Ahoy There! Names Tom. Nice to make your acquaintance.

  • I've been playing the game since launch (and before) and have really got the bug of Piracy now. I'm a simple Pirate not one that is too focused on renown or respect I'm not going to grind for Pirate Legend but hope that one day I make my own way there.

    I honestly adore the game but struggle to find other people who love it as much. All my irl friends either dont play often or when they do play they give off the impression that they dont want to. If you want to play with a carefree pirate up for anything, add SpecialUnitt.

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  • @specialunitt
    Hello and Welcome ,Mr SpecialUnitt...i'm glad that you have this vision about how SOT should be played ...Set sail without a plan and see what comes to you.No Grinding and not seeing Pirate Legend as the only goal in this game. i think you perfectly understand why SOT was made. Just sail off, have fun, let coincidense be a main part in yer story and give yer eyes and ears a treat that they deserve...

    i'm pretty sure your question towards fellow pirates will be heard and answered...i wish you many great , goofy adventures and may the treasures and rewards bring you to Pirate Legend without that awful word : Grind....

  • @specialunitt

    There are a couple of places to find like minded souls in the Crew thread and also perhaps on the official discord here -

    I am certain there are plenty o' pirates sailin' who're enjoying the seas and the adventures have without worrying too much about achieving Legend status - 'tis all about the journey after all :)

  • @specialunitt ABHOY AND WELCOME!

    There is indeed, as @Clumsy-George and @KattTruewalker have already said a wealth of locations and places to find new players.
    Like Katt I very much agree that you get Discord and join some servers (the Fortune one... run by a Boatswain called Sirio is particularly cool) as you will inevitably find like-minded players to sail with.

    Hit me up with an add and we may get to sail and earn some loot - I'm 43/44/39 and by no means rushing anywhere!

  • @sshteeve Thanks so much for replying! The community here seems great I was using the subreddit for a bit but it just turns into anarchy after a while. I look forward to seeing you on the seas!

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