Tales from the Tavern Podcast - Episode 2

In our next podcast, Jon and Emma sit down with Joe, Mike and Ted.

We launched our first ever podcast back in July, and a lot has happened since then. At the time, we were busy planning for Gamescom which was looming on the horizon. Now, a few weeks later, we’ve created two new video series in Short Haul and Inn-Side Story, and streamed live from the show floor at Gamescom. But all of this activity would have been pointless without you – our passionate, excited and only occasionally eccentric community!

So for your aural and/or visual pleasure we’re excited to bring you our second podcast available now on iTunes and SoundCloud, and on YouTube in glorious 4K! This episode sees hosts Jon and Emma chatting with Joe Neate, Mike Chapman and Ted Timmins about all the shenanigans happening inside the studio, at Gamescom and out in the great wide world - from fan-made pirate recipes, costumes, coins, music videos and even a tattoo, to Mike’s admirers, Jon’s pronunciation and Ted’s compromised cup of tea!  

Sea of Thieves Tales from the Tavern Podcast - Episode 2

Продолжительность 54:35

As you’ll hear in the podcast, we love talking about you lot, answering your questions and seeing how you’re getting involved. We read as many posts as we can so drop a comment on YouTube, iTunes and and SoundCloud, and join the conversation on Twitter, Facebook and in our forums