Unable to see enemy crew voyages post-update?

  • Yesterday when me and my crew where testing the new update we came across what i presume is a bug (really hope it is) As we usually do, each ship we saw we'd send out one of us to see what voyage they were up to, to see if they were worth either sinking or letting them go.

    However every ship we went to had the same issue, on their voyage table we'd only see our own voyages and not their's.

    We all tried on multiple ships (about 10 minimum) and it was the same case each time, we'd see our own voyages on their table and not their's. We tested it to make sure, each enemy ship we went to, we were able to go to their table and an option would come up to 'vote to cancel', showing it was our own voyage, then we put one of our crew hidden behind their chair to see what would happen if we completed the voyage and sure enough, it then disappeared.

    I sincerely hope this is just a bug that will be patched ASAP (nothing mentioned about this in patch notes as far as I'm aware) The 'tucc' strategy is one of the most loved and enjoyed ways of playing by the community and if this really isn't a bug and a genuine change, they've made a huge mistake. I dread to think where this game would be without all the content and buzz created around the community when 'athena tuccs' became popular. Removing this would mean you wouldn't be able to tell what voyage they were on, making the whole process of stealing something like an athena this way near impossible.

    My assumption is this is a bug, if so please fix ASAP, however if this is a change, it has to be reverted.

  • feedback
  • @maciver01 did you raise a support ticket for that bug? Because just writing it into the forums won't do anything

  • @maciver01

    It seems to me that this is likely a change to something about loading ship aspects according to your crew's rather than a new one, but it could easily be many things. I doubt this was intentional, however, as Rare encourages as many types of play as possible, which is why things like requiring a cutlass or alliance member names changing haven't happened. They'd not remove the ability to sneak aboard another ship, nor to see what that ship is doing. The term 'tucc' or 'tuck' is just annoying by now, but it seems like it's here to stay.

  • This has been a bug for a long time but it's seems to be pretty rare since i only seen it once or twice.

  • @schwammlgott I have, more just a post to see if it was just my game or not

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