12 Days of Giving - starts 1st December. ( Community Giveaway)

  • Deckhand Lizalaroo is here again with my sack of goodies to share.

    Ahoy! As Christmas time nears I’d like to share some of my Sea of Thieves inspired trinkets with the community.
    This giveaway is about GIVING. Your job is to nominate someone in the Sea of Thieves community who has made a special impression on your life or time playing Sea of Thieves. So.... put their name forward and a brief description of why they should receive a piece of Sea of Thieves. You may nominate up to 2 pirates and my decision on the ‘winners’ is final.

    You can leave your nomination here or find me on Twitter

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  • @lizalaroo said in 12 Days of Giving - starts 1st December.:

    Ahoy! As Christmas time nears I’d like to share some of my Sea of Thieves inspired trinkets with the community.
    This giveaway is about GIVING. Your job is to nominate someone in the Sea of Thieves community who has made a special impression on your life or time playing Sea of Thieves. So.... put their name forward and a brief description of why they should possibly receive a piece of Sea of Thieves. You may nominate up to 2 pirates and my decision on the ‘winner’ is final.

    You can leave your nomination here or find me on Twitter

    i shall nominate sir @PirateCraggy and mr. @Clumsy-George

  • @lizalaroo I'm not 100% on this but I believe my interest in this game was peaked enough for me to preorder it because of videos I watched of the beta uploaded to YouTube by none other than our very own @Musicmee

    If he could verify that, we will go with that. If not, then I'll still nominate him for his efforts and work here on the forums.

  • @lizalaroo
    I nominate @Ruigtand-NL - he's a giver himself

  • @PirateCraggy he needs this 🤭
    @KORSAIR178 i cant get russian giftcards 🤷‍♂️

  • @lizalaroo This is a great idea! And as always great job on the creations! You must have quite the private collection going now aha.

    But on topic:

    For me it has to be @stacky-a and @Tartansnake

    They have helped me through many of my adventures and carried me through multiple time limited events.
    They should win for just having to put up with my lack of awareness and me being a general plonker. 😂

    I have also had some great adventures with them which have made some amazing stories and memories. :)

  • @KnifeLife Lol, speaking of which I haven't seen you on the seas in a while. I will have to drag you back into sailing sometime 🤣.
    Thankyou also for the mention, definately had some great times sailing with you! Or hearing some of the tales involving you and @Tartansnake 🤣

  • Not an easy choice but for out & out respect, a community member who to me embodies the spirit, and good humour, and has helped me a lot & others.
    Whether personally.... or for his kind words of support for others.
    For me..... hands down it's got to be @Clumsy-George. Thank you Mr.George... for being you matey!

    My second nomination, well it's for my best matey on the seas @mr-dragon-raaar. He has been there thick & thin, made me & many others reach Legend earlier in the year. Provided us all with the drive, support, good companionship & friendship to reach our goals. He basically single handedly created a "Pirate Legend Training Academy". An amazing matey, every one should have one, @mr-dragon-raaar.... Thank you for a great year... here's to voyages ahead. I raise me tankard.

    edit: btw: Thank you for the mentions... I'm humbled.
    Here to play the game... like so many others... and to create/enjoy those experiences together. It's been awesome.

  • @stacky-a Yea definitely! I’m sure we can all cause some trouble somewhere 😂

  • @PirateCraggy and @ClosingHare208 , thank you both kind Sirs , but i have to decline , for two reasons actually . The first reason is that i already have a Lizalaroo Original in the shape of a certain Tavern sign and they are so rare that ,to my feel , you can only have one ( * Highlander hey, moron, wow that's an old movie) , secondly i'm not even half as much as before on this Forum as most post drag my mood down...90 percent of the Forumposts can be categorized in the Demand / Complaint / Nag section...Sorry , NOT.

  • @clumsy-george

    It should have a seperate forum category the feedback complaint or something 🤕

    Forum is half my gameplay since i cant always be in the real pirate world it should be enjoyable 🥳

  • i have so many Real Friends , Game Friends who i never seen in real life and Pirates on this Forum who have a Heart to another Pirate , who give Pirates unforgetable sessions full of fun , but who also have an ear when that is needed...These are much more than 12 , luckely , so i let your wisdom decide , Mrs Lizalaroo , who will get what , and i'm sure that it will come in the good hands...Those Pirates that fall next the prizes i have one litttle word for you. Stay who you are , do as you always have done as your support , your being there means a lot to those that cherish it , that alone is a price , that someone has a Good word or thought about you…

    Keep being those Pirates because you do matter and you DO make a difference to others , often more than you will ever imagine!

  • @lizalaroo don’t even know if I can can say this due to NDA, but one of my best memories was finishing up a session on the old insider, went to drop a couple of Chests off to a random ship, which turned out to be yourself and @Musicmee. You were both so helpful and kind, and it was such a “celebrity” moment for me!

  • @mitz75 I remember! And I’m sure you’ve had many more fond memories since that encounter. Lol

  • @Rowencia for sailing with me since early alpha, flying Brave Vanguard on the SoT.

    @LilPeamealBacon my son, who is every bit a Vanguard and has joined me in this journey.

  • @knifelife - Noobasapian's Revenge is still one of my favourite highlights!

  • Days 3’s winner and nominated here on the forum is....

  • @lizalaroo

    Wow... I'm seriously touched by this!
    Thank you so much.. unnecessary.. but so very much appreciated.
    You guys... well...

    alt text

    ... are the BEST!

  • @lizalaroo said in 12 Days of Giving - starts 1st December. ( Community Giveaway):

    Deckhand Lizalaroo is here again with my sack of goodies to share.

    Ahoy! As Christmas time nears I’d like to share some of my Sea of Thieves inspired trinkets with the community.
    This giveaway is about GIVING. Your job is to nominate someone in the Sea of Thieves community who has made a special impression on your life or time playing Sea of Thieves. So.... put their name forward and a brief description of why they should receive a piece of Sea of Thieves. You may nominate up to 2 pirates and my decision on the ‘winners’ is final.

    You can leave your nomination here or find me on Twitter

    I'd like to nominate @Skulliah and @Shrike13, Merry Christmas captains!

    Hope you sail that golden grog horizon this season!

  • @piratecraggy
    Congratulations , Mr Pirate Craggy, it's good that someone as Positive as you get's to be put in the Flowers….One little ( * Little? , Sigh , here he goes) sidenote , give your prize a nice place , a place where you can see it everyday...Because , you are going to experience something strange...Mrs Lizalaroo's Originals have the tendency to grow on you , i see my Tavern Sign everyday , and everyday it brings a smile on my face as it remembers to the man i once was...
    That feel alone is priceless and the Trinket itself? ,Well, it looks like it has jumped out of the screen and hang himself on my wall…

    Congratulations, Mr Pirate Craggy.

  • Cheers @john-doyle-new !! of course I will! Merry Christmas to you too! 😊

    Oh I can't nominate just two people, so many great pirates out there and they all deserve amazing gifts!

  • @clumsy-george

    Thank you for your kind words. Yip an original from our Prop Meister @lizalaroo is something really special. I do feel undeserving of it, but, you are so right... it's going to have pride of place. I shall look back in years to come, and many memories will be attached to it. I will look after it well my matey.

  • @tartansnake By far one of my proudest moments! 😆

  • LittleSquash and Sgt Wolf.

    Squash because he's just awesome and one of the first people I actually started sailing and crewing up with back when Skeleton Thrones released -- every game was fun.

    Sgt Wolf because he never gave me a hard time about not having a mic and still invited me back. He and his friends, along with Squash, are the reasons why I hit PL and Athena 9.

    Fun fact, Wolf actually bought me a mic last year for the holidays; he didn't have to. His random act of kindness reminded me that there are some really great people in this gaming community. And for anyone who knows me, you know how much of a big deal it was with talking to people.

    Both of these guys just didn't care and just wanted to have fun and I'm thankful to call them friends; they really have no idea how much of a positive impact they had on me. Now, everyone knows.

  • @skulliah said in 12 Days of Giving - starts 1st December. ( Community Giveaway):

    Cheers @john-doyle-new !! of course I will! Merry Christmas to you too! 😊

    Oh I can't nominate just two people, so many great pirates out there and they all deserve amazing gifts!

    psssst katt truewalker 😉😂

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