[Mega Thread] Update 2.0.14 - Ships of Fortune Discussion / Feedback

  • @wujuwarrior1375

    I get what you are trying to say. Just when it comes to this game, belief and assumptions derived from commendations or how progress is handled is really bad for the soul and will get you angry and confused in the future.

    Ask Rare during their streams if Arena is meant for PvP and they will deny it saying that Arena is not the PvP server and that its strictly a condensed version of Adventure.

    A lot of players think "oh well this was released and so that means that Rare really wants this!!" then when players don't get their way they get mad at the community.

    I just don't want to see you go down that rabbit hole and get stuck in an argument over implications and assumptions.

    Trust me I get what you are saying. How the hell is Arena not the competitive option of SoT when Rare is using it to hold competitive tournaments. However, then I realize that players have been doing wonky stuff in Adventure as well, holding races, game show like contests with rewards and what not, and I think I heard of someone holding hide and go seek games??

    Knives can kill people but not all knives are used to kill. A kitchen knife is created with the intent to be used for culinary purposes, but if someone used it only for killing, that doesn't change the fact that the knife's original purpose was for cooking. - Basically speaking the mode was created with the intent to give players who had a limited time of play time a chance to play the game. How we use the tool has no bearings on the actual purpose of the tool.

    Don't trip and fall into that rabbit hole my friend. Its a dangerous place and will make things more difficult for you in the future.

  • @xultanis-dragon
    I don't even know how to reply to this, but i know i fight when i play Arena.

  • @wujuwarrior1375

    I fight when I play adventure.

  • @xultanis-dragon

    "How we use the tool has no bearings on the actual purpose of the tool."

    "Ask Rare during their streams if Arena is meant for PvP and they will deny it saying that Arena is not the PvP server and that its strictly a condensed version of Adventure."

    True, you can choose what you think the mode is, giving a true answer would be wrong of them, but if you ask anyone if Arena is a PvP mode, i think they would say yes.

  • @wujuwarrior1375

    Everyone I know says its not. I say its not. Rare says its not.

    Like I said, don't go down that rabbit hole.

  • @xultanis-dragon I’m sorry but it is literally in the name of the game “arena”. An arena is where people fight for their lives. So I’m sorry but it would be a fairly normal assumption to think arena mode is pvp focused. But yeah you are completely right about the point system.

  • @i-enjoy-corn

    Take that up with Rare on the name. They have specifically said before, during, and after the release of Arena that it is not PvP mode or PvP server or anything PvP related.

    It is and has always been just a condensed version of Adventure for players that don't have a lot of time to play the game.

    Also Arena has many meanings. Its generally used as a form of place. Arena can be used for sports and entertainment, so not just because of competition or fighting.

    Like I mentioned before - Take knives as an example

    All knives can be used to kill but not all knives are used for killing. Arena has uses for different reasons. Whatever your assumptions aside its the intent of the developers that determines what the Arena is. They have said its not a PvP server or a PvP mode, they have made sure to reiterate that it is and has always been a condensed version of adventure

  • Hello,

    I’m sorry, but I’m French and not very good at English.
    I hope to be in the right place to give you my ideas.
    I find it unfortunate that the harpoons and the lanterns of the ships are not modifiable; one could imagine the harpoons as the design of the cannons and the lanterns as the lantern of our pirate.
    Thank you for reading me.

  • Logged into Steam build and all my clothing and vanity items have been stored back to the chests.

  • Along with the other 10 or so people I regularly played SoT with, none of us have played since Reaper's Bones came into the game. Made what was left of the community even more toxic. Maybe if RB emissaries LOST rep for sinking non-emissary boats and killing non-emissaries... But until something is done to combat the toxicity, I'm not even bothering updating.

    And yeah, I'm prepared for all the people who are going to bash me saying "it's not sea of friends" etc. I couldn't care less. You're toxic and this game is dying because of people like you. People who sink a ship with one person standing on it fishing. But hey, whatever boosts your ego, right?

  • @noodlejubblies

    Im somewhat done with RB, lvl 75 now so.

    If you are fishing or doing tall tales reapers probabily will spare you, at least we do that often. that being said, if you are good at the game we might still sink you, cause we are often looking for a challange. if you have some loot we battle for it, RB gets progress for anything. since ive been doing it alot i know how we operate.

    1 unknowing fight: if you are in the devils roar or close to thieves haven(isles related) we will sink you to check.

    2 lack of emissaries: we usually go for emissaries, but since the update our lucky number per server is 3, and we often sink 2 of them cause we dont have resistance and dont reach them before they are done(time for lvl 5). in other words, we have to attack non-emissaries to get achieves. there has to be more of them if we are not suppose to target non-emissaries.

    3 anything except tall tales and fishing is a threat: if you have loot, you are a target. this is simply a resault of people not opting for emissaries.

    i think this will fade once people that are pros finish reapers, can take some time with steam in the picture. if you are still targeted i dont know what else to do then to defend yourself. the communty has become more sloppy in risk and combat, so the servers can be quite cursed with dominant boats. i guess it would be nice with more boats so we could sort out the most rewarding sinks. if you use white flags and starting hull u are probabily less of a target though.

    im not gonna say "its not sea of friends", but i can say that many of us would like to have more player ineracting in the game. I think the idea of defending loot has been much of the intent from the start, but i agree that our bloodthirst for loot and battle hasnt been much satisfied lateley, and have resaulted in targeting wrong people.

  • @noodlejubblies said in [Mega Thread] Update 2.0.14 - Ships of Fortune Discussion / Feedback:

    this game is dying

    There are 35000 people playing on Steam in the last 24hrs. The game is fine.

  • PLEASE on steam the game is soooo annoying. Getting trimmedbeard every time I go to join a crew and the game just crashes and I cant start the game anymore. Fix, please

  • Had a quest about any emissary. Is the leveling process (1-5) more difficult depending on ship/crew size? As in does it take more experience to gain a level the larger the ship/crew is?

    We had a full galleon doing AthenAs Fortune and it seemed to take much longer to reach level 5 compared to when executing on a sloop.


  • @takuboto e

  • Can someone please tell me how someone is almost at 2 million gold hoarders emissary rep after only 1 hour of season 3 starting? I can't work out how this is mathematically possible.

  • @stix1985nz said in [Mega Thread] Update 2.0.14 - Ships of Fortune Discussion / Feedback:

    Can someone please tell me how someone is almost at 2 million gold hoarders emissary rep after only 1 hour of season 3 starting? I can't work out how this is mathematically possible.

    My guess is that they've hoarded a lot of chests before the new period started, perhaps even multiple ships or servers, with the person with 2 million part of crew(s) that just delivered the chests and gems (probably stacked next to the gold hoarder's tent) at the start of the this month.

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