Inn-side Story Video #7 - A World in Motion

Find out how our Art team instils life into Sea of Thieves' world!

November's bringing in a cold snap here at Rare HQ and along with the change in temperature, we've got a change in our video themes! Last month, we explored the Sea of Thieves audio experience. Did you miss out on familiarising yourself with the sounds you'd hear aboard a ship or the ones you'd encounter on the land and sea? Then backtrack a bit and catch up on those before turning your attention to this month's brand new topic – the art of Sea of Thieves!

In our newest Inn-side Story episode, take a seat at the table with Ryan (Art Director) and Andria (Director of Art Production) as they reveal how bringing together all the artistic elements of Sea of Thieves makes our world really feel like a living place. Be sure to keep your un-patched eye wide open so you don't miss any of the sights in this video...

Sea of Thieves Inn-side Story #7 - A World in Motion

Duração 3:09

Captivated by our handcrafted scenes? Let us know by joining the conversation on our forum, Facebook and Twitter. We'll see you back at the dock next Tuesday for a new Short Haul video voyage!