• PVP as now taken over the game. It doesn't matter any longer if you have loot. They spawn kill and its become simply another PVP game. The only diff is utilizing themed pirate schemes. Its made the PVP more than unkind, rather cocky and arrogant in continuous kills.
    Adults are taking over in PVP vs children play. I know 8 children who have stopped playing and 4 adults scattered in Countries who wasted hours on getting that Legendary title but over ran by PVP in one day and quitting the game entirely. Its also interesting that PVP feels this game as always been a PVP. One player told me that was why this game was even created and its “always been PVP” however I feel that this is actually more recently developed. More adult players taking over and PVP more becoming a social norm for this game. The developer of course allowed it, its meant to be a challenge and compete player against player and bark on adventure. But did the anticipate it for that to only be the game? As PVP popularize, its no longer about the game.

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  • @ladypoison5951 pvp is a core part of the game, always was, always will be its a pvpve game.

  • I did a Fort of Fortune with an open crew last night.

    I was extremely disappointed in the lack of PVP.

    Picked up all those dang cannonballs and didn't even get a chance to shoot them at anyone.

    So I disagree. I see no difference in the amount of ships I encounter and their interactions since launch.

    Somedays you can't even make it out of the outposts...Somedays you stack FOTD without even seeing another ship.

  • Kids handle pvp the best in this game generally speaking.

    They don't have the egos yet. They still know how to have fun. They often are playing with their friends so it's just whatever to them.

    Pvp is an issue for adults mostly. They have big egos. They invest more in treating the game like a chore or a job than a game.

  • @callmebackdraft

    Im curious what you mean by always a PVP game? In what sense?

  • @ladypoison5951 the interplayer interaction has been a core game design pillar from the get go.

    Not knowing what other crews might do when you come accross them, will they help you or will they try and sink you.

  • @callmebackdraft
    From the gecko, from the beginning alot was not developed.

  • @sxerial
    What if this is an observation, how the game is and has changed. Whats your perception then? What if not all people who are talking about PVP had some back lash moment in it.
    Maybe your perception is aggressive more than if needs to be?

  • @ladypoison5951 developed or not, when a company starts working on a game they have a vision. Player on player interaction is part of the initial vision for sea of thieves

  • @glannigan
    This I fully understand, However this type of PVP is competitive and for the game. Vs killing just to kill, it has a more lucrative purpose. Im a big fan when attacks like this happens. Or when you actually have something to protect and can have gain or loss.

  • @callmebackdraft
    Exactly! It is, and in this case its meant too. However its PVP is changing. From pirates pvp for a reason to just killing to just kill. As if the players are board. Being competitive in the sense of a daring sea battle and needing to protect or gain, is the creation. Originally that was the PVP. A change in how PVP is playing and what the direction the game is going, thats the difference. Are players board to just kill for sport vs for gain?

  • @wolfmanbush
    Kids really do a well job. I agree with you on your observation of PVP. Its more on the note of how the aspect of what PVP began to what it is now; rather more brutal. Which is why I see kids backing down more. The PVP is sport killing as an adult, and the kid just trying to not lose his stuff.😂

  • @ladypoison5951 to be fair this actually always happened, but there is a multitude of reasons to get attacked not all of which are immediately clear to the person being attacked:

    Just some reasons:

    • you have supplies and i want them
    • you are at an island i need to be at
    • i think you have loot
    • you have an emmisary flag
    • the only thing i do in this game is attack/pvp

    And there are probably some more, these are all still within the spirit of the game

  • @callmebackdraft
    These are the original reasons, however three weeks of seeking PVP talking to them, playing PVP and also getting killed, those reasons are no longer valid.
    PVP players are killing for the sport, for the strategy of what they can and cannot do. They are killing just to recount how many times you re spawned and they shot you down.
    How many kegs they can have on the boat, or to just kill.
    My last attack, was player alliance of 8. All were PVP, each were just bored and only wanted to kill to kill.
    So what im saying as the the games developed the game it self is no longer about the Tall Tales, competition at sea , looting.
    PVP is changing it to another level of reasons to kill.

  • @ladypoison5951 said in PVP:

    Kids really do a well job. I agree with you on your observation of PVP. Its more on the note of how the aspect of what PVP began to what it is now; rather more brutal. Which is why I see kids backing down more. The PVP is sport killing as an adult, and the kid just trying to not lose his stuff.😂

    on average only 1 or 2 ships per server is even hostile and hostile doesn't come with any sort of skill standard. Some are just hostile for fun and aren't very skilled at all.

    There are a lot of skilled pvpers but there are also a lot of servers and way more new players/casuals/peaceful pirates than skilled and/or ruthless pvpers and it keeps the servers pretty chill most of the time

    Pretty much as long as people aren't running high grade reapers or engaging in high risk world events like FoTD or FoF a personal can pretty easily play for hours and hours of peaceful piracy every day as long as they commit themselves to strategy that makes sense for them

    and for a pirate game that's pretty impressive and certainly a environment full of potential for pirates that aren't into pvp

  • @wolfmanbush
    How do I get on to your server. Lol!
    Thats not at all what I’ve seen.
    Great points on how big the server is, it would need to be for 1 million players!
    Also yes on the merge of servers when to little is playing.
    Competition of original ideal for a PVP is fun! But this newer PVP is changing it for alot of players. I also agree its a either you keep
    Up on how the game is going or you just wont be able to play period.
    Which after players work for hours they get bombarded by player after player ( two players today quit) than it comes down to what PVP is evolving too.

  • @ladypoison5951 said in PVP:

    How do I get on to your server. Lol!
    Thats not at all what I’ve seen.
    Great points on how big the server is, it would need to be for 1 million players!
    Also yes on the merge of servers when to little is playing.
    Competition of original ideal for a PVP is fun! But this newer PVP is changing it for alot of players. I also agree its a either you keep
    Up on how the game is going or you just wont be able to play period.
    Which after players work for hours they get bombarded by player after player ( two players today quit) than it comes down to what PVP is evolving too.

    You can easily come up with a session strategy that will work for you. I can help you with that.

    If you're just trying to earn gold and/or knock off some commendations I can help you come up with a session plan that will keep your efficiency high based on your individual abilities and limit your losses.

    All of us sink and lose loot sometimes but as long as you're not someone looking to stack FoTD all day or take a lot of unnecessary risks you can reach your goals without much pvp drama.

    I can help with specifics for anything pve but in general there are pretty simple steps to adhere to. Sell often, Don't stack. Don't spend a lot of time in one place. Avoid large islands unless absolutely necessary. Keep distance from other ships. Don't take unnecessary risks.

  • That's like a whole lotta text just to say that PvP basically increased...
    Which by the way is only a personal feeling that you're making seem like it's brand new

    PVP as now taken over the game

    I hate to break it to you but it's simply always been like this and whether you fight or don't is up to the playerbase and it'd be ironic for Rare to encourage a certain playstyle on a sandbox game.

  • Yea, PVP sucks. I deleted the game because of the cruds on the brigantine, who did not let me play in peace. PVP and PVE modes need to be separated.

  • I personally haven’t seen an increase in PvP as of late. Seems like the same amount of people that will leave you alone/ alliance/ hunt you out on the Seas.

    If people try to spawn kill me and I’m playing solo I’ll just server hop. No sense in continuing to get frustrated when I can just move on and continue work on my Coms.

  • @spanden7692 said in PVP:

    Yea, PVP sucks. I deleted the game because of the cruds on the brigantine, who did not let me play in peace. PVP and PVE modes need to be separated.

    If you like the game before the pvp why sacrifice a lot of what you like just because there are occasional moments of unpleasant interaction?

    Pvp is such a small part of this game if a person chooses to approach it that way.

    I've been sunk thousands of times and I've sunk thousands of others. I only vaguely remember little moments here or there about combat. Just a tiny moment floating around like a leaf in the wind.

    What I remember vividly are the positive interactions and moments that make me laugh or entertain me.

    If it's not the game for you then it's not the game for you but if you generally enjoy the game minus the pvp then quitting over some pvp is robbing yourself of a lot of positive memories imo

    This game is all about mindset really. You find what you want to find out there. Look for negativity and you'll find it. Look for something positive and you'll find that too.

  • @spanden7692 if you deleted the game why are you still on the forums? PvE servers won’t be happening unless something changes about Rare’s core vision for the game.

  • the worst part is the pvp system is abhorrent, I mean if the pvp was fun to engage in and balanced it would be alright as its part of the game but its such a buggy mess I can't even.

  • @ladypoison5951 I have played many PvPvE games. I will say it is hard to keep a balance between the two. One part of it is keeping enough PvE content released to get people back to PvE'ing when they have gone astray due to boredom which often leads to killing just to kill. Second part being keeping it balanced so that one player is not too entirely over powered when coming up against someone who is PvE'ing. I personally think Rare has done a pretty good job at this which is why I do not complain. On this game I lean heavy on PvE side.

    I havent been on SOT in what feels like ages due to work however I finally had a chance to get on other day with my crewmate @wagstr and his sons. I will be honest I was tad bit nervous, I think we all were since its been awhile and we were rusty. We had two near incidents with PvP but we were able to avoid them by simple out maneuvering techniques. We continued on without issue. So what you describe happens but there are ways to avoid it.

    As far as PvP being a core part of the game well it is I suppose, however PvPvE is really the core of the game. Also I will add my only issue with PvP is I feel like the PvP system beside ship fighting has been poorly done. Therefore it makes it hard for me personally to take the PvP too seriously and really get into it.

  • @flamenoir4280 said in PVP:

    it'd be ironic for Rare to encourage a certain playstyle on a sandbox game.

    To be fair, if you tune into Twitch for drops...most of the SOT Partners have a very specific playstyle. There's a handful that embrace PvPvE and are great ambassadors to the complete game (Phuzzy, LD, Tazed, formerly Alactar, and some others) ...but most of them are heavy - if not exclusively - PvP.

  • Ahoy,

    As stated in this post that links to the latest podcast, the Rare team have recently given their thoughts on introducing any form of PvE mode in game.

    As this thread falls under this umbrella, I will be dropping anchor on it now.

    Unless something changes at the heart of the game, Sea of Thieves will always remain a shared world adventure game with elements of both PvE and PvP for all players.

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