Am I the only one in shock to see some notorious shady streamers are getting immortalized in game while some actual artists of this community has way more merit and got nothing?

  • What about Alfons_Svensson and his awesome realistic portraits of sot characters? Coverfaker for his very cool diorama? What about KPTN made promising huge fan updates (Frozen Fangs... Fire and Flames... with a sheet tons of content)??? I think only our dear musicmee had something like this?

    All I see with these easter eggs is people(mostly streamers) being promoted by Rare themselves for winning promotional contest events not even accessible to everyone...

    It could've been an actual cool idea if the right persons were awarded. But it just feel like Streamer Promotion with extra-steps rn...

    Thought rare said they would treat us all equally, no advantages, no privileges, no special treatment, but it seems that they can’t keep their word. I think they're establishing a pattern of business before the community, giving more priority to money and popularity than the community that has been supporting them from the start.

    Rare, please fix this...

    (Edit: got locked for witch hunting so I'm not going to name the baddies here :D)

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  • @captainfuriosa yeah if the thread has been locked, recreating it immediately is not a sensible thing to do.

  • @cokney-charmer I got locked because I called out a streamer, so here I changed it to talk ONLY about the main focus of my topic: Getting artists pushing actual good fan-content into sea of thieves getting credited :)

  • @captainfuriosa Ahoy matey!

    Rare are always looking for players to immortalise and have weekly meetings to discuss what has been found in the community!

    We are sure to see more players immortalised over time, it's just a case of developer time and not making it lose its worth.

    I myself know a lady very deserving of an easter egg who does not have one, so I do know there are some very deserving players out there. It's also the case that we cant immortalise everyone instantly, no matter how cool that would be - it would just be a sea washed with eggs everywhere!

    Also, I bet that Umbra has plans for more easter eggs in the future... she is always on the lookout - and so should you be!

  • @musicmee Thanks for your answer Musicmee, you totally deserve this easter egg be sure of it :)

    thanks for not locking me up, I hope my topic will highlights some artists that defenitely deserve to be credited.

  • @captainfuriosa I much prefer this way of tackling the topic!

    I believe we should also be doing more to showcase a lot more of our creative users - one being a very crafty friend of mine.

    I stumbled across some great musicians on YouTube last night, who also have probably not had the recognition they deserve.

    Once the Creator Crew branches out to other mediums like artists, crafters and musicians this should all be a lot easier to reward and recognise the people that matter.

  • @musicmee Sorry I caused you troubles :D I understand your role in all this don't worry. It wasn't even my main point so I got rid of it without any hesitation for the sake of having this discussed ^^

  • IMO immortalize the Rare employee(s) that got us the banjo.. inscribe their names on one somewhere, they are heroes.

  • @dyfrin said in Am I the only one in shock to see some notorious shady streamers are getting immortalized in game while some actual artists of this community has way more merit and got nothing?:

    IMO immortalize the Rare employee(s) that got us the banjo.. inscribe their names on one somewhere, they are heroes.

    ...and of course Mr Beanland... our musical Maestro

  • @dyfrin

    We need a leaky bucket for @BIGsheep (James Thomas) who managed to leak that fire was coming to the game too!

  • @musicmee As a sign of respect, I stood in front of your poster and said pew pew. ❤️

  • @captainfuriosa This update is about easter egg immortalization, but if you mention someone who is immortalized its a forum strike
    What sense does that make?

  • @captainfuriosa I still need my easter egg lol

  • @closinghare208 Your legendary story telling deserves immortalization

  • @luciansanchez82 said in Am I the only one in shock to see some notorious shady streamers are getting immortalized in game while some actual artists of this community has way more merit and got nothing?:

    @closinghare208 Your legendary story telling deserves immortalization

    ikr it does I hope I get it soon

  • @opensourcerer55 Ahoy matey!

    We do encourage talking about players in a positive way - but name-calling, and slandering while they are not here to defend themselves only causes uproar and is not fair on that player - who may or may not be innocent.

  • @musicmee said in Am I the only one in shock to see some notorious shady streamers are getting immortalized in game while some actual artists of this community has way more merit and got nothing?:

    @opensourcerer55 Ahoy matey!

    We do encourage talking about players in a positive way - but name-calling, and slandering while they are not here to defend themselves only causes uproar and is not fair on that player - who may or may not be innocent.

    true that mate

  • @musicmee "pew pew". I knew you got immortalized but could never find it. Now that I have, I really, really, really, really want a way to change your name to "pew pew". I laughed to hard when I found that. I even heard it in your voice when I read the note. And the fact they added in you wrote it yourself makes it even funnier.

    Truth are very deserving of that honor matey. You were one of two or three people that I held in high regards when I first joined these forums.

    As for the OP, there are many people on the list that deserve to be there. And yes, there are some that probably don't. There are plenty that I have never run into or heard about, like the guy that was first to find his way to the ferry. Does he still play?

  • @nofears-fun said in Am I the only one in shock to see some notorious shady streamers are getting immortalized in game while some actual artists of this community has way more merit and got nothing?:

    @musicmee "pew pew". I knew you got immortalized but could never find it. Now that I have, I really, really, really, really want a way to change your name to "pew pew". I laughed to hard when I found that. I even heard it in your voice when I read the note. And the fact they added in you wrote it yourself makes it even funnier.

    Truth are very deserving of that honor matey. You were one of two or three people that I held in high regards when I first joined these forums.

    As for the OP, there are many people on the list that deserve to be there. And yes, there are some that probably don't. There are plenty that I have never run into or heard about, like the guy that was first to find his way to the ferry. Does he still play?

    I don't think so and where's my easter egg for me tall tales lol

  • @closinghare208 Where is mine? First to survive a mega kegging (before they nerfed it) while being attacked by three player ships, in a kraken and a skelly ship on us all at the same time. If saving our ship during all of that, and still getting to cash in our fort loot is not enough for an easter egg, then what is? LOL

  • @nofears-fun Hehehe cheers matey!

    As a strange matter of fact, I bumped into the guy recently @hallower1980 does still play, and is an active lurker of the forums :D

  • @nofears-fun said in Am I the only one in shock to see some notorious shady streamers are getting immortalized in game while some actual artists of this community has way more merit and got nothing?:

    @closinghare208 Where is mine? First to survive a mega kegging (before they nerfed it) while being attacked by three player ships, in a kraken and a skelly ship on us all at the same time. If saving our ship during all of that, and still getting to cash in our fort loot is not enough for an easter egg, then what is? LOL

    idk and most impressive

  • @musicmee said in Am I the only one in shock to see some notorious shady streamers are getting immortalized in game while some actual artists of this community has way more merit and got nothing?:

    Once the Creator Crew branches out to other mediums like artists, crafters and musicians this should all be a lot easier to reward and recognise the people that matter.

    This is what I'm excited for.

    Composing Orchestral music is my personal craft, and I have some Sea of Thieves arrangements that I haven't uploaded to my YouTube, BandCamp, or SoundCloud just yet as I'm waiting for Creator Crew to bring in musicians! (Although my Stitcher's Sorrow Orchestral Arrangement is currently on YouTube 👀 )

    I'm so anticipating the day that I can bring my IRL passion into the Sea of Thieves community through Creator Crew. I hope that happens soon!

  • @chronodusk said in Am I the only one in shock to see some notorious shady streamers are getting immortalized in game while some actual artists of this community has way more merit and got nothing?:

    @musicmee said in Am I the only one in shock to see some notorious shady streamers are getting immortalized in game while some actual artists of this community has way more merit and got nothing?:

    Once the Creator Crew branches out to other mediums like artists, crafters and musicians this should all be a lot easier to reward and recognise the people that matter.

    This is what I'm excited for.

    Composing Orchestral music is my personal craft, and I have some Sea of Thieves arrangements that I haven't uploaded to my YouTube, BandCamp, or SoundCloud just yet as I'm waiting for Creator Crew to bring in musicians! (Although my Stitcher's Sorrow Orchestral Arrangement is currently on YouTube 👀 )

    I'm so anticipating the day that I can bring my IRL passion into the Sea of Thieves community through Creator Crew. I hope that happens soon!

    what's your channel mate I'll subscribe

  • @closinghare208

    This is my channel!

    It's a small channel thus far of only about 150 subscribers, but I've only just really gotten into trying to update it more often, so I'm still working on it.

    Thanks for checking it out!

    EDIT: I'll PM you, I don't want to accidentally hijack the thread with self-promo.

    If you happen to check out my Arrangement of the Devil's Roar shanty, let me know what you think! I even added some fire crackling and whooshing SFX to the final mix :D

  • A lot of the easter eggs are for players who played the game early on and did things that were funny or unusual or impressive. Quite a few of those went on to become streamers or were smaller streamers at the time.

    The fact a lot of them are now pretty well-known as streamers moreso than their actual play styles says a lot about how far the game has come in terms of popularity. It's a good game to watch being played by good players and you can learn a lot from their streams - watching xShumbax was how I learned to solo a Kraken easily, for example.

    Some of those streamers immortalised actually do other cool stuff too - such as Foxdie who does amazing IRL replicas of in-game items.

    I do agree that other sides of the community should definitely be immortalised - the musicians, the artists, the writers, the community members who go out of their way to make this community inclusive. And there are a few easter eggs that are in that category but, yeah, we could do with more.

    But I also don't like the way we have a lot of people who are anti-streamers and see them as the enemy rather than fellow members of this very diverse and very cool community.

  • Streamers are dirt.

  • Promises are lies!

    If you are in bed before, while, after sex
    If you are into politricks and
    if you are into Marketing it's even your job to lie.

    Promises, hah, i give nothing for promises.

    People promised so much to me and they all couldnt stand by their word.
    I know nobody who did, not a single person i know what did not break a promise.
    I cant exclude myself.
    Promises at best are wishes, we all realy wish for to do so, but in no way you can promise anything, because future is unpredictable.

    Stop promising thinks you never know if you can do it.
    You can't even promise to survive the next Minute!

  • @bugaboo-bill who hurt you, Bill?

  • @theblackbellamy said in Am I the only one in shock to see some notorious shady streamers are getting immortalized in game while some actual artists of this community has way more merit and got nothing?:

    @bugaboo-bill who hurt you, Bill?

    idk who hurt our dear bill

  • @bugaboo-bill
    I promise I read your post.

    It is true, people do not have control over most anything (health/accidents/etc) to make things come through how they hope/wish/promise it to be.

  • @bugaboo-bill lol if you are in marketing your job isn't to lie. That is called fraud and is illegal.

  • @flying-poopla

    It's to not tell the entire truth about a product and shine that log😋😏

  • @theblackbellamy sagte in Am I the only one in shock to see some notorious shady streamers are getting immortalized in game while some actual artists of this community has way more merit and got nothing?:

    @bugaboo-bill who hurt you, Bill?

    Life and Realism

  • @closinghare208 Where is mine? First to survive a mega kegging (before they nerfed it) while being attacked by three player ships, in a kraken and a skelly ship on us all at the same time. If saving our ship during all of that, and still getting to cash in our fort loot is not enough for an easter egg, then what is? LOL

    I’m playing since the alpha (still not PL yet because I’m not playing 24h/day). I also encountered 2 skeletons ships, 1 meg and one kraken all at the same time too.
    I also found the Flying Dutchman one time.

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