Behind the Scenes #5 - Revisiting Gunplay

Get a more in-depth look into what the team has been doing to improve gunplay in Sea of Thieves!

It’s been a couple of months since our last Behind the Scenes peek into the development of Sea of Thieves. In that time there’s been a metric ship ton of work going on here at Rare not only in building new features, but improving features that have already been released!

Since kicking off the Sea of Thieves Technical Alpha back in December, we’ve been constantly taking on player feedback, reviewing it and then making changes that improve the game experience. Iteration is the name of the game, especially in our latest Behind the Scenes video where Senior Designer Andrew Preston tells us how the team went about revisiting gunplay.

Official Sea of Thieves Behind the Scenes: Revisiting Gunplay

기간 2:52

Safe to say that the wise adage “it’s all in the hips”, or in this case the hip fire, is now perfectly sound advice for all of you looking to get the best of your rival buccaneers in those more intense bullet-laden battles. If you haven’t had a chance to check out our Technical Alpha and contribute your feedback to the ongoing development of Sea of Thieves, sign up to our Insider Programme for a shot at being selected to participate in future sessions. Don’t forget that you can also join in the many conversations happening across our social channels!