New-Ish? Player- 4 Months Now

  • Edit: Please feel free to Reply with a bit about you! Advice, a Snapshot of your Pirate!
    I haven't been on the forums long, and have only been playing a few months---But aside from some real Mic Scoundrels if you will, this has been one of the best communities I've been a part of!
    Sea of Thieves is a truly remarkable experience and is better when we all help each other out! One way I like to try and be a Good Community Member is before each session end I Collect all my supplies and leave it outside the Tavern Door for new folks to find free goods!

    We may be Pirates, but we are also Gamers and its important to all do our part to welcome new players to the Seas to keep our Community--and Game-- Happy, Healthy Friendly and Thriving for all!
    Sea of Thieves is by far the most Unique Game I have ever played, there really is nothing quite like it. I liked some pirate movies, but nothing outside of sea of Thieves has ever made me Love The Pirates Life More!

    I am a friendly Player with a Microphone--Xbox Series X USA Based I am very new to console gaming!
    I would love to make some more friends and I am open to getting to know more people to play with (Not sure if im allowed to post my Gamertag? and or Discord links? Also are Forum Signatures allowed?) @Deckhands ? I hope this is the right tag-- haha
    Aura is a Pirate New to The Sea Of Thieves she wound up here with the guidance of the Pirate Lord after washing ashore on a rather strange Island with a Ran aground ship, and after some hijinks with a Lost Key, A Waterfall and a Skelleton she is In the Sea of Thieves looking to build a Legacy aboard her Fleet of Ships. Aura is passionate about protecting the Pirates life and Doing the right thing---aside from Pirateering of course! She has a big heart and that may lead her into some tricky situations at times, with a love for the sea and passion for exploring the Merfolks Kingdom Lady Aura Bell is looking forward to sailing the seas together!
    May the Winds be in yer Sails!

    My Current Look
    Leaving Free Supplies outside Taverns

  • 8
    generalxbox onecommunityjust for funscreenshot
  • Howdy ahoy.

    It's nice to see you, I hope you stick around and enjoy your time here, as well as feel welcome to participate

    Happy sails

  • @wolfmanbush Aye!
    Thank you! I would love some words of wisdom/advice? Or Just a little info about your Pirate!

  • @ladyaurabell said in New-Ish? Player- 4 Months Now:

    @wolfmanbush Aye!
    Thank you! I would love some words of wisdom/advice? Or Just a little info about your Pirate!

    I'd say pirate as if it matters
    because it does
    once you join to community it isn't whole without you
    that makes your existence here and on the seas powerful and valuable

    that power can be used to be there for others
    if not directly then passively through your words
    you also get to be you
    there isn't a pirate exactly like you so that makes you unique and interesting
    as long as you share your thoughts and views with others

    how you play is up to you
    you will improve and grow, no doubt about that
    nothing to worry about there

    you will meet pirates that brighten your view
    find the patience to appreciate them
    the experiences are something you get to take with you when the piracy ends

  • @ladyaurabell Ahoy me matey and welcome to the forum!

    If you get a quiet 5 minutes take a look at the Pirate Academy for hints and tips about playing the game, the Community Hub to find out what’s been happening among the Sea of Thieves Community and Who’s Who within the game itself.

    I’m Lootin’Lizalaroo Deckhand and Moderator for the Sea of Thieves forum. :)
    I see you love taking screenshots, so don’t forget to check out the Capture a Code screenshot competition for a chance to win a cosmetic or two :)

  • @ladyaurabell ha detto in New-Ish? Player- 4 Months Now:

    Edit: Please feel free to Reply with a bit about you! Advice, a Snapshot of your Pirate!
    I haven't been on the forums long, and have only been playing a few months---But aside from some real Mic Scoundrels if you will, this has been one of the best communities I've been a part of!
    Sea of Thieves is a truly remarkable experience and is better when we all help each other out! One way I like to try and be a Good Community Member is before each session end I Collect all my supplies and leave it outside the Tavern Door for new folks to find free goods!

    We may be Pirates, but we are also Gamers and its important to all do our part to welcome new players to the Seas to keep our Community--and Game-- Happy, Healthy Friendly and Thriving for all!
    Sea of Thieves is by far the most Unique Game I have ever played, there really is nothing quite like it. I liked some pirate movies, but nothing outside of sea of Thieves has ever made me Love The Pirates Life More!

    I am a friendly Player with a Microphone--Xbox Series X USA Based I am very new to console gaming!
    I would love to make some more friends and I am open to getting to know more people to play with (Not sure if im allowed to post my Gamertag? and or Discord links? Also are Forum Signatures allowed?) @Deckhands ? I hope this is the right tag-- haha
    Aura is a Pirate New to The Sea Of Thieves she wound up here with the guidance of the Pirate Lord after washing ashore on a rather strange Island with a Ran aground ship, and after some hijinks with a Lost Key, A Waterfall and a Skelleton she is In the Sea of Thieves looking to build a Legacy aboard her Fleet of Ships. Aura is passionate about protecting the Pirates life and Doing the right thing---aside from Pirateering of course! She has a big heart and that may lead her into some tricky situations at times, with a love for the sea and passion for exploring the Merfolks Kingdom Lady Aura Bell is looking forward to sailing the seas together!
    May the Winds be in yer Sails!

    My Current Look
    Leaving Free Supplies outside Taverns


    Ye look a good pirate to me. Me too found here on this seas together. May winds be your favor, I hope to meet you some days on land, or sailing.

  • @lizalaroo Aye! This lass shall take a look!
    About my question though? Are we allowed to post our gamertags/discord links as a way to find one another ingame?

  • Hey I’m looking for some new sea of thieves friends as well! I’m also on Xbox. I’m a slightly newer player then you but still have lots to learn, let me know if you’d like to set sail together haha.

generalxbox onecommunityjust for funscreenshot
1 out of 8