Sheathed Weapons

  • Why do our weapons have to disappear when not in use..? Shouldn’t our swords be hanging at our sides or our blunderbuss/rifles be strapped to our backs? I think it would be nice to show off our hard earned swords or guns without having to arm them in our hands.

  • community
  • @kcdolan886 could be cool to have this although I think, if it were implemented it would be nice for you to have the ability to choose to hide the unequipped items if you wanted to, that way you could choose if you wanted to show them off as part of your outfit or not.

  • Rare has addressed this before. They would love to be able to show everyone's weapons hanging on their belt or shown in some way, but it's just not possible with all of the randomized pirate body shapes and sizes, and clothing as well. There are neverending issues with the weapons not displaying correctly on different sized pirates, weapons clipping into the body, clipping through the clothes, showing half hidden in a jacket with half of it sticking out, etc. Apparently it's a nightmare of a coding issue and when they look at the time investiment it would take to try to implement something so small, compared to developing new content and fixing larger issues in the game, it's just not worth it. Maybe in the future they might look at it, but for now, the idea isn't on their radar.

    It's the same reason that pets will not be made to sit on our shoulders. People keep wanting that as well, but again, same thing. They simply can't because of the coding nightmare due to all of the different pirate sizes, shoulder shapes, hair styles and hats. Pets would be all messed up trying to sit on completely different shaped bodies and shoulders, with different hair and hats giving neverending glitches to the visuals of having a pet there. There would be constant clipping issues where a hat would be going through a monkey's neck, or a macaw is levitating 2 inches off of someone's shoulder because of how it is shaped, or someone's hair is covering up their parakeet.

    I agree I would love to see weapons on our sides or strapped to our backs etc. Rare has even said they would love this as well. But, at this moment in Sea of Thieves' journey through game developments and new content updates and patches, it's not being looked at. Hopefully in the future though, they will surprise us and we'll find our swords at our sides and pets on our shoulders. You never know. 😊👍🐦🤞💜🌊

  • @spiralout46and2 I actually didn’t think about all those complications...Haha. I’ll just keep dreaming and hoping someday it’ll come through! 😁

  • @spiralout46and2 i wonder how they made the clothing work hmmmmm and the barrels the chests that hangs on your back when you climb ladders HMMMMM

  • @kcdolan886 Yeah, no worries, I hope it comes one day too lol. I've just seen the remarks here and there about why they can't do it, so thought I would share. Hopefully we'll be surprised in a future patch one day and it will be announced though, who knows! 😊👍🎊

    @JollyOlsteamed I don't know.... I'm sure that took a fair bit of effort in itself to make sure that jackets or dresses fit every size of pirate too. I've never tried to look closely at when a chest is temporarily placed on your back when climbing a ladder though. I'll try to give a closer look next time I play, because I'm curious if they lie flat on everyone's backs, or clip into the pirate or levitate just off of their back etc now lol.

  • @spiralout46and2 they probrably float haha same with the coin flip issue

  • @jollyolsteamed said in Sheathed Weapons:

    @spiralout46and2 they probrably float haha same with the coin flip issue

    I'm thinking that they might do that, yeah. At least for some pirates (depending on body shape/size) lol. 😄👍

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