World Mental Health Day 2018 - We sail in the same boat.

  • Morning all, just thought I would bring this to your attention that today is World Mental Health Day.

    World Mental Health Day 2018 is observed on October 10 across the world. This year, the theme of World Mental Health Day is young people and mental health in a changing world.

    While many people have an exciting time in their early years of adulthood, for some people this time may cause a lot of stress. If mental health problems among teenagers are not managed and recognised, it can lead to mental illness. Increased use of online technologies among teenagers has led to additional pressures. This is one of the biggest reasons why the young are vulnerable to mental distress and illness.

    What's more is that half of all mental illness begins by the age of 14 and most of these cases go undetected and untreated. Depression is the third most common disease in adolescents.

    I know it's a very hard hitting topic, but just thought I would just say that if you or someone you know may be struggling in terms of mental wellbeing please don't keep it quiet, reach out and speak to someone, anyone. I think the world of gaming, especially online gaming and forums like this can do a lot of good, but often get a lot of bad press. But I know for one this community is awesome and on a day like today will stand tall and proud to say I think we do a lot - all of us - to make this place (and the game in some ways) feel open, honest and welcoming and sometimes have frank discussions about a variety of topics, welcoming all viewpoints and allowing others to be open and honest in return making all feel welcome to join in the discussions.

    And as food for thought, and I found the quote from a TIME Magazine very fitting... and sums it all up really.

    'We Sail In The Same Boat.'

    Just a topic from me to you - Once again, sorry it's not in my usual tone but I felt this was needed to be posted, if only for awareness.

    See you out on the seas!

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  • @musicmee Hear hear!

    Thanks for posting this matey. I think we're all touched by mental health in some capacity throughout our lives and it's something that should be highlighted.

    If you are suffering, please reach out. Speak to friends, family or even a professional if need be. Something as simple as a conversation can make all the difference.

    It's ok to not be ok.

  • And to go with that quote.

    'Not all illnesses or disabilities are visible'

  • Good shout to raise awareness of this one @Musicmee , depression and anxiety are killers and lead to way more issues than people realise.
    We simply aren't designed to have cortisone flowing through our bodies constantly and as a result the modern world, full of stresses can make us extremely ill!

    It has even been shown that treatments for things like Cancer are less effective at reaching cells properly if that cell is drowning in cortisone.

    Keep your chins up folks and don't forget to ask for help when you think you need it, even if it's here on these forums. We @Boatswain and I know the @Deckhands as well try to keep our eyes and ears open where we can. Feel free to PM ANY of us if you need something as I am sure someone will respond and have what may be a much needed chat!

    Fair wind and clam seas to all! X

  • While we are on the subject of mental health and social anxiety, it reminded me of this brilliant piece of work shared earlier this year.

    It is well worth checking out.

  • @musicmee Thanks for posting @Musicmee for me this is a thread that really touches home and although MH is getting a lot more light in recent years still has its stigmas and can often be brushed under the carpet.

    I think one of the hardest things about mental health disorders is trying to explain symptoms to those who don’t have them. It’s very complex and sometimes really embarrassing if not degrading to do so. I have found it extremely hard at times in my life.

    For me personally, the last 10 years I’ve been trying to get out of the negative feedback loop of agoraphobia, which is no easy thing to do at all. I’m very fortunate that I have friends and family who support me to the best of there ability, as just people understanding or trying to, can do more then anyone thinks.

    But because of all the support I have had and a few other reasons I won’t detail, because of it I’ve managed to get myself from basically staying in my house all day everyday to actually go out with some friends for the odd grog on weekends and even got myself on part time college courses to try and become a psychologist myself.
    Although thats very over simplified obviously, but it’s taken 10 years to get to that stage! Lol

    As an addendum, if there is one thing everyone can do for anyone, especially if you suspect they might be fighting there own demons. Just smile at them, or any stranger. It may sound silly but a simple smile can change someone’s whole day for the better. I have had it where I was having an awful day. I knew it was going to be a bad one, I probably had to go out and go doctors or something and some person just smiled at me for no reason as they walked past. It instantly changed my mood. It works :)

  • @ant-heuser-kush Aye, I have always found the smallest actions can make the biggest difference :)

  • @knifelife @Ant-Heuser-Kush

    Thanks for sharing your very personal stories, hopefully, moments like this will allow more people to come to terms with the issues they face and may not have normally spoken to anyone.

    The thing I hear most is...

    You're not alone; talk to someone you trust. Sharing a problem is often the first step to recovery.

  • @musicmee You are right, having someone to talk to makes all the difference.

    I think a lot of the problems is although tonnes of people do have various different issues.

    They are usually very personal and a lot of the time sharing your problems with others is seen (Or viewed by the person) as a sign of weakness.

    Any mental illness is a very long battle and a lot of the time you can only help yourself. Don’t get me wrong counciling and tablets can help and give you a push In the right direction, but the hardest part is forcing yourself into those situations you don’t want to be in to “Re-wire” your brain.

    That’s my personal experiance anyway, they are all very personal and effect everyone differently.

    But I always found positive and negative feedback loops are a good thing to learn about if you struggle with anxiety or a social disorder of that sort. :)

    As a disclaimer I’m just talking from a personal standpoint. Don’t take my word as fact as it’s different for everyone. Obviously seek help if you think you need it. If it wasn’t for doctors and councillors I probably would even be able to write what I did aha

  • @knifelife I also think the big issue nowadays people face is, while they may appear to have a big social circle appearing to have a massive amount of "friends" on Xbox Live or Facebook or wherever while they are quietly suffering from trying to keep an image while drowning in loneliness.

    I think @Ant-Heuser-Kush said it perfectly above...

    Who cares what people think of you? And if they think any less of you after you tell them, they weren't really about you anyway.

    Be yourself, trust in yourself, and if people aren't happy with who you are, are they really your friend?

  • @musicmee thanks mate!

  • I think one of the problems often stems from not knowing what to say or how to offer support to those who might be in need.

    I came across a very useful article about Psychological First Aid the other day, which does contain some useful tips, listening being the first and foremost.

    Psychological First Aid

  • @katttruewalker Agreed about the listening... Even if you are just there to be that shoulder to cry on, or to be the one that allows someone to release all their saved up angst or have that rant before they blow.

    Just "being there" can be enough.

  • i have been doubting to answer this Topic for a while , this is difficult material and very hard to try to answer in a language that is not yer own...

    Childhood and the Youth years are a very important phase in any persons' life. Events ,done by grownups who did those things even unaware , can make an everpresent impression in a young life...Trauma's , accidents, violence and so on and on are the perfect ingredient to mentally scar a young soul...If one brick in this early foundation get's misslayed ,then that can result in a " broken housewall" later...

    Even if people had " the perfect youth" then other events can break a person...Do never think that a mental illness can not overcome you...Even stress, or simple sleeplessness can lead to turmoil inside ,if those circumstances stay excisting for many years ....Nobody is invincible to those sort of things.

    Our society , or better said the way it is build nowadays ,is also a very frequent nogooder in many occasions...Every parent wants that their children will have a better life then they had or have. That is a normal wish but sometimes parents seem to think that only "rocket scientists " are the summit of our humankind and push their children , already from very young age , to be the best...

    " Being the best , in every area , at every time " has already taken a "normal" place in many thoughts...How many children are already "burned up" before their real life has to start? How many children feel bad or guilty because they cannot reach the high standards their parents has set?...
    This is not the only cuase of many problems , people together can decide to "make " or "break " somebody. i look towards my own , chaotic deformed country, in wich children from 12 to 18 commit suicide because they get bullied over social media for many months...Young children should be monitored in their way through internet and young adults should stand still by their actions and think twice before breaking somebody...

    Breaking is easy...Breaking people is for lazy ( - Hold it ,George , don't use that kind of language ...keep it civil) uhm persons...Picking a person up and trying to lead them to their place in the world , those people deserve respect...

    And i didn't say anything yet about perfect normal grown ups , who get mentally destroyed by some superiors who seem to have a sarcastic joy in humiliating ,or demanding the impossible from people just to be able to ridiculize them and break them...i have seen many collegues grab in silent towards anti depressive pills to make it through the week just because of a mental s****t...

    But those "pills " come with a cost...After a while they never be the same and another soul is lost and stands before a everdiving spiral that will lead them to ruin in time...

    Ah , pills,yes , " The Solution of our Generation" . i can already see the CEO's from pharmaceutical industries wringle their hands....All those people that have struggled through their childhood and youth years , who felt " different " than the rest, try to fit in like chameleons do...But time and the awareness or setbacks bring them towards the Truth they had always tried to outrun. So many do seek help, through doctors , " specialists " and psychiatrists and those people sometimes really want to help...But they put you in a category , you have this and you have that ...All those categories goes along with truckloads of pills that alter your personality in time...They seem to heal you , no , they " flatline "you...Sure ,you don't feel sad , or less then somebody else but you hardly feel happy ,or excited...When those things don't help, what they mostly don't do you get send forward to "smarter" doctors who just treat you like a number ,giving you new stuff , and if that doesn't help , then they book you a room in a sanatorium...

    Every person is different, every person has different memories or happenings that has tormented him or her ...Every person needs to be monitored , and helped without "categorizing " them in a box...This will cost time and money and both are "too much for those that are lost to our stressfull ,fast modern times"...

    Well, for me personally, i have learned a lot about myself the latest years...i am who i am...They may have a name for me in the " medical world " but up yours docs...i travel my own road , not one pill will flatline me, not one medical term will brand my forehead...i may be weird to many, so what? People , unknowingly , help me because i have giving up hiding and some people don't mind who i am and let me be who i am without judging me...

    What mental sick people lack in some areas ,they excell in other areas...Do not judge them , do not send them away, let them be themselves without mocking, without judging ,because they can be much smarter than yourself in different area's you wouldn't expect because nobody had given them a chance...

    i come back towards this game ....Many of times have i hammered ,all of you to boredom , about the significanc of " Acceptance" ...Sure ,for many of you ,Sea of Thieves has been or still is a Sea of trolls, but if you are lucky and you can swirl yer way in like a chameleon , then some people won't run when you shed your skin...

    i don't bother my Friends with a massive down mood or my strange views about life and the " equalness " in life that can really anger me...
    i found a medium ,SOT, and Friends where i can be myself without being called a name or become stigmatized with a medical term that make some people run away in fear...
    Having a place where i can be myself ,without restraints and worries ,has been a serious help and a way to discover much more about myself...It will sound lame but since more than two years i feel i'm getting better ...i live a fairly happy life and when the dark clouds are roaming over me, i just hide and look in anger towards them untill they walk off and let me be with my Friends again in a happier mood.The times i was ready to bring a lot of harm to myself are over ...i finally realized that i just have to wait better times and that after a massive Dark mental cloud , a big happy sun awaits...i know that this sound silly or childish but it is the truth..

    Is this game the only medicin? No, propably not , but for me , having a place where i don't have to be a chameleon, where i can be myself , how weird i may sound to others is a first and very good step in accepting myself the way i am...And to be completely honest...The way i feel today ...Well, like i said i accept who i am , and i don't care if i have missed the boat of " society" ...i will surf my happy and high clouds and will fall off , but the fall won't be that hard anymore because i know that i have Friends who make me feel welcome and good without demanding to know my inner feelings or inner war that sometimes rages on my mental plains...

    People can be a whole difference to those with all kind of mental problems. Don't turn yer back on them because on a very black day , when all things go wrong for a long time , you too could become troubled as well, and i'm pretty sure that you will be glad if there is a hand that reach out to you when the Inner Darkness tries to silence you...

  • Happy mental health day everyone!

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