Escaping krackens grips on a solo brig?

  • I know how to escape the Kracken by turning around however sometimes it grabs the boat and this causes constant holes.

    When solo on a brig, what is the most effective way to escape its tentacle grasp move?

    Fight the tentacle on the ship?
    Keg it?

    Or maybe just keep patching and bailing til it lets go?

  • The head hit the head next to the boat then the head shifts to the other side and hit the head again then it unwraps

  • @ruigtand-nl Thanks for the response.
    Im a little confused though, hit the head?

    do you mean like the end of the tentacle thats wrapped around?

  • @daringclarky

    Yeah a small tail end with mouth will be besides the boat thats the head of the tentacle that is wrapped around the boat.

  • @ruigtand-nl Thank you. That will literally change my solo brigging now, Thanks :)

  • Best thing to do is stay in the ship and keep the wheel straight and keep repairing the holes you will eventually after five minutes leave the grasp of the kraken.

  • The tentacle will wrap round and appear at the other side in range of your cannon, just hit it with a few cannon balls, If you have the supplies I say fight it, only takes a few mins and it drops loot now like a stronghold chests, it's win win.👍

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