New player, cant turn in loot. Is Outpost camping common and or accepted in the community?

  • Hi, im a new player. I literally started playing today while looking for a new multiplayer game for me and my friends.

    At first I really enjoyed the game. I thought I picked up the mechanics pretty quick. Having sailing experience I found it easy to maneuver my sloop. I did the maiden voyage and started my journey. I turned the first Gold Hoarder quest and everything was fine. I started out on my next voyage and was sailing around having some fun. I killed some npc's found some loot and even escaped from a group of hostile players on the sea.

    Eventually however things turned sour. I went back to the nearest outpost to sell my loot. I anchored my ship as a solo player I really have no choice. I grabbed a captains chest I found and went to go find who to sell it to. It was only about a couple seconds after hoping off my ship when I heard a gunshot and got hit, I looked around and saw nothing. Then I heard another shot and this time I died, about 30 seconds later while waiting to respawn a I got an achievement for another player cashing in my loot. I respawned on my ship which was completely on fire with two guys standing on the docks beside it who then killed me pretty quickly.

    I respawned again on my ship which was in new waters and continued my adventure. I got some more loot and went to a different outpost. I sailed around the Island and saw no other ships so I assumed it was as safe as it gets. I anchor my ship and start carrying off my loot. I made to the end of the docks when some guy decked out in sweet gear came up behind me and started swinging his sword at me. I dropped my stuff and fought back but he got the jump on me and was more experienced. I respawned on my ship and the guy was sailing it around. I killed him this time and took my ship back.

    So once again I had to start over and go find more loot. I have been playing for a few hours since and keep getting attacked at or just outside the outposts. It has already happened multiple times where I have been attacked by player at an outpost with no other ships around it. So now im wondering if camping around the outpost to attack people is a common tactic? Is it also acceptable? Can I report players who do this?

    The pirate code says to respect new players and their journey but I cant even start my journey without getting killed whenever im about do anything. As it stands I wont be telling my friends to download this game and If I cant ever turn in loot without getting attacked by other players then I don't think I will be playing much longer.

    I really like the design of this game and was really hoping for a fun experience but so far my initial experience has been full of frustrations and headaches, the exact opposite of fun. I don't want to quit just yet so Im hoping someone has some advice for me because I really cant get anything of any importance done on my own.

    And before you mention it... No Im not interested in teaming up with ramdom people on xbox live or joining some control freaks crew. If I cant play solo or just with a couple of my gaming friends then im not interested in playing.

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  • @xcolourizedx, welcome to the seas.

    To answer your question, no. Outpost camping is very much NOT COMMON. I've played since beta and I have never been outpost camped. There is even a possibility you were not either. When you're sailing around, running around and getting around any way at all, in Sea of Thieves, you have to ALWAYS be looking out for other ships, other players and other player's mermaids.

    Someone could have seen you going to an outpost, so they had someone take a rowboat, swim or even cannon over. They could have just finished selling loot and then you ended up there. It's hard to say, but if others are there, there would have been a mermaid in the water. ...unless they were sitting in a rowboat. A mermaid won't spawn when you're in a rowboat. I have never seen someone waiting at an outpost in a rowboat.

    Something else that could have happened; you could of had someone hiding on your ship. If they were hiding on your ship, they would notice you were about to sell, so they came out of hiding to attack and steal.

    Being new, it's a good bet to say that you just missed a warning sign.

    Keep playing, keep trying and remember, losing loot is part of this game. The more you play, the better you become at protecting the loot.

    As well, don't forget, it's not your loot! You're being paid to do a job. The loot belongs to the Order of Souls, Gold Hoarders, or Merchants.

    I am sure in no time, you'll be killing and stealing and selling for tons of gold!

    EDIT: Solo is hard mode. The game used to warn about that. I wish it still did.

    EDIT 2: 99.999% of the time, your anchor should not be dropped. If your sails are up and your wheel straight, your ship won't move.

  • It is a very old trick but with all the new players these things get rediscovered every few months. Take some legendary advice and just look for mermaids before you dock. Sorry some thieves are really lazy.

  • U really didn't see any ships around while sailing to said islands? No mermaid either? These are things to be in the lookout for and if seen raise a huge red flag. Based on what ur stating these players didn't brake the code either. Respect new players means to give them an equal opportunity when it comes to crews and not to use any harmful language against them, no trolling of any kind or kicking them out cuz they are new. As it stands, they played fair. Ur still new and learning the ropes but u have made a great error in playing solo as a new player. Sloop play is considered to be hard mode in this game (It was even stated by the devs, wish they made a note on this on ship selection). I recommend u scout the island u plan to turn in before actually cashing in on the gold and look for those signs I mentioned. Other than that good luck, with some time u will gain some experience too and u won't have much trouble cashing in.

  • @xcolourizedx said in New player, cant turn in loot. Is Outpost camping common and or accepted in the community?:

    ...I anchored my ship as a solo player I really have no choice.

    NEVER drop your anchor... NEVER!

    I anchor my ship and...

    NEVER drop your anchor... NEVER!

    im wondering if camping around the outpost to attack people is a common tactic? Is it also acceptable? Can I report players who do this?

    Yes, It's a common tactic. Always look at an outpost before selling your stuff. Also, look around. Some players stop near outpost and shot themselfs by cannon just to kill and sell "your" stuff.

    The pirate code says to respect new players and their journey but I cant even start my journey without getting killed whenever im about do anything.

    Respect does not mean that you will not kill and steal things from the novice player. Sea of ​​Thieve is a horizontal progression game, there is no way to know who is novice or veteran, even asking, the person can lie.

    Many veteran players skin the ship/pirate just to lure other players in and attack them. I do this quite often, it's fun to see a player's reaction coming to attack me and "freeze" for a second or two when seeing a legendary weapon.

    I really like the design of this game and was really hoping for a fun experience but so far my initial experience has been full of frustrations and headaches, the exact opposite of fun. I don't want to quit just yet so Im hoping someone has some advice for me because I really cant get anything of any importance done on my own.

    What you really need is experience and a little more attention. Sea of ​​Thieves is that.

    And before you mention it... No Im not interested in teaming up with ramdom people on xbox live or joining some control freaks crew. If I cant play solo or just with a couple of my gaming friends then im not interested in playing.

    If you want to play alone, know one thing: this is the hard mode of Sea of ​​Thieves.

  • @xcolourizedx

    First, @DISLEX-fx advice is spot on, but I just want to highlight in what he said was the most important tip, in my opinion, and elaborate. Watch for player Mermaids. The only time a person will not have a mermaid is if they are on ship, ships are already a big warning sign for spotting player presence. Otherwise, when ever they are off ship a mermaid will be in the water, you can distinguish it from yours if it isn't smoking. Yours will always smoke. When you go to an outpost always check the water for this dead giveaway.

  • Hi new pirate :)

    To sum up, this game is absolutely not worth it if you play alone ... Really ...
    Then why don't you play with random players? you will have wonderful meetings! With the same goals as you

  • @xcolourizedx sagte in New player, cant turn in loot. Is Outpost camping common and or accepted in the community?:

    And before you mention it... No Im not interested in teaming up with ramdom people on xbox live or joining some control freaks crew. If I cant play solo or just with a couple of my gaming friends then im not interested in playing.

    You already got perfect answers and regarding the quote above i want to add you will need extra thick skin like a mammoth until you are so experienced and an epic Piratelegend if you want to play this way and refuse to find or even charterd a good crew by yourself.

    Soloing can be fun and challenging and to sink a Galleone solo and steal loot or steal loot unnoticed and what not is a great feeling, but until you are able to do so i think you have to learn some hard lessons.

    Seriously this game improves with the players who are with you and the ones you will meet, with your experience, knowledge and skill about the game.

    It's a MP game that can be soloed, but i wont ever recommend it, especially not as a beginner even if you say you git the ropes about sailing and such quickly. There is a lot to learn and to know either.
    It's the experience to know when, what and how, your attitude torwards loot and progression and much, much more as Sea of Thieves isnt just another game you have played a lot already.

    Founder here, playing since Alpha, videogames player for 35 years .
    This game is a GEM!
    No game ever had done that to me before what Rare had done to me with SoT.

    Good winds to you

  • @xcolourizedx Outpost camping does happen, but you don't have to fall prey to it. Do a wide circle around the outpost before you approach the dock. If you see any mermaids, sail to another outpost.

    That said, I've stolen from folks at an outpost. If I've finished turning in my loot and I see a ship incoming, I certainly will lie in wait. I'm not camping the outpost, in that instance, as my intention in going there wasn't to steal, but to turn in - the stealing was a bonus, in my mind. Nothing in the code says I must leave the outpost if an opportunity to steal presents itself. Again, my mermaid is there - ignore it at your own risk.

  • @entspeak

    True, we/ i do this all the time the opportunity is there, but never extra and waiting for hours.

    Pirates are opportunists. That's all about it.
    If i can get loot, no matter how i will try to catch it, no matter from whom it is.

  • @xcolourizedx
    @TargasBR and @DISLEX-fx are right on the money with advise. You just need more experience in the game. Playing solo, when new to the game, isn't for the faint of heart in SoT, that is for sure. It just takes a little experience.
    Just remember - NEVER let your anchor down. ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings. Always watch for other player's mermaids when approaching an outpost or other islands.
    Best of luck to ya, matey! Just try to have fun out on the seas.
    #legendsofthesea #bemorepirate #raiseyourmug

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