Two points of view

  • I am an optimist. Everytime i sail somewhere doing any voyage i think that everything would be smooth and nothing bad will happen. Even if i meet other ships i always talk to them through VOIP in the distance and when they're sailing toward us that's the time to fight. Usually voice communication prevents aggresion and we re doing our voyages in peace. Also i like to fight with the loot on board. I don't have a problem when any ship is parked next to the island we're sailing (just avoiding ones at outposts when i've got a loot), they will be friendly or dead.

    Yesterday i was sailing with some pirate who after heard that i want lvl up athena emmisary by doing athenas thieves run, he was scaried like a chicken. First of all he said that we shouldn't do it and there are other safer activites to level up an emissary flag. That there are ships waiting for those who are going on that island, players are camping at outposts/islands etc.

    I was shocked. I did athenas thieves run like 10 times and had 0 problems in it. My loot has never been ninja-stolen, noone camped for my crew at any island.

    I convinced him that i've got high level of luck and everything will be ok. It was truly magical experience of an pessimist and an optimist voyage. for 4 hours he was scaried of any ship she saw on the horizon and he tried to take as much information about that ship as he can. we know anything about these ships. My approach was quite different. It was ok that there are other ships on the horizon, I just checked their position and went to the island. The Bad was that i can't have any gunpowder barrel on crowsnest (it's my no1 weapon to prevent chasing), at last we can have the legendary ones which we need to sell ASAP.

    We managed to earn approx 400k and reach top ledger in athenas.

    I think people should use VOIP more frequently and try to fight for their loot if it is neccessary instead being constantly scaried about anything they sees on the sea. On the other side i learned many tricks to have a safer session and how to predict enemy manevours.

  • @avecrux - What a great story! You sir are a shining example of a fair and courteous player.

    Keep up the good work!

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