Shrouded Ghost

  • Can we please get the spawn chance of the shrouded ghost increased i have played near enough every day since the shrouded spoils and i am still waiting for it too spawn, I probably fight around 2-3 megs a day but never the ghost

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  • @i-chrisneale-i No. just no. We need harder/rarer titles and commendations. Quit complaining, keep playing, and find a ghost.

  • @klutchxking518 While I do agree that we need the harder and rarer titles, the ghost does need a buff, It is too rare. Ive played since beginning and i havent even come across anyone with the normal title, let alone the Legendary Hunter title.

  • @i-chrisneale-i it doesn't exist sorry it might but no one (only eleven people have killed it).

  • @talriaen said in Shrouded Ghost:

    @klutchxking518 While I do agree that we need the harder and rarer titles, the ghost does need a buff, It is too rare. Ive played since beginning and i havent even come across anyone with the normal title, let alone the Legendary Hunter title.

    aye same only eleven people have got it

  • I just want people to actually post thing is the right spot.... This isn't insiders material.... @Deckhands

  • @talriaen No. I said already, this game needs harder/rarer titles. Its ok not to have every commendation, you will get it in time (if you are persistent), or you will get it tomorrow (if lucky)

  • @klutchxking518 When you can go literally months and months without ever seeing it, that is not difficult, its ridiculous. There is no difficulty to it, or skill, it is pure rng. Im ok with it being pretty rare, but its almost nonexistent at this point

  • @klutchxking518 A harder title would be like the 240 wins or 500 skeleships. I don't even see the shrouded ghost. it's not a challenge either

  • Think about it! If the Shrouded Ghost were made more frequent so that all of you would have the title in a month or two, it would lose its mystique. It would just be another "ho hum" title barely more impressive than "Hunter of Splashtails".

    You don't need the Shrouded Ghost title. As it is, if you did kill the Shrouded Ghost tomorrow, you would slap that title on and wear it with pride. You would be envied by everyone you encounter. It would be talked about, every voyage you went on. But, if Rare did what you ask and made it so easy that everyone had the title, you would not even bother with it.

    The Game has "Pirate Legends" and any number of "Legendary" titles - like "Legendary Exploder", and so on. But it only has ONE true legend: That is the Shrouded Ghost! (Maybe two, if you count the Mysterious Box of Secrets). Please, don't deprive us of its rarity and specialness.

    By the way, I have met at least two people on the seas that have worn the "Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost" title. It's almost as thrilling to meet such a person, as it is to encounter the beast itself.

  • My concern is with the change to the meg to not lurk around after you go to the shallows, that you could see a Shrouded Ghost, only to lose it by drifting too close to a rock/island.

    I'd rather see the meg need a few shallows before it gives up - even just one meg retry would cancel out the frustration of losing this precious opportunity.

  • @i-chrisneale-i The only thing they need to do is to cancel that horrible commendation to kill it 5 times and leave it with 1 and why do you post it on the insider program?

  • Im slightly biased as I have defeated it in the main build but it absolutely does not need increasing. Even before I got the title I always thought its great being incredibly rare. Remember that the only form of progression is cosmetic so being able to have the title and have people ask how is such a good feeling.

  • There should be a multi part voyage similar to the tall tales we have now that allows you to summon it. It could require being level 50 with the Hunter's Call to start it.

  • Well since they launched these questions for gold on like how many splashtail been caught in a week etc.

    They added one this week where they asked how many ghosts been killed last week. The magic number was 11.

    This means u can find the ghost like 1.5 times a day and thats it.

    Rare enough to me. No need to add more. It is to be found 3 times in 2 days. Good luck hunting!

    Edit: 11 was in 24 hours! not 1 week. So thats 11 shrouded ghost a day

  • @closinghare208 said in Shrouded Ghost:

    @talriaen said in Shrouded Ghost:

    @klutchxking518 While I do agree that we need the harder and rarer titles, the ghost does need a buff, It is too rare. Ive played since beginning and i havent even come across anyone with the normal title, let alone the Legendary Hunter title.

    aye same only eleven people have got it

    11 were killed over a certain 24 hour period. say an average of 3 per ship, 33 people got a kill. We could assume that's 33 people a day on average, so around 12000 a year. Still a very small percentage of the playing population.

    A lot of people here who haven't actually read the post it seems. 11 Megs were killed OVER A 24 HOUR PERIOD. That's not equal to 11 people getting the commendation over that period.

    Agree it needs a spawn rate increase, at least that's my view.

  • I don't have the title and I don't want the Shrouded Ghost to be more common. I like that it is pretty rare :)

  • @surveyorpete said in Shrouded Ghost:

    Think about it! If the Shrouded Ghost were made more frequent so that all of you would have the title in a month or two, it would lose its mystique. It would just be another "ho hum" title barely more impressive than "Hunter of Splashtails".

    You don't need the Shrouded Ghost title. As it is, if you did kill the Shrouded Ghost tomorrow, you would slap that title on and wear it with pride. You would be envied by everyone you encounter. It would be talked about, every voyage you went on. But, if Rare did what you ask and made it so easy that everyone had the title, you would not even bother with it.

    The Game has "Pirate Legends" and any number of "Legendary" titles - like "Legendary Exploder", and so on. But it only has ONE true legend: That is the Shrouded Ghost! (Maybe two, if you count the Mysterious Box of Secrets). Please, don't deprive us of its rarity and specialness.

    By the way, I have met at least two people on the seas that have worn the "Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost" title. It's almost as thrilling to meet such a person, as it is to encounter the beast itself.

    Totally agree, it's the one title I would be awed to see a person carry. I'd like to engage in conversion with them and they could tell me their tall tale of their white whale hunt. Awesome stuff. Hope to see it one day.

  • Just a heads up - moved this to a better-suited location on the forum.

    As you were!

  • @closinghare208 not eleven people in total, 11 megs where killed in 24 hours ;-) not all kills where done on a solo sloop thus if all where done by a full brig it would be at least 33 people

    But we can do some extrapolation on that, in another 24 hour period a total of 6441 megalodons where killed.

    Thats about a 0.17% rate

  • @closinghare208 sagte in Shrouded Ghost:

    @i-chrisneale-i it doesn't exist sorry it might but no one (only eleven people have killed it).

    You know that's 11 people between 21st and 22nd august...

  • @i-chrisneale-i I also killed many megs, but never encountered the ghost yet and I'm happy with that, it's a mystique, I love this...
    When increasing the spawn rate, probably everyone will have it in at least 2 weeks, that takes away the whole excitement of this and the ghost will be just like the other megs

  • bragging rights :-D

  • I won't support this wish. Let us have something really rare. Let us have some rewards and titles one can really be proud of.

  • @klutchxking518 Yea you could play for the next ten years and never see it

  • @goedecke-michel So being lucky is something to be proud of there is a difference between something being difficult and being proud to have done it versus a computer generating a number and being lucky.

  • This community constantly mistakes luck for difficulty. There is nothing difficult about the ghost its the same as every other meg beyond a program deciding not to let you fight it. There is nothing mysterious about a series of codes preventing you from fighting something. If the meg was something to be proud of it would be hard to fight. Everyone who does have the shrouded ghost never accomplished a special task a machine just decided to spawn it on them.

  • @yossarian-hund said in Shrouded Ghost:

    I'd like to engage in conversion with them and they could tell me their tall tale of their white whale hunt.

    Well heck, I could do that. I'll just tell ya about one of my Meg fights, change the descriptive to "white", and mention fog once or twice. =P

  • I find my self being divided on this issue. As someone who has three out of five legendary meg titles and 30 kills of the ancient terror. 180 megs plus killed and have not seen the ghost once. I can see why people are getting frustrated. I also think if they make the spawn rate higher the title will lose its notoriety.

    I think a good compromise would be the more megs you kill the more likely the ghost spawns. That way those who have spent the time to grind commendations will have a better chance of the ghost and less chance to see the hungering one ten times a session.

    I also think this should be the way fish spawn as well. Once you catch a certain number of fish the splashtails spawn gets nerfed.

  • @blatantwalk4260 sagte in Shrouded Ghost:

    @goedecke-michel So being lucky is something to be proud of there is a difference between something being difficult and being proud to have done it versus a computer generating a number and being lucky.

    I would be proud having been lucky. Period.

  • @goedecke-michel Yea but its the pride that a computer program decided you get to have something out of pure rng.

  • I am fine with it being rare as it is. I do not agree locking a title behind it where you cant fully complete the Bilge Rat adventure for that one until you kill it.

  • @hailsux which is the big issue with the shrouded ghost

  • @faceyourdemon said in Shrouded Ghost:

    @i-chrisneale-i The only thing they need to do is to cancel that horrible commendation to kill it 5 times and leave it with 1 and why do you post it on the insider program?

    This. I can wait, despite how rare it is, for that day I (hopefully) see and kill it. But five times? I’ve played regularly since its introduction and haven’t seen it once. That’s far too elusive.

    SG should have been less rare, but MASSIVELY tough to kill. I’ve said it a million times before; I want titles that show off skill, not luck and persistence.

  • @blatantwalk4260 sagte in Shrouded Ghost:

    @goedecke-michel Yea but its the pride that a computer program decided you get to have something out of pure rng.

    This would not take it from me, mate. What's the point. It is as rare as Yeti and Big Foot. You wine because you need it, to unlock a title. What would you do afterwards? Demand a new title. This is insane grinding, not gaming, in my eyes. Not every title must be reachable at ease, and some can be really rare and yes, also "out of pure rng". But no, also by awareness of those players who recognize and kill the beast.

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