New patch should be called Rollback

  • Just like walmart in the early 2000's please, rollback. I know hit reg was bad last patch, but this is completely unacceptable. I have played competitively for the last year against some of the best crews and this is completely broken. IDK who in Rare studios said, "Hey this absolutely works, lets patch this game" Yeah well fire that guy and hire someone with an IQ above 65(caveman). Yes salt is my name and sea of thieves is no longer my game. Cuz whatever you think you fixed, you broke 900 other things. Rant end. Oh wait, rant not over. Arena que's? what in the world....get a grip. This game mode now is completely unplayable because I sit in lobby for 20 minutes then 1 dude leaves and its another 20 minutes. You do not have the leisure to mess with your game and break it with as small of a player base that you have. Wake up and just rollback.

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