Does That Count As Cheating?

  • @dubhaze93 Ahoy there, I have passed your query along to the Community team and hopefully we'll get some clarity on this issue.

    As there is no official statement at this time, that suggests to me that it may not be regarded as a cheat.

    I'm a long time mmorpg player and when you have a screen full of a gazillion abilities, buffs etc that often stack or depend on each other, it is very useful being able to create a macro. For me, SoT isn't that sort of game, but macros could make life a little easier for mundane tasks.

    I'll let you know when/if I hear anything back on the subject..... Mondays are usually pretty busy for the Rare team.

  • @katttruewalker
    Thank you VERY MUCH. I appreciate your answer and hope that we can get some clarity soon :)
    For me it would be useful, because even a mechanical keyboard has a limited amount of key pushs before it dies :D
    I just want to expand the lifespan of my keyboard :D If there would be the posibillity ingame, that I just need to push and hold down the "F" or "R" key to store/pick up ressources, I wouldn't ask about that :)

    I'm looking forward for your answer. Hopefully you hear something ASAP :D

    And in overall we can say, because there is no statement yet, that it doesn't count as bannable cheating?

  • @logansdadtoo said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    By that reckoning Lag Switches would be ok as well then!!
    'It is not cheating to use a hardware tool'
    Lag Switches are not automated & still require a switch/button press.

    Do they come standard on PC gaming peripherals? Who sells them? Corsair have their own out? I didn't think so

  • @zalavaaris
    'However, it is not cheating to use a hardware provided tool. Macros are not automated because they still require a button press to execute so it is not an automation program'

    Now where did you mention PC Gaming peripherals or Corsair??
    MMMmmm, ok.

  • @logansdadtoo said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    'However, it is not cheating to use a hardware provided tool. Macros are not automated because they still require a button press to execute so it is not an automation program'

    Now where did you mention PC Gaming peripherals or Corsair??
    MMMmmm, ok.

    That is a strawman. Talk about the topic at hand. Macros which are a common hardware functionality on common gaming peripherals are not cheating.

  • @zalavaaris
    Fair enough, but in a crossplay game they should not be allowed!
    PC already has enough advantage over xbox, allowing macros is just taking the mickey!

  • @logansdadtoo said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    Fair enough, but in a crossplay game they should not be allowed!
    PC already has enough advantage over xbox, allowing macros is just taking the mickey!

    I imagine it would be in the terms of service if it were not allowed. And I'm not being funny here, I don't know how they could catch someone using a button sequence macro. It does the same thing your fingers can do. How would they catch you? Would it be monitoring software? What if your peripheral lighting was tied to the same software like Corsair CUE? I just don't see them actively banning someone using a macro even if they did make it against the rules officially.

  • If it's just for collecting Supplies I'd be fine with it, You gain a quarter of a second, whoopee

    Perfectly possible to do Turbos on Xbox too
    CronuxMAX & Titan One I believe?

  • @zalavaaris
    I suppose they could catch you out on timings.
    If you set your macro to do the presses faster than humanly possible, it would be easy to detect by monitoring software.
    Like i said, it just creates another imbalance between the systems if macros are deemed 'legal'

  • @logansdadtoo
    There we have it again... why should we (PC players) be penalized because we made the "better" decision? You know what I mean? :/ Don't get me wrong, please. I Know what you mean. But I hope you also know what I mean :)

  • @dubhaze93
    Go preach it to someone that doesn't own a gaming pc as well m8!
    I just don't consider myself any better than anyone else through the decisions or purchases i make & i can also see the difference in the 2 control systems. But that's for another thread ;)

  • @logansdadtoo said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    I suppose they could catch you out on timings.
    If you set your macro to do the presses faster than humanly possible, it would be easy to detect by monitoring software.
    Like i said, it just creates another imbalance between the systems if macros are deemed 'legal'

    So someone smart would make a macro that is incredibly fast but still has a tiny amount of delay to mimic extreme skill. Punishing that would punish the extremely skilled players who can do it without a macro. There are ways around it. I can record macros with my software that also record the delays in between key presses. So basically instead of being 100% instant it's only like 95% instant. Not really noticable but still not perfect. It takes some time to practice the key presses to get the desired speed but its achievable for sure.

  • It should count as cheating. If it isn't possible on the xbox it shouldn't be possible on the PC, and i play on the PC.

  • For actual gameplay that this could be considered cheating, a macro would do nothing.

    Skeletons don't spawn the same exact spot over and over for hours and you gain no XP or gold by killing one.

    Animals do not spawn the same spots and they run soon as you are around. Also without being able to sell them in the same island you cannot macro their sale.

    You cannot macro PvP...cause duh.

    Sooo idk. If you wanna macro picking up bananas....go ahead dude I'll never complain. I won't even know lol.

    Just sayin....

  • @vderickv your comment is BS l**o if you don't know how to macro your mouse you aren't PCing correctly l**o

  • You haven't lived until you have macro'ed all the supplies off of someone's boat, it is simply amazing.

  • @katttruewalker
    As mentioned in the "Developer Update: May 22nd 2018" Video, what RARE is going to do against cheaters, I'd like to ask if there is some new information about using macros?

  • @raindiax said in Does That Count As Cheating?:

    Its just one of many advantages of PC. If you take all advantages away, this game will be ruined for PC players. Why should you play on PC when you can't use the advantages of playing on PC? So there is no "really" good reason to count that under cheating or "banable cheating". That would be like: "Hey... PC players MUST play with a controller... Its forbidden to play with mouse & keyboard. Because its unfair against XBOX player". Woudln't make ANY sense :D You know where this is leading to? ^^

    Huge leap using macros and using a mouse and keyboard are not the same at all and PC players shouldn’t use macros in any multiplayer game

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