Saved data to series X

  • Just a query. Will our data be transferred if we link our profiles to the new series X console. I know it's a while off and this relies on SoT being posted to it.

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  • I don't see why it won't. It already does between PC and Xbox.

  • @lewbot2004 yeah it will, I'm pretty sure your character is saved on rares end anyway.

    So all you will do is sign in with your account and the rest will happen as does currently if you hop between PC and xbox one.

    You will be able to carry over the xbox one build of the game anyway via backwards compatibility.

  • yes it will, all your stats and progression is saved on a server

  • Yes, when the time comes, on your Xbox homepage on your console it will give you the option and teach you exactly what to do to back up everything and switch it to the new console.
    It was simple enough doing it from the Xbox 1 to the 1X.
    Will likely be the same.

  • All xbox one games will be playable on the new console.
    I think I heard Phil Spencer say that somewhere.

  • All I hope for is that performance will be better given all the new power the system has, if the game will still be locked at 30 fps I will be disappointed

  • @flintlock-dan said in Saved data to series X:

    All I hope for is that performance will be better given all the new power the system has, if the game will still be locked at 30 fps I will be disappointed

    Yeah I know, they really need to unlock it as it could easily hit 120FPS on series x

  • @flintlock-dan

    It will all be down to individual developers.

  • @needsmokes certainly is.

    Although I think the decision will be made in favour of unlocking to be honest with a series x enhanced type patch like they do for 360 and current xbox one games, we see a lot of FPS improvements already on most first party games.

    Otherwise I see a bit of blowback going on if they don't, considering series x users will have just dropped around £500.

    And to be honest base xbox is already a dying console anyway as far as sales and spec performance goes, for example RE3 runs awful.

    Might as well draw a line in the sand and go forward with the service instead of inferior hardware holding series x users back.

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