• I don't think it's broken, but it does have its issues. For example, I've noticed sword blocking doesn't always work, and even if it does, it doesn't punish players enough for you to get the upper hand on a successful 3 hit block.

    Apart from that, the combat isn't so much broken as it is basic. There isn't enough weapon or combat tools available to truly change the combat loop.

  • This worries me as well. I have to server hop twice before I can find anyone TO fight.

  • @capn-lucky5984 said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    This worries me as well. I have to server hop twice before I can find anyone TO fight.

    as production lowers and as interesting high risk pvp dwindles it creates interaction where it typically isn't.

    People that are focused on the organic experience and people that hunt organic producers both know how much production has lowered over the last year or so

    as people participate less in high risk the pvpers get desperate for interaction and in many cases content

    this leads to chasing around boats that typically don't get messed with much which creates more negative interactions because the opt in part is taking a hit, they aren't being chased around for opt in higher risk they are being chased around out of desperation for interaction/combat

    In a healthy and balanced risk/reward environment it works out far more as people are taking the risks for the rewards

    because it's not balanced at high risk levels the lower risk levels will pay the price for that lack of activity.

    The organic experience and balance should have always been the priority, it's the only way to keep coexisting the least unpleasant.

  • @eguzky Why I don't enjoy open world PvP games. Matchmade games are fair enough, people're too focused on killing one another, but open world is.... Something extra.

    I cannot relate to anyone posting here, and I think the OP has the patience of a saint.

  • @capn-lucky5984 If the fighting felt more balanced I know many of those I play with would love to engage. We'd like to PVP but as it stands we see PVPers and sail away or hit the red or jump servers selling only if we can so long as the other team doesnt see a dime.

  • Toxic PvE is killing my enthusiasm…

    And server issues

  • @scurvywoof Well sir in case you were uanaware to me your flippant retort came off as rude and unhelpful. Everyone else here has posted in good faith with the effort to educate or at least to have a civil discussion on a topic that is causing many players to feel as if the game is not accessible and thusly to leave. The new players wont stick around long while the Sweats use thier skills to ruin their fun. But so long as one more random sloop gets sunk for pocket change its all good. Im sure you could start your own post on the toxicity of the PVE players if you were so inclined. Im sure youd have a riveting tale on how those toxic PVEers just hound you to ruin their hard work and take their loot. Perhaps if more PVPers had looked to fight a real challenge and not punch down the Arena would still be open . Then you could have all the PVP you wanted and those of us that dont measure up to your ideals would have a more focused way to acquire the skills needed to get gud and rise to a level where those who share your perspectives wouldnt find us so loathsome and toxic... or perhaps you prefer the thrill of ransacking the unskilled or the unprepared as going face to face with your equally skilled compatriots in the Arena might have been somewhat daunting. HOWEVER you might only target Reaper Emissaries or those bearing the Reapers Mark and if that is the case please say so and I will gladly apologize for any ill assumptions or disparaging thought I might have internally entertained about your character and lineage .

  • @count-drogos said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    9 times out of 10 I face a slaughter in pvp. Im more than proficient

    I feel for you my fellow pirate.

    I too struggled in PVP as I only sailed solo. For me it got to a point where I was seriously thinking about leaving the game.

    Unsolicited combat can be so stressful.

    I decided to try open crew on the sloop, and I was amazed at how much easier the game became just by having some random player who may or may not be a better skilled pirate.

    Plus most of the better skilled pirates are happy to teach you new stuff and tricks.

    Now battles were lasting longer, and win or lose they became more fun. A loss doesn't hurt as bad when you can laugh it off with a fellow crewmate.

    I know you said you sail with friends. If there are three of you, select the galleon and get that fourth from open crew. Having that extra person makes a huge difference.

    Plus if your crew is already in progress with quest and emissary selected, your new crewmate will most likely just jump right in.

    Specifically about PVP, from playing with all these different pirates I have observed the most important ability in combat is staying calm.

    These calm pirates have been in hundreds of battles, don't care about loot and just want to enjoy battling against all willing opponents.

    Learning calmness in the chaos of battle is the key.

    Fortunately for us, calmness is contagious and can be learned from your fellow calm crewmates.

    Good luck out there, and happy sailing!

  • @lordtaco111 Thanks man for the encouragement and the tips. I think you make a lot of sense and I will try to encorporate them into my playing style and share them with those will to grind to get better for the hope of remaining afloat on the SoT

  • @eguzky, TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM içinde yazdı:

    The PvP kills the game, for me.

    Just a few days ago, my friend and I had a group that rammed us while blasting Katie Perry songs at volumes that made my headset speakers buzz.

    We managed to get away, then saw they were sailing for Reaper's Hideout with a Grade 5 flag.
    So we went after THEM.

    Suddenly it was 'WoW yOuRe CoOl!' (Only way I can describe the utter sarcasm and mocking tones) as we sunk them. 'WoW! YoU cAn ShOoT a PaRkEd ShIp!'
    When I blasted one of them off our ship, I asked 'Did I kill him?'. Cue the mocking over how my voice sounds.
    Anything my friends and I said was mocked back at us.

    They went from 'Lol. We're awesome. Look at us being absolute trolls' to pitching a fit the second we got the drop on them.
    Which is why I LOATHE the PvP in this game. I always seem to find the utter bell-ends who are determined, in words and in deed, to suck the fun out of any and all encounters.

    It's never 'Good fight'.
    It's mocking if I lose, and mocking if I win.
    Screw PvP.

    You are talking like the problem is PVP. The problem is the players who act like that which I RARELY ever encounter in my solo PVP playstyle since season 2.

    These types of things can happen in PVE too you know? "Ohhh you can kill a skeleton ahahahahah".

    You just dont like PVP and use toxicity to justify it.

  • Attacking people on sight alone isn’t toxic. It’s all based on intention. Chances are if someone starts firing, sinks you, puts a “gg” in chat, then starts taking your loot, then that isn’t toxic, that’s just playing the game. But if someone boards you, sees you have no loot, then proceeds to spawn camp and spam chat, then yes that probably is otoxic.
    PVP is a core part of the game and something that new players have to try and deal with. Your fps experience has little to no bearing on PVP because ship combat is something truly unique and one of the main reasons people like to PVP (Plus the non naval combat is…pretty buggy)
    If you’re tired of getting sunk over and over again, try one of these:
    1.Scuttle. This is basically a “I surrender” button but sometimes if you don’t want to fight a losing battle or are tired of getting spawn camped, find this button in the menu where it shows your crew, and you’ll instantly sink and be able to move on.
    2.Attempt an escape. Sometimes escape can be hard, especially when you get chainshoted, but sometimes it’s worth a try. This won’t work all the time, as some people are determined to chase you down, but others will think you’re not worth the time and just sail off. Plus, you could always Red Sea if you REALLY want to, but I wouldn’t recommend it.
    3.Try and fight. Yeah this kinda seems like “git gud lul” but if a ship is smaller or the same size as yours it may be worth a try. Of course, if you’re completely outnumbered, then you might wanna try some other strategy. But also remember that you can use cursed cannonballs and chainshots to immobilise your opponent, allowing you a chance to attack or get away.

    At the end of the day, PVP will always exist, and there will probably always be some ship that’ll attack you on sight, no matter what. Just remember, the seas are very much a “don’t trust anyone” kind of place, so keep your wits about you and don’t let PVP get you down too much, m’kay?

  • @mintharp184509 Thanks can you recommend anyone in partic to watch you think might be helpful?

  • @wolfmanbush said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @capn-lucky5984 said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    This worries me as well. I have to server hop twice before I can find anyone TO fight.

    as production lowers and as interesting high risk pvp dwindles it creates interaction where it typically isn't.

    People that are focused on the organic experience and people that hunt organic producers both know how much production has lowered over the last year or so

    as people participate less in high risk the pvpers get desperate for interaction and in many cases content

    this leads to chasing around boats that typically don't get messed with much which creates more negative interactions because the opt in part is taking a hit, they aren't being chased around for opt in higher risk they are being chased around out of desperation for interaction/combat

    In a healthy and balanced risk/reward environment it works out far more as people are taking the risks for the rewards

    because it's not balanced at high risk levels the lower risk levels will pay the price for that lack of activity.

    The organic experience and balance should have always been the priority, it's the only way to keep coexisting the least unpleasant.

    From that assessment, I think the culprit would be that world events are being outweighed by other content.
    Seaforts can print money quickly and without a literal beacon over your head, for the biggest example.
    They're also defensible and don't leave you in a hole far from your ship, unlike vaults and siren shrines.

    World events are the main drivers of those risk-reward PVP interactions, yet skeleton forts and FotD are dead, ashen winds and sea battles are half dead, leaving FoFs and LotV to carry healthy PVP.

    The problem with skeleton forts and FotD is that the time spent on them is starting to outweigh the reward. Skeleton forts because of weak rewards and FotD for its long time investment.

    Either world events need to be buffed or seaforts need nerfing.

  • @thorumsu said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @eguzky, TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM içinde yazdı:

    The PvP kills the game, for me.

    Just a few days ago, my friend and I had a group that rammed us while blasting Katie Perry songs at volumes that made my headset speakers buzz.

    We managed to get away, then saw they were sailing for Reaper's Hideout with a Grade 5 flag.
    So we went after THEM.

    Suddenly it was 'WoW yOuRe CoOl!' (Only way I can describe the utter sarcasm and mocking tones) as we sunk them. 'WoW! YoU cAn ShOoT a PaRkEd ShIp!'
    When I blasted one of them off our ship, I asked 'Did I kill him?'. Cue the mocking over how my voice sounds.
    Anything my friends and I said was mocked back at us.

    They went from 'Lol. We're awesome. Look at us being absolute trolls' to pitching a fit the second we got the drop on them.
    Which is why I LOATHE the PvP in this game. I always seem to find the utter bell-ends who are determined, in words and in deed, to suck the fun out of any and all encounters.

    It's never 'Good fight'.
    It's mocking if I lose, and mocking if I win.
    Screw PvP.

    You are talking like the problem is PVP. The problem is the players who act like that which I RARELY ever encounter in my solo PVP playstyle since season 2.

    These types of things can happen in PVE too you know? "Ohhh you can kill a skeleton ahahahahah".

    You just dont like PVP and use toxicity to justify it.

    I have, not once, had someone mock me for how I fight in PvE.
    In all honestly; that sounds like something you just pulled out of your aft-area, because you sound upset that I don't like PvP.

    Also; I need to to justify my dislike of PvP. No one needs to justify why they don't like PvP. Or RTS games. or Turn-Based games.
    Again; it just sounds like you're angry (for some reason) that I don't like PvP and YOU are trying to attack me for it.

  • @realwebber69 Having been on SoT since day 1 I can totaly understand what youre saying. The reason I brought up other titles is because I was a SAVAGE on RB6V1 and2 but sucked at COD and BF till I spent the time to develope into a Killer in those titles as well. It speaks to the fact I can appreciate the grind to learn and get gud and to my fustrations that all efforts since day one to become proficient in SoT has been met with far too many scenarios where a single boarder wipes a boat full of PLs which at least speaks to their mastery of the basics respawn after respawn with little gain in what we can call KD . We scutttle , we evade ( which has become the default) but when fighting doesn even seem a viable option... when 4 dudes with some level of expirience cant fend of a single boarder fustration can mount. Perhaps deadlier weapons that kills EVERYONE more effectively would help balance the scales as its not like we dont score hits... theres just very few finishes. I dont want PVP gone... On the contrary I want to be able to enjoy it as much as some of the folks that have replied. I just believe theres and imbalance that affects to many and thats not even accounting for technological advantages some players benefit from. Again I dont know what the answer is but my fustrations are not only my own and I think by leveling the playing field with deadlier weapons when used in PVP it might give everyone a bit of pause.

  • @count-drogos

    Avoidance is probably one of the reasons you have the problem, also fear of loosing you loot. It’s not real, it doesn’t matter, it’s just a game.

    My advice, instead of running on sight, turn your guns to them, and enjoy the battle regardless of the outcome.

    How about putting the boot on the other foot? Let the hunted become the hunter? Go out with no loot at all and get some
    PvP. It’s all just muscle memory and state of mind. Once you start winning more than you loose you won’t have to have the run on sight mentality.

    If your an adult, who is not a complete idiot on the mic, add me on Xbox and you can run with us when we have a spot. We like a good fight.

  • @scheneighnay Interesting assesment. I recoiled at the thought of nerfing the fort as it seems one of the few ways we can still slip a bit of gold into our coffers before being set upon by the jackals . But perhaps theres something in all that does require tweaking to draw PVPers towards more willing encounters

  • @pabio-escobar You might be right. I really appreciate the offer. I would really appreciate the tag along to try to learn better strategies .

  • Unfortunately, the potential skill gap from crew to crew on each server can be VERY wide at times.

    Crews looking for a challenge often times are met with runners, parked ships that are oblivious to an approaching ship, or fights that are over in under a minute.

    What this game needs is a higher-risk higher-reward mechanic that caters to the folks that crave a thrill, crave a challenge, and can battle like-minded crews. The Emissary system was supposed to be that...but poor risk/reward design and a ledger rewards system that only sees updates 4 times a year at most has left a lot of crews craving more.

  • @count-drogos Your welcome.

    But no kidding, it is all state of mind.

    Go out with no loot on your boat, if it helps then turn all the text chat options off in the other crews tab, so you can’t see if they type “ your trash” or spam “ rolls on the deck laughing”. Be in party chat so you can’t hear them if they are in game, and if you sink……. Who cares right? Laugh it off, swap sever and try again

  • @eguzky, TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @eguzky, TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM içinde yazdı:

    The PvP kills the game, for me.

    Just a few days ago, my friend and I had a group that rammed us while blasting Katie Perry songs at volumes that made my headset speakers buzz.

    We managed to get away, then saw they were sailing for Reaper's Hideout with a Grade 5 flag.
    So we went after THEM.

    Suddenly it was 'WoW yOuRe CoOl!' (Only way I can describe the utter sarcasm and mocking tones) as we sunk them. 'WoW! YoU cAn ShOoT a PaRkEd ShIp!'
    When I blasted one of them off our ship, I asked 'Did I kill him?'. Cue the mocking over how my voice sounds.
    Anything my friends and I said was mocked back at us.

    They went from 'Lol. We're awesome. Look at us being absolute trolls' to pitching a fit the second we got the drop on them.
    Which is why I LOATHE the PvP in this game. I always seem to find the utter bell-ends who are determined, in words and in deed, to suck the fun out of any and all encounters.

    It's never 'Good fight'.
    It's mocking if I lose, and mocking if I win.
    Screw PvP.

    You are talking like the problem is PVP. The problem is the players who act like that which I RARELY ever encounter in my solo PVP playstyle since season 2.

    These types of things can happen in PVE too you know? "Ohhh you can kill a skeleton ahahahahah".

    You just dont like PVP and use toxicity to justify it.

    I have, not once, had someone mock me for how I fight in PvE.
    In all honestly; that sounds like something you just pulled out of your aft-area, because you sound upset that I don't like PvP.

    Also; I need to to justify my dislike of PvP. No one needs to justify why they don't like PvP. Or RTS games. or Turn-Based games.
    Again; it just sounds like you're angry (for some reason) that I don't like PvP and YOU are trying to attack me for it.

    I don't know how you see me replying to you in a calm enough way as attacking but ok.

    I have, not once, had someone mock me for how I fight in PvE.

    Calling PVE players " Useless PVE lords" is a real common insult in the community. I personally dont see how it works but people do it. This is just an another example that PVP is not the reason of toxicity

    The thing I was trying to say was that it is not the fault of PVP these happen. It is the fault of players. Toxicity is in any other multiplayer game and PVP has nothing to do with it.

    You however, decided to change the topic to me "attacking you".

  • Yes there is a very inconvenient truth here about how PVP harms the game, specifically the kind of player that likes to grief. Rare tends to look the other way because it shatters the veil, pardon the pun, of the theoretical fun people can have here.

  • @eguzky said:

    It's never 'Good fight'.
    It's mocking if I lose, and mocking if I win.
    Screw PvP.

    That's not the PvP. That's the toxicity that stems from the unhealthy side of competition and fragile egos that feel as if they need to make others feel smaller, so they can try to ignore how small they really are.

  • @count-drogos First off, I apologise for coming off as rude. Second, you are coming off as incredibly rude. I ask that you don’t in the future otherwise I just won’t respond.

    What I mean by toxic PvE is the amount of racial slurs and curse words that leave their mouths. That’s not all of them, but that’s the same with PvP’ers.
    I don’t target just Reapers, but I most certainly go after them to level up my own Reaper flag quicker.
    Full-on PvP’ers did play Arena… and they all got banned, some for valid reasons, some not. Regardless, it’s mainly Rare’s fault for not putting enough effort into Arena. Okay, enough about Arena.

    If you want some entertaining SoT content mixed in with tutorials and tips, I’d recommend Cliff the Story Guy. His stories are cool, he’s calm and collected and, although not the best at PvP, knows more advanced tricks than some actual PvP’ers.

  • @count-drogos you've not actually mentioned any toxic behaviour. If in your eyes attack on sight means toxic then that's your expectations that is the issue

    Attacking people is not toxic, spawncamping not for sink or supplies is toxic, abusing players with racial and homophobic slurs is toxic.

    Rare agrees btw, I've had players banned where I've attacked them and they've verbally abused me in chat.

  • @mintharp184509 Thanks for taking the time, Super helpful . Truely appreciated

  • @scurvywoof Perhaps we got off on the wrong foot. I appreciate the apologies , Im sorry that I was rude. Thank you for pointing out Cliff. I will check him out

  • @hiradc Well as I have mentioned death respawn after respawn I would say that qualifies as spawn camping and could be considered toxic. Chasing down and hounding ships (we're not talking about an ambush here) that obviously dont consent to combat could also be considered toxic as you are forcing yourself upon someone elses efforts and prioritizing your enjoyment at their expense. As far as Rare agreeing Rare seems out of touch if they ban people for feeling some sort of way when folks constantly demolish hours of effort leaving those player with 0 payoff and feeling dejected by the expirience. Its not the isolated ransack its the culture that premeates the game and that validates the mentality "my enjoyment is more important than yours so Ill take it upon myself to ruin your day" or worst yet the callous attitude with which many PVPers use the term "Pirate" as a shield when being a pirate is a secondary element. This is a game and the enjoyment and fairplay in regards to all players should be paramount. Though PVPing all ships on sight is not on the same level as racial slurs and isnt in itself toxic the practice of punching down and forcing unwanted interactions with crews that dont want participate in pvp in my opinion is toxic. This is a PvEvP game as evidenced by most the content being PVE and PVPers seem shocked when so many arent in it for the fight. Even the mechanics of the game show how low on the priority PVP is to Rare as very little PVP content has been added to the game. Many in this very forum have pointed out how glitched the the hand to hand combat is and Rare has not prioritized fixing it. Its important to remember that SoT is a love letter to the golden age of Pirates and the romantic notion of the gentleman rogue it alludes to. We dont even recognize the Parley in this game. I guess those using the term pirate to justify themselves and their behaivior only do so when its convenient and ignore the Code and what its meant to represent even if its only a suggestion. To quote a true pirate and incredble villian " Bad form old chap..." -Hook, Captain

  • @pabio-escobar said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @count-drogos Your welcome.

    But no kidding, it is all state of mind.

    Go out with no loot on your boat, if it helps then turn all the text chat options off in the other crews tab, so you can’t see if they type “ your trash” or spam “ rolls on the deck laughing”. Be in party chat so you can’t hear them if they are in game, and if you sink……. Who cares right? Laugh it off, swap sever and try again

    Interestingly enough I tried this exact tactic before I threw the game into the bin. Go look for people and not bother with anything else.

    Resulted in an hour of sailing around not finding anyone and then when I did find someone, ended with me getting killed by someone who stopped my ship from chasing his and only killing him after dying four to five times.

    10 out of 10 experience, makes a twelve hour work day of physical labour more enticing.

  • @galactic-geek, TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM içinde yazdı:

    @eguzky said:

    It's never 'Good fight'.
    It's mocking if I lose, and mocking if I win.
    Screw PvP.

    That's not the PvP. That's the toxicity that stems from the unhealthy side of competition and fragile egos that feel as if they need to make others feel smaller, so they can try to ignore how small they really are.

    Oh my god you are attacking them!

  • @thorumsu said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @galactic-geek, TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM içinde yazdı:

    @eguzky said:

    It's never 'Good fight'.
    It's mocking if I lose, and mocking if I win.
    Screw PvP.

    That's not the PvP. That's the toxicity that stems from the unhealthy side of competition and fragile egos that feel as if they need to make others feel smaller, so they can try to ignore how small they really are.

    Oh my god you are attacking them!

    Attacking who? Toxic pirates? 🤔

  • @galactic-geek, TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM içinde yazdı:

    @thorumsu said in TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM:

    @galactic-geek, TOXIC PVP KILLING ENTHUSIASM içinde yazdı:

    @eguzky said:

    It's never 'Good fight'.
    It's mocking if I lose, and mocking if I win.
    Screw PvP.

    That's not the PvP. That's the toxicity that stems from the unhealthy side of competition and fragile egos that feel as if they need to make others feel smaller, so they can try to ignore how small they really are.

    Oh my god you are attacking them!

    Attacking who? Toxic pirates? 🤔

    Just humour. I said the exact thing you said and they said I was attacking them because I was "mad".

  • @lordtaco111 your speaking volumes here keep it up


    The PvP kills the game, for me.

    Just a few days ago, my friend and I had a group that rammed us while blasting Katie Perry songs at volumes that made my headset speakers buzz.

    We managed to get away, then saw they were sailing for Reaper's Hideout with a Grade 5 flag.
    So we went after THEM.

    Suddenly it was 'WoW yOuRe CoOl!' (Only way I can describe the utter sarcasm and mocking tones) as we sunk them. 'WoW! YoU cAn ShOoT a PaRkEd ShIp!'
    When I blasted one of them off our ship, I asked 'Did I kill him?'. Cue the mocking over how my voice sounds.
    Anything my friends and I said was mocked back at us.

    They went from 'Lol. We're awesome. Look at us being absolute trolls' to pitching a fit the second we got the drop on them.
    Which is why I LOATHE the PvP in this game. I always seem to find the utter bell-ends who are determined, in words and in deed, to suck the fun out of any and all encounters.

    It's never 'Good fight'.
    It's mocking if I lose, and mocking if I win.
    Screw PvP.

    That's not PvP itself. That's members of the community being obnoxious.

  • @eguzky he may be attacking you and i know you dont like pvp and that is fine but you take some and you lose some but if a crew is going full toxic on you like full on cod/leageu toxic and report it because most pvpers will only do it for the battle

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