national reaper tactics

  • so imma outright say not a huge fan of some reaper tactics but i was talking with a crew mate and we came up with a theory i wanted to test out here.

    we theorised that reapers chosen tactics are dependant on there nationalities for example we think east asian players (japan/china etc.)and american pleyers are more inclined to outright naval battles
    we think those in south america/africa/austrelian area pleyers are more inclined to scavenging.
    german/french/spanish/russian players are more inclined to waiting for challengers

    and english/swidish/norwegian and icelandic players choose exploitative tactics

    so im curious, players who often choose reapers, what are your nationalities and tactics im interested to see

  • 33
    questioncommunityjust for fungeneral
  • @blackout5328 American, and TBH it all depends on what works best for the situation. Usually having Reapers up at all is a death sentence for finding emissary ships.

    If playing Reapers and actually hunting emissary ships is the goal, we get to grade 5 on one sever via world events or the new phantom forts and stock up while doing so, portal hop and begin.

    Tactics are usually go right for the closest one and approach from their blind spot, immobilize with chains, board/anchor/camp while doing damage to sink.

    If we are truly hunting emissary ships, we will not raise reaper. We can do same as above or, try to sneak with a rowboat/swim and sabotage, set up a trap in the case of them finishing a veil voyage, or sneaking and waiting for them to finish if they are at a world event (traditional tucking) We raise it after getting their loot onboard and then PvE to raise to 5, or if an outpost is close raise it before picking up the loot.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in national reaper tactics:

    @blackout5328 American, and TBH it all depends on what works best for the situation. Usually having Reapers up at all is a death sentence for finding emissary ships.

    If playing Reapers and actually hunting emissary ships is the goal, we get to grade 5 on one sever via world events or the new phantom forts and stock up while doing so, portal hop and begin.

    Tactics are usually go right for the closest one and approach from their blind spot, immobilize with chains, board/anchor/camp while doing damage to sink.

    If we are truly hunting emissary ships, we will not raise reaper. We can do same as above or, try to sneak with a rowboat/swim and sabotage, set up a trap in the case of them finishing a veil voyage, or sneaking and waiting for them to finish if they are at a world event (traditional tucking) We raise it after getting their loot onboard and then PvE to raise to 5, or if an outpost is close raise it before picking up the loot.

    oh wow so exploitative tactics, glad i dont find you on our server youd be the kind of reaper we'd hate XD

  • If I choose Reaper

    Im doing World Events, Voyages, Mobs, keeping to myself and only fight if required. If I catch a lonely ship with no crew nearby but loot on deck, Im gonna steal and quickly leave.

  • @blackout5328 my crew kinda does a bit of it all depends on how we wanna play that day if we are running reapers but we do enjoy a good ship to ship battle

  • @burnbacon said in national reaper tactics:

    If I choose Reaper

    Im doing World Events, Voyages, Mobs, keeping to myself and only fight if required. If I catch a lonely ship with no crew nearby but loot on deck, Im gonna steal and quickly leave.

    see i respect that

  • @otherfanboy said in national reaper tactics:

    @blackout5328 my crew kinda does a bit of it all depends on how we wanna play that day if we are running reapers but we do enjoy a good ship to ship battle

    see i enjoy ship battles but so many end up just boarding and dancing around the deck with a blunderbus and i fnd it spoils ship fights

  • Don't really understand why one would focus on this if they were looking for something useful, seems like it's getting personal to validate feeling superior over a group or looking to validate negative feelings about a group

    Pretty much anyone with a lot of combat experience in this game is going to know that reapers no matter the region range from first day wanderers with no coordinated tactics all the way up to very skilled fighters that will adapt and use tactics based on the random scenario occurring and how the opponent is performing.

    Different performance abilities, different interests, different personalities, different crew chemistries and experience levels.

    I've spent a lot of time on servers from different regions because of my open crew experience and dealing with a random reaper ship isn't different based on region. Reapers are all over the place when it comes to how individuals play a game with a faction that has no obligations.

  • @blackout5328 I agree but it’s rare to find a crew that just uses cannons it’s a real shame but it does happen

  • @wolfmanbush said in national reaper tactics:

    Don't really understand why one would focus on this if they were looking for something useful, seems like it's getting personal to validate feeling superior over a group or looking to validate negative feelings about a group

    Pretty much anyone with a lot of combat experience in this game is going to know that reapers no matter the region range from first day wanderers with no coordinated tactics all the way up to very skilled fighters that will adapt and use tactics based on the random scenario occurring and how the opponent is performing.

    Different performance abilities, different interests, different personalities, different crew chemistries and experience levels.

    I've spent a lot of time on servers from different regions because of my open crew experience and dealing with a random reaper ship isn't different based on region. Reapers are all over the place when it comes to how individuals play a game with a faction that has no obligations.

    it isnt ment as personal it was simply musings we had and might be an interesting experament, and ive heard of first time reapers who use calculated tactics they work out as they sail, most crews who sail often sail with quick tactics inorder so everyone knows what they are doing before they get into things

  • @kommodoreyenser Im Russian and tbh I dont think that tactics can be separated to nationalities. Me and my Russian crewmates tend to do World Events, PVP serverhopping, tucking, sneak approcahes (rowboat n keg and then make sure they dont repair). Then the crew fell apart but I still see people from all over the world apply the tactics, Id jus say it depends more on player's preferred playstyle.

  • This doesn't exist in my experience, every individual player and crew has their own play style and circumstances that push their decisions.

    Also, because you are on a (insert continent) server, doesn't guarantee you are playing against people from those regions. I am NA and find only around 70% of the players are Americans.

  • @blackout5328 said in national reaper tactics:

    @kommodoreyenser said in national reaper tactics:

    @blackout5328 American, and TBH it all depends on what works best for the situation. Usually having Reapers up at all is a death sentence for finding emissary ships.

    If playing Reapers and actually hunting emissary ships is the goal, we get to grade 5 on one sever via world events or the new phantom forts and stock up while doing so, portal hop and begin.

    Tactics are usually go right for the closest one and approach from their blind spot, immobilize with chains, board/anchor/camp while doing damage to sink.

    If we are truly hunting emissary ships, we will not raise reaper. We can do same as above or, try to sneak with a rowboat/swim and sabotage, set up a trap in the case of them finishing a veil voyage, or sneaking and waiting for them to finish if they are at a world event (traditional tucking) We raise it after getting their loot onboard and then PvE to raise to 5, or if an outpost is close raise it before picking up the loot.

    oh wow so exploitative tactics, glad i dont find you on our server youd be the kind of reaper we'd hate XD

    What about this is exploitative? None of it is an exploit.

  • @blackout5328 said in national reaper tactics:

    @wolfmanbush said in national reaper tactics:

    Don't really understand why one would focus on this if they were looking for something useful, seems like it's getting personal to validate feeling superior over a group or looking to validate negative feelings about a group

    Pretty much anyone with a lot of combat experience in this game is going to know that reapers no matter the region range from first day wanderers with no coordinated tactics all the way up to very skilled fighters that will adapt and use tactics based on the random scenario occurring and how the opponent is performing.

    Different performance abilities, different interests, different personalities, different crew chemistries and experience levels.

    I've spent a lot of time on servers from different regions because of my open crew experience and dealing with a random reaper ship isn't different based on region. Reapers are all over the place when it comes to how individuals play a game with a faction that has no obligations.

    it isnt ment as personal it was simply musings we had and might be an interesting experament, and ive heard of first time reapers who use calculated tactics they work out as they sail, most crews who sail often sail with quick tactics inorder so everyone knows what they are doing before they get into things

    All we have in any piratical combat scenario is our own experience, our own performance, and the randomness of the environment and individuals that we battle that we are constantly adapting to and responding to second by second.

    Viewing an opponent as if they are universally coordinated does nothing for preparation in battling an individual in a random environment.

    Viewing an opponent as if they think, react, and perform within a box does nothing for preparation in battling an individual in a random environment.

    Bias in preparation is death in battle.

  • @blackout5328 said in national reaper tactics:

    @kommodoreyenser said in national reaper tactics:

    @blackout5328 American, and TBH it all depends on what works best for the situation. Usually having Reapers up at all is a death sentence for finding emissary ships.

    If playing Reapers and actually hunting emissary ships is the goal, we get to grade 5 on one sever via world events or the new phantom forts and stock up while doing so, portal hop and begin.

    Tactics are usually go right for the closest one and approach from their blind spot, immobilize with chains, board/anchor/camp while doing damage to sink.

    If we are truly hunting emissary ships, we will not raise reaper. We can do same as above or, try to sneak with a rowboat/swim and sabotage, set up a trap in the case of them finishing a veil voyage, or sneaking and waiting for them to finish if they are at a world event (traditional tucking) We raise it after getting their loot onboard and then PvE to raise to 5, or if an outpost is close raise it before picking up the loot.

    oh wow so exploitative tactics, glad i dont find you on our server youd be the kind of reaper we'd hate XD

    Lol name an exploit that I use.

  • @like-500-ninjas said in national reaper tactics:

    @kommodoreyenser said in national reaper tactics:

    @blackout5328 said in national reaper tactics:

    @kommodoreyenser said in national reaper tactics:

    @blackout5328 American, and TBH it all depends on what works best for the situation. Usually having Reapers up at all is a death sentence for finding emissary ships.

    If playing Reapers and actually hunting emissary ships is the goal, we get to grade 5 on one sever via world events or the new phantom forts and stock up while doing so, portal hop and begin.

    Tactics are usually go right for the closest one and approach from their blind spot, immobilize with chains, board/anchor/camp while doing damage to sink.

    If we are truly hunting emissary ships, we will not raise reaper. We can do same as above or, try to sneak with a rowboat/swim and sabotage, set up a trap in the case of them finishing a veil voyage, or sneaking and waiting for them to finish if they are at a world event (traditional tucking) We raise it after getting their loot onboard and then PvE to raise to 5, or if an outpost is close raise it before picking up the loot.

    oh wow so exploitative tactics, glad i dont find you on our server youd be the kind of reaper we'd hate XD

    Lol name an exploit that I use.

    Portal hopping, whether you admit it or not.

    Rare seems to think differently. Seems portal usage is absolutely equal to alliance servers both in their view and response to monitoring it:

    @s0nicbob said in [Mega Thread] - Tunnels of the Damned Migration:

    We want to clarify that for now, we consider all the scenarios mentioned above as legitimate uses of the Tunnels of the Damned. However, we recognise that there are many differing opinions on this topic, and we will continue to monitor both your feedback and how players are using this feature.

    As with everything in Sea of Thieves, we are constantly reviewing, learning, and iterating at every stage of development, from the initial design through to when a feature is released to all players, and the Tunnels of the Damned are no exception. We will continue to assess how this feature impacts the overall play experience and may make adjustments in the future to ensure an enjoyable Sea of Thieves experience for all.

    Thank you all for your continued support and for sharing your experiences! Feel free to leave your feedback on the Tunnels of the Damned in this thread so we have a centralised space for us to review your thoughts.

    Thanks again and see you on the seas!

    Drew 'S0nicbob' Stevens

  • @like-500-ninjas also just want to clarify, I am all for removing the current ability to use portals to jump servers. As long as we remove other similar server exploits such as the despawn wall and the ability to quickly form alliance servers.

    Equality for all types, whether leaving it in or taking it out. Together.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in national reaper tactics:

    @blackout5328 said in national reaper tactics:

    @kommodoreyenser said in national reaper tactics:

    @blackout5328 American, and TBH it all depends on what works best for the situation. Usually having Reapers up at all is a death sentence for finding emissary ships.

    If playing Reapers and actually hunting emissary ships is the goal, we get to grade 5 on one sever via world events or the new phantom forts and stock up while doing so, portal hop and begin.

    Tactics are usually go right for the closest one and approach from their blind spot, immobilize with chains, board/anchor/camp while doing damage to sink.

    If we are truly hunting emissary ships, we will not raise reaper. We can do same as above or, try to sneak with a rowboat/swim and sabotage, set up a trap in the case of them finishing a veil voyage, or sneaking and waiting for them to finish if they are at a world event (traditional tucking) We raise it after getting their loot onboard and then PvE to raise to 5, or if an outpost is close raise it before picking up the loot.

    oh wow so exploitative tactics, glad i dont find you on our server youd be the kind of reaper we'd hate XD

    Lol name an exploit that I use

    well the point of the emisery flag is that your seen

  • @like-500-ninjas said in national reaper tactics:

    @kommodoreyenser said in national reaper tactics:

    @like-500-ninjas said in national reaper tactics:

    @kommodoreyenser said in national reaper tactics:

    @blackout5328 said in national reaper tactics:

    @kommodoreyenser said in national reaper tactics:

    @blackout5328 American, and TBH it all depends on what works best for the situation. Usually having Reapers up at all is a death sentence for finding emissary ships.

    If playing Reapers and actually hunting emissary ships is the goal, we get to grade 5 on one sever via world events or the new phantom forts and stock up while doing so, portal hop and begin.

    Tactics are usually go right for the closest one and approach from their blind spot, immobilize with chains, board/anchor/camp while doing damage to sink.

    If we are truly hunting emissary ships, we will not raise reaper. We can do same as above or, try to sneak with a rowboat/swim and sabotage, set up a trap in the case of them finishing a veil voyage, or sneaking and waiting for them to finish if they are at a world event (traditional tucking) We raise it after getting their loot onboard and then PvE to raise to 5, or if an outpost is close raise it before picking up the loot.

    oh wow so exploitative tactics, glad i dont find you on our server youd be the kind of reaper we'd hate XD

    Lol name an exploit that I use.

    Portal hopping, whether you admit it or not.

    Rare seems to think differently. Seems portal usage is absolutely equal to alliance servers both in their view and response to monitoring it:

    @s0nicbob said in [Mega Thread] - Tunnels of the Damned Migration:

    We want to clarify that for now, we consider all the scenarios mentioned above as legitimate uses of the Tunnels of the Damned. However, we recognise that there are many differing opinions on this topic, and we will continue to monitor both your feedback and how players are using this feature.

    As with everything in Sea of Thieves, we are constantly reviewing, learning, and iterating at every stage of development, from the initial design through to when a feature is released to all players, and the Tunnels of the Damned are no exception. We will continue to assess how this feature impacts the overall play experience and may make adjustments in the future to ensure an enjoyable Sea of Thieves experience for all.

    Thank you all for your continued support and for sharing your experiences! Feel free to leave your feedback on the Tunnels of the Damned in this thread so we have a centralised space for us to review your thoughts.

    Thanks again and see you on the seas!

    Drew 'S0nicbob' Stevens

    Well, Rare is wrong again but that's not surprising at this point.

    Lol, how can Rare be wrong? It's their game, you just play it. You mean they're wrong because your opinion differs from their decision?

  • @blackout5328 said in national reaper tactics:

    @kommodoreyenser said in national reaper tactics:

    @blackout5328 said in national reaper tactics:

    @kommodoreyenser said in national reaper tactics:

    @blackout5328 American, and TBH it all depends on what works best for the situation. Usually having Reapers up at all is a death sentence for finding emissary ships.

    If playing Reapers and actually hunting emissary ships is the goal, we get to grade 5 on one sever via world events or the new phantom forts and stock up while doing so, portal hop and begin.

    Tactics are usually go right for the closest one and approach from their blind spot, immobilize with chains, board/anchor/camp while doing damage to sink.

    If we are truly hunting emissary ships, we will not raise reaper. We can do same as above or, try to sneak with a rowboat/swim and sabotage, set up a trap in the case of them finishing a veil voyage, or sneaking and waiting for them to finish if they are at a world event (traditional tucking) We raise it after getting their loot onboard and then PvE to raise to 5, or if an outpost is close raise it before picking up the loot.

    oh wow so exploitative tactics, glad i dont find you on our server youd be the kind of reaper we'd hate XD

    Lol name an exploit that I use

    well the point of the emisery flag is that your seen

    Yes, seen so that other emissary ships know where the danger is, not so that they can log out real quick. Really a moot point coming soon though, ever since phantom forts, the PvE Reapers have been on the rise and soon most won't bother leaving when they see one or two up in a server.

  • @like-500-ninjas said in national reaper tactics:

    @kommodoreyenser said in national reaper tactics:

    @like-500-ninjas said in national reaper tactics:

    @kommodoreyenser said in national reaper tactics:

    @like-500-ninjas said in national reaper tactics:

    @kommodoreyenser said in national reaper tactics:

    @blackout5328 said in national reaper tactics:

    @kommodoreyenser said in national reaper tactics:

    @blackout5328 American, and TBH it all depends on what works best for the situation. Usually having Reapers up at all is a death sentence for finding emissary ships.

    If playing Reapers and actually hunting emissary ships is the goal, we get to grade 5 on one sever via world events or the new phantom forts and stock up while doing so, portal hop and begin.

    Tactics are usually go right for the closest one and approach from their blind spot, immobilize with chains, board/anchor/camp while doing damage to sink.

    If we are truly hunting emissary ships, we will not raise reaper. We can do same as above or, try to sneak with a rowboat/swim and sabotage, set up a trap in the case of them finishing a veil voyage, or sneaking and waiting for them to finish if they are at a world event (traditional tucking) We raise it after getting their loot onboard and then PvE to raise to 5, or if an outpost is close raise it before picking up the loot.

    oh wow so exploitative tactics, glad i dont find you on our server youd be the kind of reaper we'd hate XD

    Lol name an exploit that I use.

    Portal hopping, whether you admit it or not.

    Rare seems to think differently. Seems portal usage is absolutely equal to alliance servers both in their view and response to monitoring it:

    @s0nicbob said in [Mega Thread] - Tunnels of the Damned Migration:

    We want to clarify that for now, we consider all the scenarios mentioned above as legitimate uses of the Tunnels of the Damned. However, we recognise that there are many differing opinions on this topic, and we will continue to monitor both your feedback and how players are using this feature.

    As with everything in Sea of Thieves, we are constantly reviewing, learning, and iterating at every stage of development, from the initial design through to when a feature is released to all players, and the Tunnels of the Damned are no exception. We will continue to assess how this feature impacts the overall play experience and may make adjustments in the future to ensure an enjoyable Sea of Thieves experience for all.

    Thank you all for your continued support and for sharing your experiences! Feel free to leave your feedback on the Tunnels of the Damned in this thread so we have a centralised space for us to review your thoughts.

    Thanks again and see you on the seas!

    Drew 'S0nicbob' Stevens

    Well, Rare is wrong again but that's not surprising at this point.

    Lol, how can Rare be wrong? It's their game, you just play it. You mean their wrong because your opinion differs from their decision?

    Hide behind that all you want. As a software programmer, exploits/glitches are black and white...nothing more.

    If they endorse the exploit, that's fine. It is STILL an exploit regardless and simply means they are ok with others utilizing the exploit. It does not suddenly mean it was intended to be used that way when they programmed it.

    It is not an arguable point as, like I said, an exploit is an exploit. Period. If you aren't good enough to get to level 5 and catch emissaries, that's your problem. The fact that they support this blatant cheat/exploit/loophole...whatever you want to call another reason I'm not a fan of their company or its decisions.

    I enjoy this game as it is, but it could have been so much better and had an absolutely huge playerbase. Instead it stays on gamepass to rack up the number of unique player ID's (irrelevant next to current player count but they plaster that number all over everything like it means something). Decisions like this held it back, and at this point it's never going to get bigger than it is no matter what changes are implemented.

    But as to the original reason for posting, YES, you are utilizing an exploit. As a programmer, I would guess Rare endorses it because:

    1. They are too lazy to reprogram and fix the problem


    1. Reprogramming and fixing it would impact playability in some way so they would rather leave it as is

    There are many programmers out there. I take it you don't do any programming for video games or have a concept of game design. The entire emissary system and the whole despawn wall running activity are mostly tied together with the current use of portals. Portal hopping is balanced out by an exploit on the other side of the interaction by running to the despawn wall by the runner making any loot recovery an absolute zero chance activity.


    @kommodoreyenser said in national reaper tactics:

    @like-500-ninjas also just want to clarify, I am all for removing the current ability to use portals to jump servers. As long as we remove other similar server exploits such as the despawn wall and the ability to quickly form alliance servers.

    Equality for all types, whether leaving it in or taking it out. Together.

  • @blackout5328 cant speak for Reapers specifically, but I have found the French tend to be super aggressive, to the point of lunacy. Best fight I ever had was against a French Brig, and they were super sporting in defeat too. Bunch of glorious madmen they were!

  • @bieltan said in national reaper tactics:

    @blackout5328 cant speak for Reapers specifically, but I have found the French tend to be super aggressive, to the point of lunacy. Best fight I ever had was against a French Brig, and they were super sporting in defeat too. Bunch of glorious madmen they were!

    Really? One of my best memories was working together with the French to find the skeleton thrones long before alliance mechanics were even a thing, despite not knowing a lack of what they were saying. 😅

    I'm the worst kind of Reaper there is - the unmasked kind. The kind that doesn't show his colors; and I play the long game. I will befriend and ally with you, and then wait patiently while profiting from you until you feel comfortably foolish enough to tackle a worthwhile world event - then I will swoop in under the guise of friendship to help, and have my crew assassinate you and sink your ship as the event is completed in order to steal your thunder, loot, flag, and supplies.

    When you inevitably ask me why, my response is and always has been the same...


    Nationality doesn't factor into this at all, but since you insist - American. From Florida. 😈

  • @blackout5328 When my crew and I choose reaper (American) we are out for blood and gold of other Players. We go for the first boat we see.

    Tactics would simply include, chaining masts, fire, then cannon shots, send one of us to board, to fight. Then we steal the look if they sink. We are strongly opposed to spawn camping for supply steals. We prefer the juggernaut attack, sink, harpoon the loot and off to the next.

    Now, this has absolutely blown up in our face before as well attempted to roll up on the wrong crew, and we get slapped to the bottom of the Ocean. But that is also half the fun!

  • @galactic-geek said in national reaper tactics:

    Nationality doesn't factor into this at all, but since you insist - American. From Florida. 😈

    Agreed! I have yet to see patterns of tactics in nationalites, and it's really weird to assume as such. (also same! American, FL)

  • @blackout5328 what is this reaper racism?

  • @galactic-geek said in national reaper tactics:

    @bieltan said in national reaper tactics:

    @blackout5328 cant speak for Reapers specifically, but I have found the French tend to be super aggressive, to the point of lunacy. Best fight I ever had was against a French Brig, and they were super sporting in defeat too. Bunch of glorious madmen they were!

    Really? One of my best memories was working together with the French to find the skeleton thrones long before alliance mechanics were even a thing, despite not knowing a lack of what they were saying. 😅

    I'm the worst kind of Reaper there is - the unmasked kind. The kind that doesn't show his colors; and I play the long game. I will befriend and ally with you, and then wait patiently while profiting from you until you feel comfortably foolish enough to tackle a worthwhile world event - then I will swoop in under the guise of friendship to help, and have my crew assassinate you and sink your ship as the event is completed in order to steal your thunder, loot, flag, and supplies.

    When you inevitably ask me why, my response is and always has been the same...


    Nationality doesn't factor into this at all, but since you insist - American. From Florida. 😈

    See.... theres a reason I never genuinely trust anyone. Even in an Alliance!

  • @like-500-ninjas said in national reaper tactics:


    I didn't quote you because the long conversation loaded terribly on my mobile which means others probably have the same problem.

    Your assumption is entirely incorrect. I do, however, always find it amusing when someone with no experience whatsoever with a certain topic tells someone else who has stated that they do have experience on a topic that they must be stupid because their factual experience doesn't gel with their non-factual opinion.

    Have seen a lot of your posts on the forum just in the past week. Still waiting for one that shows any open-mindedness for any views outside of your own.

    Any game where 4 Pirate Legends on a Galleon can openly assail a 1 man sloop being captained by a Day 1 player with zero experience will never have balance. The fact that you even suggest balance in this game is laughable at best.

    Not touting any balance in combat or number of players. I am speaking of PvP and PvE balance. What blends into PvPvE in this game. Risk and reward. If someone wants to put up an emissary flag for potentially up to 2.5x reward, they need to understand that it is likely they will need to fight to defend themselves and they opted into it, not get upset that someone starts to hunt them and they immediately run to the despawn wall as a knee jerk reaction to a ship heading in their general direction or log out on the first sign of a Reaper 1 popping on the map. That said, there are options that work to get your loot sold without fighting and without running to the despawn wall. Lesser players just refuse to try for/learn them. Players don't need crutch tactics, they need a good guide. Just during this past gold and glory weekend, was attacked by a sweaty sloop duo (99% completions each) as I finished a LotV. Got everything sold and the flag lowered as I drive-by sold with them giving chase back and forth across the ancient isles, once I realized after the initial encounter what I was up against. It is literally the easiest thing to do in this game to out-naval other crews either thru combat or maneuvering. The hardest thing as a solo is to keep a larger crew off your ship as they can just tandem board once they realize it (that's the real thing that needs adjusting in this game.)

    Also you quoting a galleon vs solo to me is hilarious given ~80% of my 1,500 hours in this game has been solo (yes including playing as a Reaper, hunting other emissaries, I embrace the ENTIRE spectrum of this game solo.)

    As far as my "views," I regularly try to work with OPs that try to bring forward their idea for change. What I do is voice concerns about how the game mechanics would change balance for worse and offer alternatives or counters. All I see when things come up on these kinds topics from you is how you are 100% PvE aligned. Therefore of course you want anything involving Reapers to be nerfed while leaving the options to disintegrate loot or pop up alliance servers left intact. Not too hard to imagine why you would have an issue and want portal hopping removed solely. Maybe they just need to nerf Reaper into the ground, then remove it as it would not be serving its purpose anymore. Then remove the emissary system as there is no longer any risk for the reward?

    Since you say my assumption is incorrect and somehow know me and what experience I have on certain topics, are there any notable games you have been a part of the dev team on? Lot of experience balancing gameplay elements off each other? I mean since you want to make it personal and all.

  • I just hope look read situation do what is needed


  • @like-500-ninjas said in national reaper tactics:

    @kommodoreyenser said in national reaper tactics:

    @like-500-ninjas said in national reaper tactics:


    I didn't quote you because the long conversation loaded terribly on my mobile which means others probably have the same problem.

    Your assumption is entirely incorrect. I do, however, always find it amusing when someone with no experience whatsoever with a certain topic tells someone else who has stated that they do have experience on a topic that they must be stupid because their factual experience doesn't gel with their non-factual opinion.

    Have seen a lot of your posts on the forum just in the past week. Still waiting for one that shows any open-mindedness for any views outside of your own.

    Any game where 4 Pirate Legends on a Galleon can openly assail a 1 man sloop being captained by a Day 1 player with zero experience will never have balance. The fact that you even suggest balance in this game is laughable at best.

    Not touting any balance in combat or number of players. I am speaking of PvP and PvE balance. What blends into PvPvE in this game. Risk and reward. If someone wants to put up an emissary flag for potentially up to 2.5x reward, they need to understand that it is likely they will need to fight to defend themselves and they opted into it, not get upset that someone starts to hunt them and they immediately run to the despawn wall as a knee jerk reaction to a ship heading in their general direction or log out on the first sign of a Reaper 1 popping on the map. That said, there are options that work to get your loot sold without fighting and without running to the despawn wall. Lesser players just refuse to try for/learn them. Players don't need crutch tactics, they need a good guide. Just during this past gold and glory weekend, was attacked by a sweaty sloop duo (99% completions each) as I finished a LotV. Got everything sold and the flag lowered as I drive-by sold with them giving chase back and forth across the ancient isles, once I realized after the initial encounter what I was up against. It is literally the easiest thing to do in this game to out-naval other crews either thru combat or maneuvering. The hardest thing as a solo is to keep a larger crew off your ship as they can just tandem board once they realize it (that's the real thing that needs adjusting in this game.)

    Also you quoting a galleon vs solo to me is hilarious given ~80% of my 1,500 hours in this game has been solo (yes including playing as a Reaper, hunting other emissaries, I embrace the ENTIRE spectrum of this game solo.)

    As far as my "views," I regularly try to work with OPs that try to bring forward their idea for change. What I do is voice concerns about how the game mechanics would change balance for worse and offer alternatives or counters. All I see when things come up on these kinds topics from you is how you are 100% PvE aligned. Therefore of course you want anything involving Reapers to be nerfed while leaving the options to disintegrate loot or pop up alliance servers left intact. Not too hard to imagine why you would have an issue and want portal hopping removed solely. Maybe they just need to nerf Reaper into the ground, then remove it as it would not be serving its purpose anymore. Then remove the emissary system as there is no longer any risk for the reward?

    Since you say my assumption is incorrect and somehow know me and what experience I have on certain topics, are there any notable games you have been a part of the dev team on? Lot of experience balancing gameplay elements off each other? I mean since you want to make it personal and all.

    Not looking to make anything personal. You insulted me, then tried to spin it like you never mentioned it. I've nothing to prove to you or anyone else. I'm here simply to converse and share my thoughts, same as anyone else.

    And if they did get rid of the Reapers all together that would be awesome. Maybe some of the people I used to play with would come back. But I doubt it will ever happen. That's why i said this game is good, but it could have been great.

    Glad to see the backpedal. I think we have both said what there is on the subject.

  • @like-500-ninjas A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool. Something to think about next time a PvE thread comes about and you think about posting.

  • @like-500-ninjas said in national reaper tactics:

    @kommodoreyenser said in national reaper tactics:

    @like-500-ninjas A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool. Something to think about next time a PvE thread comes about and you think about posting.

    You done? Or you just posting because you have to have the last word? Seems your MO.

    Had to put in your last jab to attempt a clap back. That kinda thing I don't stand for. Now, are you done or shall we continue in PMs as this is terribly off topic from OP at this point?

  • As this has devolved in to personal attacks and insults, we will be dropping anchor on this here. For future posts, please remember to be courteous as per our rules. Thank you.

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