
  • Ok, this is response to the thread Iare a few days ago: https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/65481/poll-star-spangled-banner-flag-for-the-4th-of-july/
    As you noticed, there underwent a huge political debate because I suggested the first design for the U.S flag being in the game. After that, some good comments, then it went to huge debates. Which caused it to be locked up. And sadly I can't make another with a different poll, because I would be "duplicating threads"

    Just... what the heck? I didn't want the thread to have any politics! I wanted to ask rare to help us celebrate independance day! I mean they celebrated a very specific group before saying Rule 1 of the cose. And according to thay code, that could mean Independence day should get a flag too. "Everyone is equal no matter the sex, orientation, nationality, or creed." I am trying to follow that yet keep my opinions.

    Sadly when anyone suggests stuff like U.S flags, it sparks huge political debate and gets multiple people banned, and threads locked. And now most likely Rare won't see the suggestion. So I need to ask a favor. Stop being disrespectful to one another, agree to disagree, and don't bring politics to threads with good ideas. Because I'm sick of the political debates where good ideas are played

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  • @cheatingpirate
    Your post is locked? So you get your answer...
    Now stop crying like a kid because your suggestion is not accepted, grow up a bit.

  • @zyrkal It wasn't closed due to my suggestion, it was closed to everyone else arguing over politics.

  • @cheatingpirate So....you're surprised that a request to put a specific countries flag in the game became a political discussion?

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