
  • So I've returned to SoT after a good long break. I tried to play a few days ago and was rubberbanding all over the place, figured the game was having issues so I set it down. I tried to play again today and same issue, can't walk 2 feet without teleporting all over the place. So is anyone else experiencing this? Nothing has changed on my end, same house and same internet as always. My ping is also 200??? for some odd reason, I have a 100mbps connection and I'm located in NM as I have been for years. Never really had a issue like this before. Any suggestions?

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  • @legendarygrogg said in Rubberbanding?:

    Nothing has changed on my end, same house and same internet as always. My ping is also 200???

    Well there is a pandemic going on and more people are on the internet than ever, so something has changed. Maybe your area is having higher traffic, slower connection and more lost packets than usual?

    I haven't experienced any out of the ordinary lag issues, so it's not a universal problem.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Rubberbanding?:

    @legendarygrogg said in Rubberbanding?:

    Nothing has changed on my end, same house and same internet as always. My ping is also 200???

    Well there is a pandemic going on and more people are on the internet than ever, so something has changed. Maybe your area is having higher traffic, slower connection and more lost packets than usual?

    I haven't experienced any out of the ordinary lag issues, so it's not a universal problem.

    Well I can see that being a potential problem, but online internet speed tests show no signs of reduced speed or connectivity issues, and no other multiplayer game I have been playing is experiencing these issues for me either. Guess I'll just keep looking into the issue and see if I can find a fix or try again some other time.

  • @legendarygrogg said in Rubberbanding?:

    Well I can see that being a potential problem, but online internet speed tests show no signs of reduced speed or connectivity issues, and no other multiplayer game I have been playing is experiencing these issues for me either. Guess I'll just keep looking into the issue and see if I can find a fix or try again some other time.

    The issue might be caused by the way the matchmaking works. Usually a 200 ping means you're in a server that is out of region. If you are playing at an off-peak time for your region, you may be getting pushed into a different region server in order to fill up that server.

    I play in evenings (8pm-11pm) on the weekdays, and mid afternoon on the weekends which are likely pretty common times. I will run into people from Australia later at night occasionally, so I assume they are being placed into an North America server due to low pop in their area at that time.

    If you do try again, maybe try to connect at a few different times during the day and see if there is any variation in ping and rubberbanding. If there isn't, then there is probably some other issue going on.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Rubberbanding?:

    @legendarygrogg said in Rubberbanding?:

    Well I can see that being a potential problem, but online internet speed tests show no signs of reduced speed or connectivity issues, and no other multiplayer game I have been playing is experiencing these issues for me either. Guess I'll just keep looking into the issue and see if I can find a fix or try again some other time.

    The issue might be caused by the way the matchmaking works. Usually a 200 ping means you're in a server that is out of region. If you are playing at an off-peak time for your region, you may be getting pushed into a different region server in order to fill up that server.

    I play in evenings (8pm-11pm) on the weekdays, and mid afternoon on the weekends which are likely pretty common times. I will run into people from Australia later at night occasionally, so I assume they are being placed into an North America server due to low pop in their area at that time.

    If you do try again, maybe try to connect at a few different times during the day and see if there is any variation in ping and rubberbanding. If there isn't, then there is probably some other issue going on.

    I appreciate the reply, I will try connecting at various different times and late tonight as well.

  • Well I gave it the ol college try. Internet connection is just fine, even tested for packet loss and across the board had 0% packet loss on my tests. I have no idea why all of the sudden I'm getting 150 to 200 ping in SoT and rubberbanding all over the place, never once had this issue before. Not sure if something changed in recent updates with servers or location, but game is unplayable for me now and I am out of ideas. Very unfortunate situation.

  • Start a closed crew and check your ping.

  • @satanicnemesis said in Rubberbanding?:

    Start a closed crew and check your ping.

    Thats the only crew type I have been choosing. Even on closed crew the rubberbanding is ridiculous, I am at a loss as to what the issue could potentially be.

  • @legendarygrogg Wifi or hardwired?

  • @satanicnemesis said in Rubberbanding?:

    @legendarygrogg Wifi or hardwired?

    Hardwired for sure.

  • No idea bud. Maybe a Router/Firewall issue.. but pop a ticket in to make sure there is no server issues.

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