Xbox / PC seperated servers or at least choice

  • Sure we had this before.
    Please give at least the option to decide wether if u want to use cross play or not.
    I really hate to get killed by pc players all the time, and for pc there are dozent of cheats available.

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  • @derwaschlappen


  • @derwaschlappen PC players do not want to lose their advantage.

    Unhappy we maybe don't have an end for the crossplay. An option could work very well, but will "split the comunity" lol.

  • @derwaschlappen You guys need to stop throwing in ridiculous claims with these posts. Just put "PC vs Xbox is unfair" or something along those lines and leave it at that. You can explain if you understand why M&K has an advantage over controller, but stop throwing in nonsense like "they can use cheats", "they have perfect accuracy", "they can fly if they spin their character fast enough", etc.

  • @xphelipe it would split the community and many xbox players are against it as well, not just pc players.

    these threads always end the same way. i'd suggest reading through some of the older ones or one of the old megathreads about this. It gets boring explaining it, again and again.

  • @derwaschlappen said in Xbox / PC seperated servers or at least choice:

    I really hate to get killed by pc players all the time

    When you write stuff like this, it makes me think you just got killed by a random console player and want to blame it on some other reason than you just got beat.

    You can't be killed by PC players "all the time", because they are a much smaller percentage of the player base. You reduce the effectiveness of your argument by exaggerating.

  • Having been on the receiving end of now countless attacks from pc players, it is very easy to tell them apart from those on the Xbox as all of the inputs and especially weapon switching and firing seem almost preternaturally fast. I too would like the option to play with those on which I have an equal footing by choosing either cross play or pc/ Xbox only. So that I may relieve some of the frustration I feel for a game that I love to play.

  • @sir-lotus And still pc players have advantages.

    Why can not we play with Playstation players? They are human too.

    And over there have a great comunity

  • @derwaschlappen Maybe you want to refer to mouse vs. controller? ... because many on PC play with controller and (when enabled) many will play with mouse in Xbox One (yes, One is the console, Xbox is the platform)

    I play on pc (with controller) with friends who use console, but a division according to the peripheral used can be an option.

  • And the PC players who use controllers? Where do we fit into the equation of fairness?

  • @john-hatter

    And the PC players who use controllers? Where do we fit into the equation of fairness?

    The same place as Xbox players that use a rock band guitar. With the rest of the players on their platform.

  • Optional input matchmaking is would be nice. Especially with the upcoming arena . I feel if we don’t get something like that there’s going to be a big increase in these threads when it launches.

    Hopefully they add something along the lines of that.

  • @betsill
    So then the reason for division is one of anti-platform? PC's stay with your kind Xbox stay with yours?

  • @john-hatter No it's just that PC has M&K as default(as well as some other smaller advantages over Xbox). Remember that Xbox players have to pay for xbox live to play SoT on xbox. PC players get a free pass to play it with just the game purchase(something I still think is pretty insane that xbox players have to essentially pay extra to have a disadvantage.). If they have a way to make sure that their are no shenanigans on PC with regards to getting into controller lobbies with M&K then I think it should be ok. I don't know of a single PC game that has controller only lobbies. If you use a controller on PC you are CHOOSING to play at a disadvantage and obviously don't care about being competitive, so I see no reason to cater to those players at the expense of others. Xbox players bought an xbox(of which the default and best input is controller) AND paid for an xbox live subscription. They should be taken care of first since they paid premium NOT to deal with a lot of the problems online PC games have. Each platform should have their own separate experience available and then merged where neither are affected negatively or the can opt into the negative experience/disadvantage(such as an xbox player choosing to play against PC players).

  • @derwaschlappen glad to see that i stop visiting the forums and i look for just 1 day and then i see the old "xbox/pc seperated servers" lol never gets old

  • For sure no offense was meant, sry guys in case some felt offended. But this is the suggestion part of this forum right:)

    Of course mouse and keyboard are faster with aim.
    And that there are many cheats availabe for pc is just a fact - that is all i said.
    For me it hardly makes sense to medle "gaming races" in a pvp game, chances should always be even. And here on crossplay this is just not the fact.

    We do not need the deactivate cross play, just give the option.

  • @xphelipe said in Xbox / PC seperated servers or at least choice:

    @sir-lotus And still pc players have advantages.

    Why can not we play with Playstation players? They are human too.

    And over there have a great comunity

    Haha yeah, talk about 'splitting' the player base :)

    Guess it's because the game is by Microsoft?

  • These threads are still happening? no, I am on PC and some of my best crew mates are on xbox

  • @princes-lettuce Probably, but I think we could play with our Playstation friends, but there must be other things besides uniting people.
    Fortnite did this.

  • Overall if you look at other games that have or focus on PvP, they have separate servers. This is an old argument that unfortunately is ignored by Rare and Microsoft. They want so desperately for cross play to work that the ignore the concerns or try to say things like "we increased the sensitivity for XBox so it should be balanced now", even though it is still not balanced. Truth is, I play both console and pc. I prefer my console as the 65" TV is way better and my lazy boy so comfy. LOL. But I play with peeps from both sides. And I have a friend that is on console that loves challenging himself against pc players. But I do think with the new arena, that having separate servers is going to be needed.

  • @DerWaschlappen A very small percentage of players are on PC and it would ultimately lead to barren servers and tons of server merges for them- causing the collapse of whats left of our PC players

  • @betsill
    Huh...can't argue with that and to be honest not the direction I expected this brief back and forth to go. With no wind in my sails I tip my hat to your points~

  • @derwaschlappen said in Xbox / PC seperated servers or at least choice:

    Sure we had this before.
    Please give at least the option to decide wether if u want to use cross play or not.
    I really hate to get killed by pc players all the time, and for pc there are dozent of cheats available.

    Is every one who bested you a PC player and everyone you kill an Xbox player? Because I just wonder how people know who is a PC player or Xbox player in the thick of battle.

  • @zormis said in Xbox / PC seperated servers or at least choice:

    @derwaschlappen said in Xbox / PC seperated servers or at least choice:

    Sure we had this before.
    Please give at least the option to decide wether if u want to use cross play or not.
    I really hate to get killed by pc players all the time, and for pc there are dozent of cheats available.

    Is every one who bested you a PC player and everyone you kill an Xbox player? Because I just wonder how people know who is a PC player or Xbox player in the thick of battle.

    I am not strong at PvP, probably barely above average at best. I am stronger at ship v ship combat than one on one in person combat. But if you are facing a semi skilled PC player that knows how to work their advantages, then you definitely can tell the difference. This coming from someone that knows that I can be beat by console and PC players alike.

  • @derwaschlappen said in Xbox / PC seperated servers or at least choice:

    for pc there are dozent of cheats available.

    Do you search online for these cheats? Do you have proof of this other than it follows your narrative that all PC players are most likely cheating? We just want to play this game too and cheating for normal people isn't rewarding. Also the risk of having your account banned seems stupid to win at a game with now real ending.

    PC players are not all cheating. And if you accuse someone of cheating in the game most PC players would take offence and hunt you down out of spite.

  • @m1sterpunch I agree with you that not all PC players are cheating, and in fact would say that the vast majority of them don't. But there are cheats that are used. Overall, having played hundreds if not over a thousand hours of playing time, I have only been a direct witness to cheating less than 5 times total. In fact, I would say only 3 of those times am I very sure that some form of cheating was involved.

  • @sir-lotus Thanks for the quick reply, I like a quick nope just to upvote ^_^

  • Well at least your prayers will be answered. With the arena coming they are splitting the player base unknowingly so hopefully we will see fewer of these posts. You purchased the game via gamepass/or straight out bought it you knew cross play was part of it. I just don't understand why these threads keep getting created.

  • @jensen-flame It's really had to hot-swap weapons and shoot accuratly too, we need to klick-Press1/2-klick while also accounting for movement and moving ourselves (using WASD etc) so No the quick swap shoot trick is actually easier on a controller.
    Yes PC players have mouse and keyboards we sure do, but most of us have controllers and actually use them too.
    As for the equal footing, where do you draw the line? Should there be a seperate option for Pro controller users? How about the XIM users? Or maybe those who have an X-Bone X vs a normal one. I see many lines in the sand for your Ideas and just one for me and Rare.
    @xPhelipe I'm a Playstation player... hi, I use my PC to play this game with X-Box players and other PC players who own Playstations alike. Isn't the world great?

    It's funny how people are constantly complaining about this but as @D3ADST1CK already stated chances are you're getting killed by better X-Box players or even players on PC who are using a controller.
    The X-Box vs PC statistics is a 10-1 so if you're getting killed by those nasty "PC" players all the time chanses are you're just getting killed by players all the time. Just get better at the game and stop blaming other factors. I'm not denying the difference between mouse and keyboard as opposed to a controller I'm just saying it's such a small group that you're making a big deal out of nothing.

  • Im always wondering how PC players always win over xbox players... These statements are ridicilous.

    I play Xbox and i beat PC players...
    Using a PC doenst give u pr0 skills and tactics. It is not JUST the console/pc u use to define your pr0-ness.

    And than we can continue.
    We can't put xbox vs xbox. Because not all xboxes have same specs. Same goes for pc's.

  • @hynieth Hi dude :)

    The crossplay is a good feature, being able to play in any platform with your friend is amazing. But there's still a problem, pc players have advantages, we are asking just a option, not put it out.

  • Aye. Yes please.

  • @iceman-0007 For me it’s that the developers always said they would balance it going forward from the alphas and it was something they would always be keeping an eye on.

    Unfortunately for me that has gone broken, ideally I would love to have it where I could play with people across all platforms freely and have a blast.

    But unfortunately, in my experience anyway I feel if you can tell what platform someone is on just by there movements and responses there is an unbalance. And I don’t think these threads will ever disappear untill Rare actually does something. The time for sweeping this under the carpet is over. If they want there arena to be successful they need to address these long brought up concerns instead of ignoring them.

  • Ok guys thank you for your imput.

    Well i could really hear out of all this, that you had this topic already for a lot of times. There must be a reason for this.
    So this is to devs once more: I think you can see, that there would be a need by a lot of players. I personally (and a lot of other players it seems to me) would be happy if we could get a chance here to at least decide about it instead of beeing forced.
    I think this is the end for me here, no need for another mega thread:)

  • @derwaschlappen

    If you take a look through the archive here, you can see we've had several mega threads devoted to the topic - it'll give you some idea of the various arguments on either side.

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