• Hello
    Getting straight to the point. Please increase the reputation in all factions beyond level 50. It should not just max out and make the game pointless to cash things in just for gold.

    I believe once you hit level 50 you become a pirate legend like it is now but from there the level of reputations should still grow. Then at maybe like level 100 you receive the title like Master pirate legend and receive something like new voyages or something.

    I have been playing this game for over a year and love it. But I have been a pirate legend for over 6 months with everything maxed out and it's just getting old doing missions and not working towards any goal besides making gold. Which at this point is useless, unless you create some kind of store to buy supplies or something.

    But sitting at 7 million in gold with nothing to spend it on. And not being able to increase my reputation in anything I am trying to figure out things to do in game. Maybe I just grinded way to hard to fast to reach pirate legend. Just to be disappointed in the end now with nothing to do. I have been considering even deleting my account to just start the game over.

    I am not the type of player that sails around looking for other players to hunt down. I will and do fight back if I am attacked. But that's not my style.

    I am not the greatest at pvp and sometime other players do drive my nuts by spawn killing or form a alliance just to board you, kill you and take your loot then cancelling the alliance. But that's part of the game and I am not complaining, it does make it more of a challenge to do things which makes it fun.

    But this is my suggestion, increase the reputation levels, give everyone the is a pirate legend something to work towards. I have run into about 30 other pirate legends on the seas and when chatting they all say the same thing, "nothing to work towards the game just ends". Which is the main reason why all they do is hunt done other ships because there is really no other point.

    The whole point to this is to bring back a purpose to the game for pirate legends.

    Let me know what you think and let's make this happen.

    Thanks for reading!

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    communityjust for funfeedbackgeneral
  • Hey! Congrats on maxxing out! It truly is a ton of gameplay to get to that point. I'm in the same boat, maxxed everything out, etc. Have you finished all of your commendations? That's what I'm currently working on between updates. The Mission completes for the different factions are taking a bunch of time, and what took me the longest was finding and turning in Crates of Wood. As I like to say, I spent a lot of time "dumpster diving" through every barrel I could find to acquire those missions.

    As far as the gold surplus you mentioned, I'm finding with the new monthly content, I'm actually making more doubloons, than gold, and they are pricing all the new Black Market goodies such that my monthly gold intake is net negative, requiring me to grind out forts and fleets to recoup my gold.

  • NO PLEASE! NO MORE LEVELS BEYOND 50! That's just a nightmare!

  • @xxyeahxixknowxx said, "Maybe I just grinded way too hard too fast to reach pirate legend."

    Maybe? It seems to me like you forgot to enjoy the experience... 🙄

  • I didn't agree with this idea, but since you made the title in all caps, I'm in now.

  • @xxyeahxixknowxx said in NEED TO INCREASE THE REPUTATION LEVEL:

    Getting straight to the point. Please increase the reputation in all factions beyond level 50. It should not just max out and make the game pointless to cash things in just for gold.

    I believe once you hit level 50 you become a pirate legend like it is now but from there the level of reputations should still grow. Then at maybe like level 100 you receive the title like Master pirate legend and receive something like new voyages or something.

    I have been playing this game for over a year and love it. But I have been a pirate legend for over 6 months with everything maxed out and it's just getting old doing missions and not working towards any goal besides making gold. Which at this point is useless, unless you create some kind of store to buy supplies or something.

    But sitting at 7 million in gold with nothing to spend it on. And not being able to increase my reputation in anything I am trying to figure out things to do in game. Maybe I just grinded way to hard to fast to reach pirate legend. Just to be disappointed in the end now with nothing to do. I have been considering even deleting my account to just start the game over.

    I am not the type of player that sails around looking for other players to hunt down. I will and do fight back if I am attacked. But that's not my style.

    I am not the greatest at pvp and sometime other players do drive my nuts by spawn killing or form a alliance just to board you, kill you and take your loot then cancelling the alliance. But that's part of the game and I am not complaining, it does make it more of a challenge to do things which makes it fun.

    But this is my suggestion, increase the reputation levels, give everyone the is a pirate legend something to work towards. I have run into about 30 other pirate legends on the seas and when chatting they all say the same thing, "nothing to work towards the game just ends". Which is the main reason why all they do is hunt done other ships because there is really no other point.

    The whole point to this is to bring back a purpose to the game for pirate legends.

    Let me know what you think and let's make this happen.

    Thanks for reading!

    nope us pl's don't want that at least I hope not

  • @closinghare208 I'm in, I grind daily, and would like for a new purpose. I've done everything I possibly can in-game up to this point. I find myself mindlessly grinding pointless commendations. I struggle with myself because I have been contemplating playing a new game, however SOT is still winning the battle. Level 50 in all factions minus Sea Dog, because I absolutely hate the arena and none of my friends enjoy arena. I am level 25 so I've played a little, but I refuse to lock myself into the Arena. I need more to work towards while i'm grinding. Killed the Shrouded Ghost (Would love to see it more so I can max out the commendation.) and have the majority of commendations maxed out.

  • @xxyeahxixknowxx I would really enjoy this, and a lot of other people would enjoy it as well. It would certainly make long-term players want to play more. I just hope Rare sees this

  • Please no.

    I rather see new commendations in each faction since more levels will just be a tedious grind beyond 50.

  • i totally agree, me and my friends could have hit pirate legend like 10 x over by now but the rep just sits there at the cap. For people saying its just a grind i feel like you are not playing this game right. The game itself is super fun and il continue to play despite there being no more rep to earn, why not earn more rep for the loot im turning in anyway?

  • Well to give the possibility for PL to keep working for something they could simply add a system like Prestige or Paragon levels like there are in other games (wink wink diablo 3). The point would be to not lock out content for these “prestige” / “paragon levels” as PL status already has some exclusive content, or enhance their stats ofc, but give them some more, extremely cool, ship cosmetics like a whole new tier of bronze/silver/gold/platinum colors, and maybe work towards an objective that will definitely favor their gameplay, without dwarfing actual progression to PL which might be seen as easy but it strictly depends from skill organization and time played. Idk i came up with this in 3 minutes so it might be a very bad idea but they could even release the paragon level system after you’ve leveled all factions to maximum and start counting the “bonus” experience while figuring the prizes or simply what to do with it in the next months. It might lead to nothing but still it would “count” people’s work while a more thought out system comes in place

  • @itz-majman ? Tedious? It's basicly more content, more levels to grind for and people are actually complaining? I cant beleave what I'm reading..

    I haven't got any level for a year now and haven't got interested of the game because there aren't level to grind for.
    Sure there are the "imaginary" level which are commendations but that's not enough.

    I hope they do increase it at somepoint.
    At the end of reputation 100 could be Pirate Lord or something like that.

  • I like this idea a lot actually, I just reached pirate legend Athena +10 and was thinking to myself what next. I see no harm in making the levels max out higher and actually kind of separates new PLs like myself and Older PLs apart. If I’m pl 50/50/50 that’s a lot different to a PL 68/79/66. And the time and commitment should be noted. All this accommodations for the trading companies that Would take well beyond the expirance needed for PL would still mean somthing. Even if there are no rewards for going beyond 50 I can only see pros to this feature and no cons.

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