Anniversary Update Website Update!

  • Ahoy maties!

    For those of you looking for more info on the recently revealed Anniversary Update promo video!

    Take a look at the following newly updated webpage!

    (Does that chap with the rod look familiar to you?)

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  • @musicmee hooray, we were right! Merrick is back! :)

  • @musicmee can we go fishing in the game now.

  • @xxxpirate01 You will have to reel that excitement in for now! April 30th is when fishing will launch!

  • @xxxpirate01

    Ahoy there, this update is due to drop on 30th April as mentioned in the video which you can find in this thread :)

  • @vorondil1 And it looks like he's made enough money to get himself some fancy clothes and a fishing rod!

  • Many happy returns SOF. I feel bad i did not get you anything🎂

  • @musicmee this will remind me of red dead redemption 2 because you can go fishing in that game.

  • @musicmee
    Mr Musicmee, the line on the last picture is wrong...It talks about a " Game Changer" but for me it's more a " Life Changer" ...Never did i had a year with more laughs on my attic than ever before...i just wonder why my neighbour always looks at me with a "thunderstorm face" ( * No keep him out of his sleep with yer noise , on the other hand ... he can sneeze as hard as an airplane , so it's a draw...Hehehehe, you're both morons)

  • The Hunter’s Call is an all-new type of Trading Company that brings long-awaited fishing and cooking capabilities to the Sea of Thieves! Led by the returning wanderer Merrick, The Hunter’s Call offers gold and cosmetic rewards, as well as another path to Pirate Legend in exchange for your best prizes and food.

    Merriiiick!!!! 🥳

    So we'll have two new Trading Companies with this update: The Sea Dogs + The Hunter's Call!

  • Wow, look at all the little things hidden in this video!

  • Im so pleased to see all the POSITIVE hype for this game and the update on facebook and youtube. Rare has turned around a lot of the negative things I used to see! Happy birthday to them and I'm looking forward to the update !

  • @skulliah I can just feel my free time slipping away :P

    Just as you think you are getting to the end of your commendation completions.... BOOM!

    Can't wait to hear what Merrick has been up to all this time!

  • Good to see this game getting so much love from the dev's when I watched the trailer I got a giant shiver but in a good way haha so excited to see whats planned past even this content coming as a man once said its a pirates life for me

  • Gimme that Fishing!

    Oh sorry I mean:
    May I have fishing.

  • @musicmee Im just happy merrick is still in the game lol, although ship damage is a little more exciting i guess right ??

  • @vapor1080 It's a close call... but man...

    Did you see that mast coming down!

  • @musicmee ahhh then the ol harpoon to reel in our treasures

  • @musicmee hahaha yep, I thought I'd never see again these 40 to 50 levels 🙄

  • @vapor1080 Arena? I mean, that's in its own league!

  • @skulliah I just seen that as well! What a hidden gem!

    Rare: "Oh yeah, lot's of cool things to come in this Anniversary update. Check out this trailer! We're releasing a new faction called the Sea Dogs...(whispers very quietly) and the Hunter's Call which includes hunting animals...who knew? You didn't! Surprise!"

    My hype level is off the chart! April 30th needs to come ASAP!

  • So if I understand correctly, the new tall tales are just one time stories (like the events but longer)? I thought there was going to be a revamp of the voyage system, or am I mistaken?

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie Very cleverly... a PvE and a PvP Company being launched at the same time!

    Everyone's a winner!

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie

    They did mention they were working on hunting a long time ago but I'm really wondering which animals? Pigs and chicken? Will we have any new ones? It also mentions "monster", Kraken meat? Can't wait! :D

  • @blindnev We don't know for sure yet matey, but I do remember Mike Chapman a while ago stating that they won't be time limited so they probably will function like the built-in quests of today... but much more varied and story driven!

  • @skulliah I remember hearing about that but I didn't think that they'd be adding it in with the Mega Update! My guess is we'll have brand new animals to hunt on land. I'd imagine they'll implement some type of tracking system in game that'll allow for us to hunt. I also get the feeling that we'll see more monsters in the sea other than just the Kraken and Meg.

  • @musicmee Are they adding temples and traps in the mega update.

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie

    I'd love to see new animals and monsters but I don't know if we'll get any of that in the Mega Update, at least it's introducing these new mecanisms and tools into the game and more things will be able to be expanded in the future!

  • Haven't felt this excited for an update since... well since Shrouded Spoils, but still!

  • @Musicmee

    Is it just me or does that look like a pet crab at 0:34?

  • @maximillianzeus Aye! And he has a little telescope!

  • It's our lovely Scuttles 🦀

  • @musicmee

    Is suppose that because the pets are in some form micro-transaction based content Rare decided not to showcase them in the free update anniversary trailer.

  • @musicmee said in Anniversary Update Website Update!:

    @maximillianzeus Aye! And he has a little telescope!


  • @maximillianzeus Hmmmmmm maybe they are saving pets for their own reveal?

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