Please, stop begging unnecessary changes (again)

  • Your Feedback is important, but...
    First, be sure to search the forums for keywords about your question, suggestion, complaint. There are dozens of topics targeted to (almost) every case.

    Be clear and succinct about what you want to talk about. Saying "This game is trash" or "I'll stop playing if you do not change [your rant here]" will not solve your problem. In fact, the chance for someone understand your problem and help to solve it is almost zero.

    It doesn't hurt you to search the forums, It doesn't hurt you to post in the specific topics (Mega Threads or something like that),it helps the community, helps the moderators.

    Yes, I know, we have posts about this topics, but I also responded every topic. Cheers!

    Private servers/PvE servers/Passive Modes/Flags that make us immune to any PvP/Safe Zones/Anything about Optional PvP
    This is a ONLINE SHARED WORLD GAME. Look at Sea of Thieves description:

    "Exotic islands. Hidden treasures. Riddles, battles and shanties. The essential pirate experience.
    Sea of Thieves is a new type of MULTIPLAYER GAME that delivers all you need to live the free-roaming pirate life. Whether adventuring as a group or sailing solo, YOU'LL ENCOUNTER OTHER CREWS... but will they be friends or foes, and how will you respond?" - SOURCE

    Also, remove PIRATES from a PIRATE game doesn't make any sense! Want Passive mode? Want to sail alone?

    Bring back Temporary Cosmetics
    What brings incentive to the players are the season's exclusive items. These items call players populate servers again. Many games work this way, and this makes each player (and his account) unique. This will take away the essence of the game and the exclusivity of those who work hard to get such items. If you lost something, stop blaming others. Stop asking this. If you don't have time to play, the only one to blame is you.

    Buy/Save Supplies
    Just imagine. You just sink an enemy that attacked you while you are at a fort, they were A10, they bought everything from the game, they have millions to spare. You're just a novice learning how to play. Less than 10 minutes later they come back, 1000 cannon balls, 1000 bananas and 1000 wood planks. What would your chances be? Anything that takes the horizontal progression of this game possibly will not be changed. Want progression, buy ships, buy resources, etc? Go play Atlas.

    Save Voyage Progress
    You turn on your Xbox/PC knowing that you will enter the game and leave within 30 minutes. Why the hell do you think putting an Athena voyage will be a good thing? Is it possible to do an Athena mission in 30 minutes? Yes, it is, if the islands are close enougth, if you plan well, if you don't deliver the merchant ones. If you only play 30 minutes, place a mission that takes that time!

    "But I want to sell Athena's chest, I don't have that much time to play." - Simple. Take time for this. Your life, your priorities, organize your life. To say that you don't have time is an excuse, I have friends who work, study, do things at home and still take care of their kids, they play, even if they stay until dawn, but they play, because they like it. There is no lack of time, there is lack of will.

    Hiding mermaids
    This is not a NINJA game, this is a PIRATE game. The chance to see the mermaid is the same as seeing the player coming toward the ship, because the smoke doesn't appear to them.

    Removing Friendly Fire from Alliances/Alliance Gamertag Colors
    I was in favor of changing colors, but I managed to change my mind for a VERY simple reason: Never trust a pirate.

    When you make alliances, you NEED to deal with who you know and trust. Making alliances with random people is a high risk. Betrayal is a risk. So the least you should know is to identify who's in your alliance. Problems with decorating names? Make everyone wear the same outfit! Put on a unique skin for your alliance members and ship, so it's easy to identify.

    Removing Friendly Fire is also something that does not make sense. The pirate is not part of your crew, he is part of another crew. He can get on your ship, get your more expensive chest, eat your food, steal your cannonballs and loot, how will you defend yourself if you cannot shoot him? That would make it all a mess.

    The person who harms you, is it part of your crew? If so, quit the session, jail him, report him. If not, he is not Griefer. It's simple to understood?

    If the person is from another crew and is being biased, racist or anything like that, just report the subject, or kill and report.

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  • @targasbr I dunno Targas. I would maybe reword the bit about the time to play bit. That is a bit rough wording there. There are a lot of people who have other things that go on that are out of their control.

    There are a lot of people who simply don't have the time due to other circumstances. Work, kids, hospital, family functions, anything. They wanted this game to be for everyone, casuals included. In fact, they wanted this to be a casual game. To then tell them that it is their fault because they don't have the time to play in the amount that either I or you do, is a bit rude and standoffish.

    You really won't change peoples minds or opinions when you come off like that with your wording. It just makes them even more angry at you and the others who share the same sentiments. And generally, other games release those limited time cosmetics later down the road. They are not gone forever. They do it like that so people who don't have the time can have access to those items. They just have to wait and buy it with the in-game currency. Meanwhile, the people that did have the time get access to it right then and there and can show it off until the next limited time cosmetics. Then the people who didn't have the time can get the ones prior and the people who do get access to the new stuff to keep each individual account unique. A stagger effect if you would.

  • @shinten-rai I agree with you that the way I said it may sound rude, but I am one of those who should not have time. I work, I'm married, I have a daughter. My day usually starts very early and ends very late. Sleeping more than 4 hours a night is luxury for me, yet I try to organize my life to get to play at least 2 hours a week.

    People always complain about lack of time, but sometimes it's because X or Y is not the priority for them. Between work, home, family and game, obviously the game will stay last. Are you insomniac and all went to sleep? Everyone left the house and you're going to stay for 4 hours alone? Your wife is getting ready to go shopping or cinema with you and you know she's going to take at least an hour? Play games!

    Even unique quests are quick to finish. And if you have good crew and say "I have to leave for 10 minutes, can I leave the character logged in?" they will understand.

  • The hypocrisy behind creating duplicate thread to try and sensor the creation of other duplicate threads just because an idea is popular is unreal.

  • @blackelite-id16 It's not a duplicate post, it's a post with topics covered in other posts, but organized so that everyone can read and understand. Sometimes the best way to get a message is to pick up all the points and organize. Too much information gets lost when we don't organize things.

  • @shinten-rai In terms of time to play, I think that there is a lot of variety in the game. There are different lengths of voyages and activities to fill the time slots that you have.

    It's up to people to figure what they can do with the time they have. If I know I have 30 mins of time in front of me top, I will wait until I have more time to start a longer voyage. I'll do a regular one, maybe a bottle or two I found during my outpost supply run, maybe a wreck, and I'll turn in what I have when I have to leave, voyage over or not.

    As for cosmetics, I think the time Rare gives to obtain them during events is rather fair, but I understand it can be frustrating to miss out on them. If I recall, the devs did say that someday those items might get back in circulation, the mercenary set is a good example.

    I think people shouldn't stress out with those, all good things come to those who wait. It's all in the mindset of people. Posts about "I didn't finish the thing in time, can I still have the reward?" are a bit tiresome though.

  • @targasbr Just because you can find the time, does not mean others will be able too. Don't stoop down to the well I can do it, so can they argument.

    You are the only you. I am the only me. We cannot take our personal experiences and apply them to the whole as everyone else is not me and you. Maybe their kid is struggling in school and takes up to 4 hours to do homework. The point is, we don't know. Asking to have chances to get previous items is not really that big of a deal. Everything else you said is pretty okay.

  • @targasbr What about when you origanlly start a ship you have double the origanal supplies.
    If you sink your supplies are halfed to the original amount,
    If you sink again, it is again halfed.

  • @shinten-rai Yes, we do not know about each other's lives, but what I say is based on my personal experiences. I used to give the excuse of the lack of time for everything. Then I stopped to think and I noticed that it was not lack of time, but lack of will. Unless the person has all his 24 hours already scheduled, which is difficult, because we have physiological needs, it is impossible to don't have time.

  • @sailorkek disse em Please, stop begging unnecessary changes (again):

    @targasbr What about when you origanlly start a ship you have double the origanal supplies.
    If you sink your supplies are halfed to the original amount,
    If you sink again, it is again halfed.

    That's a point, but the player will can buy the supplies too, and this will unbalance.
    I saw once here on the forums a post about buy supplies one time and with a limit, but I don't think this will work too..

  • @targasbr

    Thank you for summing all of this up perfectly. It sure seems like people want to change the game to make it more catering to themselves rather than to actually build and nurture what Sea of Thieves is.

    Keeping players of every motivation all playing together in a shared world is what this game is about. Its what makes it special and interesting. Its selfish for people to request a separate place where they can carry out their single minded motivation without contrast or conflict. Sea of Thieves isn't the mindless PvE grindfest that some people would like to reduce it to.

    The game is a mixing pot of different ideas and desires all spinning into one. But when you divide it up and let people go off and do their own thing without encountering someone else wanting to do a different thing, well that just isn't Sea of Thieves any more. You hurt the PvE world and you hurt the normal Adventure world substantially by removing the contrast from both pieces.

  • @chronodusk Exactly! Instead of drastically changing the game idea, people should look for ways to improve the game and please all sides. I've changed my mind several times in debates here in the forums, I think everyone can change their mind, including me.

  • The constant begging is annoying, but so are all the accusatory responses blaming others for problems that may be out of their control. Time can be a nuisance but it is what it is. Cant have it all, and in the end we only get cosmetics anyway. I stopped collecting those when we had to play with chairs.

    I liked it when @TargasBR responded with short memes that just said no to their requests.

  • @blackelite-id16 said in Please, stop begging unnecessary changes (again):

    The hypocrisy behind creating duplicate thread to try and sensor the creation of other duplicate threads just because an idea is popular is unreal.

    Oh yeah, creating a second post on a topic that got locked because it was inactive for a while, and creating the same post every single day when you could very well reply to an existing one is totally the same.

    Agreed, the hypocrisy is quite unreal indeed.

  • @targasbr Maybe if they added the banana, wood and cannonball crates as part of animal runs people could use those.
    People pay gold for the chance to receive one or end up with a bundle of pig crates.

  • @d-jaguar Is that an hour arrived that I tired of answering everything in a logical way. There are people who don't want a solution, they just want to complain. When we show that things are correct as they are, they appeal to swearing and searching for grammar mistakes.

  • @sailorkek disse em Please, stop begging unnecessary changes (again):

    @targasbr Maybe if they added the banana, wood and cannonball crates as part of animal runs people could use those.
    People pay gold for the chance to receive one or end up with a bundle of pig crates.

    I like the idea of buying or having a crate in the ship at the beginning of a session, but I think we need to improve this more to be good to all players, new and old ones.

  • @sailorkek There are often crate voyages in bottles, I usually try to pick them up as much as possible so I can grab those crates, but I think it's a good idea to have a chance to include them right away in voyages.

  • @bloodybil yeah me too, the occasional riddle and stuff doesn't really bother me but I usually search for them to complete the crate accommodations.
    So far I got 22 bananas on time,
    3 wood and 8 cannonballs haha.

  • I dislike threads being repeated over and over again, don't make it a thing that every time this gets locked you do it again but worded differently.

    As for the actual thread, yeah I have had little desire to interact with the current users of this forum, I'm repeating myself too much and it's taking a toll on my wit.

    Also for my fellow pve only mode beggars, this is my face when I read through your requests:
    alt text


  • I do agree with most of your points here but this may come off as rude and ''better up'' to some of who can't help their situation. You might want to reword the, ''theres no one to blame but you'' quote. Most people genuinely dont have the time and not everyone is sainted. We all work, no ones better than anyone else for playing for 1 hour. I can also understand the level of frustration when players miss out on exclusive content, though I don't agree with the constant want of returning said content just for them. And mind you, a lot of our community is made up of children as the game draws a younger crowd. The posts of ''want'', will unfortunately never stop. Lastly, griefers, reporting them has a 0 to 1% chance of something even being done. And ultimately this is indeed an open world pvp game BUT some simply enjoy harassing and bullying others and not even take the pirated loot. We all know this, so should you. I've witnessedthis first hand and i've been a victim too it. Bullying in the name of piracy is not how the game works. So implying the ''Oh well too bad'' tone, doesn't help the situation. Everything else, I agree with. Though i'd definitely go back and fix a few things, as your frustration isn't going too change anything. This is only a rant post.

  • @urihamrayne I've rewritten a lot, some re-used, but the truth is people here are all tired of it all. I just wanted to show (again) that there are better ways of solving problems.

  • @sailorkek honestly this is how I want it to work, I like it how it punishes sinking.

  • @sister-necrosis I agree it may sound rude, but there comes a time that we get tired of trying to explain in a simple way. I've lost a lot in the game myself. I lost the first few months until September, but I understand that it's my fault for being that time without a computer and for delaying buying the Xbox. I don't get these exclusive ones back, I simply accept because I understand that this is the essence of the game. But perhaps I should reformulate the post phrase, I will think of a better way of expressing myself.

    About the Griefers, as I quoted above, I am not trying to judge the attitudes of each player, on the contrary, I just wanted to explain the difference between what is defined by Griefer and toxic people. There are ways to block/report all these players, and we should rather report all that flee than it makes the game fun.

  • @targasbr Duplicate threads are just a part of the forums. They are always going to happen no matter what goes on.

    This is just a high traffic time, the insider program has just opened up and with it a lot of new players with ideas, complaints and questions.

    We as a community just need to be patient and try and help answer there questions or queries as best as possible.

    I’m pretty sure 90% of the regulars around here have seen so many duplicate threads and same questions asked, it probably doesn’t even phase them.
    Just direct them onto a topic which is being discussed already. :)

  • @knifelife I know all of this, but I really get tired of people who do not even have the bare minimum of researching before.

    The same kind of person who, for example, I sell Coffee Mug for 5 bucks and make that clear in the post, they come to ask what I'm selling, what comes inside the mug, and the price.

  • @targasbr Yeah not much I can say to that. Just going to have to find a way to deal with it haha
    It’s what forums are like, I’ve been here for over two years and it’s been like it ever since I have been here. :/

  • @knifelife said in Please, stop begging unnecessary changes (again):

    I’m pretty sure 90% of the regulars around here have seen so many duplicate threads and same questions asked, it probably doesn’t even phase them.

    It even goes as far as just mentally blocking them out. We've seen it all, multiple times. These forums usually go in cycles and it's always the same cycle.

    Upcoming hot-topic: Xbox vs. PC

  • @knifelife Unfortunately this just happens here. In general forums, people usually search before creating new topics. In some of them moderation removes the topic and moves what the person said to the right topic.

  • @murkrage I think the worst part is that I try to keep up with the topics, Now I have 6 unread pages, where not even half of one of the pages is really relevant. It is virtually impossible to follow the forums now.

  • @targasbr That's where the boatswains, deckhands and community mods come in :), trying their best to guide all the topics into the right places.

  • @murkrage I admire the work of those who run here, I wouldn't have the patience.

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