't bother trying to have a rational discussion with that person as they never have any constructive things to say with anything they don't agree on i.e. PvP.

    Back to the point, I think rare will fix it as it is just ridiculous at the moment and I guess that it is an unintended outcome that they did not foresee happening.

    😂😂 Noted, Yeah don't think theyve ment it but it sure dose get annoying

  • @oo-rabby-oo That seems like a legit complaint. Once you've caught an emissary ship, it shouldn't just vanish leaving you with nothing.

  • @oo-rabby-oo

    The flag system was a bad move for many reasons. While many may like it and feel accomplished when they turn a flag in it's a dying mechanic.

    For starters I agree with pithy to an extent. The flag was put in the hands of your opponent, which means they can server hop, quit, red sea, run, put their flag down etc and there is nothing you can do about it. Unless you sink them you dont get the reward and your opponent will fight tooth and nail to make sure you dont win. In another post I was in a mod actually approved red sea as a strat and said if you didnt catch them and take it then the loot isnt yours and you cant have it. Meaning that boat can employ any strat they want, you didnt win until you sink them.

    I say it's a dying mechanic for a few reasons tho..

    When a reaper shows up on a server:

    • people put flag down
    • people server hop
    • people drop flag and attack without emmisary
    • red sea and quitting also happen

    But also being reliant on flags means people need to do the emmisary for you to steal it. What happens when everyone is level capped? Reapers is struggling NOW when everyone is doing emmisarys what do you think will happen in a few months when no one is doing emmisarys anymore?

    Reaper needs an overhaul because the flag thing wont last long. Some other way of credit for ship fighting needs to be implemented.

  • Are you sure they are backing out because recently the odd few times has I'm just starting to battling I get booted to main screen n it doesn't give me the join back option I had a crew ask me why I left them but this was the reason

  • @tubiansayne

    Why wouldn't anyone do emissary quests anymore. Who wouldn't want X2+ gold whilst sailing?
    I don't ever see a time when players won't fly the flag.

  • @tubiansayne said in Crews backing out:


    The flag system was a bad move for many reasons. While many may like it and feel accomplished when they turn a flag in it's a dying mechanic.

    For starters I agree with pithy to an extent. The flag was put in the hands of your opponent, which means they can server hop, quit, red sea, run, put their flag down etc and there is nothing you can do about it. Unless you sink them you dont get the reward and your opponent will fight tooth and nail to make sure you dont win. In another post I was in a mod actually approved red sea as a strat and said if you didnt catch them and take it then the loot isnt yours and you cant have it. Meaning that boat can employ any strat they want, you didnt win until you sink them.

    I say it's a dying mechanic for a few reasons tho..

    When a reaper shows up on a server:

    • people put flag down
    • people server hop
    • people drop flag and attack without emmisary
    • red sea and quitting also happen

    But also being reliant on flags means people need to do the emmisary for you to steal it. What happens when everyone is level capped? Reapers is struggling NOW when everyone is doing emmisarys what do you think will happen in a few months when no one is doing emmisarys anymore?

    Reaper needs an overhaul because the flag thing wont last long. Some other way of credit for ship fighting needs to be implemented.

    Precisely why they need to make sure stolen regular loot rep is turned back up to pre-nerf levels. Leave the farmed loot rep where it is.

  • @chris-houlden

    Na we get the xbox mgs after they have done it, like a said in my post something needs done about it, or in a way reapers is pointless in a way

  • @oo-rabby-oo

    I believe a fix is coming for this if not Wednesday, then the next update.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Crews backing out:


    I believe a fix is coming for this if not Wednesday, then the next update.

    Sure hope so

  • @kommodoreyenser

    I agree with you, the loot should be the priority not the flag. You will still risk runners and red sea strategies but if someone logs or scuttles you still get it 😁

  • @tubiansayne I mean the flags are never guaranteed and they can't do anything if people truly want to server hop away from Reaper's.

    Loot isn't guaranteed either when attacking ships but you are

    1. guaranteed to have at least one other ship on your server and
    2. that ship will at least have some form of loot on board 99% of the time.

    At this point, I am level 42 in Reaper's and have only handed in 8 flags and half those were Reaper's themselves. It's not as if a server with a Reaper on it is flooding in emissary ships.

    If they truly want the focus for Reaper's to be on emissary flags and yet make them as rare as they are for most Reaper's to grab and turn in, they need to multiply that turn in value by at least 2x if not 3x the current amounts. It won't be consistent progression and a feeling of accomplishment but at least when you do, it will be really nice.

  • @needsmokes

    Honestly, most of the player base lol

    I grinded out the emmisary voyages and hit 75 in DAYS. I have 6 mil and own everything in the game. I dont need gold so the only time the emmy flag will go back up is when I'm messing with the commendations and even then it's for the "get to rank 2-4 x amount of times" so you will never see it hit 5. Also if I'm doing commendations like that my flag will be up and down constantly, nothing for a reaper to chase. I'm a bad example cuz I no life this game lol but in general people will use it to level and once they are level capped I promise they will have enough gold to make them happy and the flag wont go up. The risk/reward is great for leveling but the cast majority wont put it up for gold alone..especially not if there is a reaper on the server

  • You will never get the flag if the ship leaves the server..
    Because. It could be viewed as a system crash and that player needs the opportunity to load back in and take control of their session.. Whilst we know this isn't the case..
    It is still impossible to reward you the flag just incase they will return and it was a crash, we all crash from time to time after all, and expect to return back to our ships intact.
    There is no way for the system to know the outcome of a looming battle even if there was to be one.

  • @tubiansayne

    I did say most.
    Not everyone has too much time on their hands to be living on a computer game..

  • @kommodoreyenser

    Giving more boost to the flag would be nice for sure. But I'm worried emmisary flags for reapers will be like hunting the ghost meg in the future.

    I'm personally waiting for steam to roll out and then I plan on grinding reapers hard. Perhaps that's cheating or lazy to rely on new players for the rep but they wont have an understanding of the game yet and are less likely to run or quit. The idea of logging in now and sailing empty servers or chasing people into the red sounds like a complete and utter waste of time so I'm grinding arena for now instead lol

  • @tubiansayne great minds think alike, been maxing out all other factions first. still have gold and OoS to do and then its all Reaper's all the time.

  • @needsmokes

    Lol I know I'm a bad example lol but the vast majority of the player base will be in one of two categories.

    1. Those who leveled and have no need to put the flag back up

    2. Those who play less...but will 100% run, server hop, or quit because their time is more limited and valuable and they dont want to spend it fighting off reapers

  • @tubiansayne

    Not forgetting, the game is very soon to launch on steam too..
    And if, (A BIG IF HERE) people have validated copies of windows 10, there might be lots and lots of new players on the seas soon.. They will all be raising their flags for some time to come, along with any other new players that join.

    But failing that, i can always still load a reapers flag towards the end of my session, go attack a ship and run away to the red sea to leave the game for entertainment.

  • @needsmokes

    In a seperate post about reapers flags I mentioned the upcoming steam boost on player base. This will cure the issue temporarily but the flag issues will still be something on the horizon rare needs to deal with. Reapers cant level reliably if there are no flags to be had 😢

  • @tubiansayne

    Rare had a vision for this game to be around for 10+ years..
    You'll get your flags eventually.. Don't be in such a rush :)

    For all the hours i've sailed, i've still yet to encounter an ancient skeleton, box of secrets or that damned shark.

  • @needsmokes

    Lol you will get there too my friend I'm on 1 chest of wonder and 🤔 7 or 8 ancient skelle? No meg yet that's not real lol

    I struggle with the reapers stuff. I love arena and have the time of my life sinking ships, cannonballing people in the face etc with a "gg!" From both parties at the end. Reapers is reliant on hunting others and I feel bad when they sink lol like in the movie "wanted" where he shoots assasination shots and as hes doing it hes like "I'm sorrrryyyyy!!!!" Lol I'll do it cuz it's part of the game but honestly I'm treating it more like ripping a bandaid off and trying to get it over with so I can go back to the rest of the game 🤣

  • @oo-rabby-oo "People who refuse to fight me should be punished."

    This might come as a surprise, but people don't actually have to fight you in this game if they don't want to and you are entitled to nothing.

  • They've already said that they are going to fix the flags. If people leave the server, the flag should appear after their ship sinks. The fact that it doesn't if people quit is not a feature, it's a bug.

  • SWEET Didnt know this was a thing. Thanks for Posting it ill have to do this.

    Joking aside. Should be fixed. Maybe a timer Before de-spawn. I should patent that Idea maybe other games would use it!!!!!!!!!!

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