Game Idea: Weather Update

  • Having played this game for quite some time, reaching Pirate Legend, and sailing the sea hours upon hours - I have been thinking of a new idea for the game!

    Though I will state, I have yet to see a post or any other content with this idea, I do not intend to steal someone's idea if already posted. Neither do I know if SoT team has a topic similar in mind.

    [Game Idea / Suggestion: The Weather Update]

    The sea is always unpredictable. You never know if a Kraken will emerge from the depths, a Meg looking for a snack, or a skeleton ship trying to send you and your crew to the ferryman. I think the storm should apply by the same laws! Being an obstacle for crews instead of a mass slowly moving across the map.

    Storms are more unpredictable than the sea itself! And should be able to spawn dangers alike! So, what does the suggestion include?

    • Instead of storms slowly roaming the map, I suggest they should spawn randomly across the map! In this time frame when they spawn, they should have a wider area of effect. Each storm could last from 10 to 25 minutes, then despawn. Spawning again anywhere to 30 to 45 minutes. Giving pirates a break if they happen to get a storm spawned on them.
    • Each storm spawns one of four possibilities . . .
    1. Rogue Wave / Lightning Storm (Most Common): While the storm is taking place, larger waves form! (Similar to the current storm system). Along, lightning striking the ground and possibly your crew! Wind speed increases drastically! If sail direction isn't kept a keen eye on, your boat could veer off in an unwanted direction! But beware of Rogue Waves! These waves are larger than the others, and can fill your ship up with water quickly and cause serious damage to your boat if not steering head-on into the wave!

    2. Water Sprouts (Un-Common): While venturing in the storm, be wary of Water Sprouts! These thin twisters may not look very powerful, but looks deceive! They can drag your boat towards them - and if your crew isn't paying attention - suck them up and throw them into the sky! Leaving for a frightful fall. If the boat is caught directly in one of these, it has the chance of spinning the boat, or even tossing it! Leaving hull damage for the crew to repair.

    3. Whirlpools (Rare): One of the most frightening circumstances a pirate can dream of, is being eaten by the Sea itself! Whirlpools, either multiple small ones spawning or one large one towards the center of the Storm! If caught by one of these fearsome vortexes, prepare your ship to fight against it! Your ship will ride along the walls of these vortexes causing damage the more you stay in it. If any of crew fall overboard, be ready for a wild ride! Your pirate friends will be whirled around taking slight damage until they reach the center, where they will certainly reach their demise. To avoid death, they better kick as fast as they can, for the only thing to save them from being consumed by the whirlpool is the helpful hand of a ship ladder!

    4. Super Storm ( Very Rare) : A pirates nightmare! Some doubt they even exist, pirates that live through it are beyond lucky. All previous types of storms packed into one! The sea becoming a true monster, even scaring Krakens away! ( This one may be a stretch.)

    [Impacts on the game itself.]

    • Adding this storm system would add another obstacle for players and their crews to overcome. And in some cases give them the advantage! A storm spawning possibly giving you the advantage in an almost lost battle. But still better than chasing a ship only to get Kraken moments later.
    • It would make crews think twice. Should they go into the storm and try to steal the loot from a recently done stronghold? Should the crew risk sailing with all the stronghold loot and fight the sea, or wait out the storm?
    • It would give pirates an actual challenge to catch that desired stormfish, rather than anchoring while your boat rocks back and forth. " Oh look, another hole. Better catch this fish soon. "

    [Other Content: Pirate Emporium and Duke Quests!]

    Along with this update, I can see a variety of special cosmetics added with the new addition of the Pirate Emporium! Along with cool and special quests from Duke!

    • Pirate Emporium: A new ship cosmetic! Themed with the new types of weather! The sails, worn down with a ringed circle in the middle representing a whirlpool. A matching colored hull with gusts of wind and small tornado icons on the side. And a STUNNING figurehead, featuring a bolt of glowing lightning as the center, surrounded by crashing waves. Pun intended. Alongside of this, a fitting new emote. "Rain Dance"
    • Dukes Quest: Venture off into a storm! Find one of three chests that contain the power of the storms and bring them to Duke for a reward. Three chests can be collected. Chest of Crashing Waves, Chest of Vengeful Winds, Chest of Spiraling Waters. If lucky enough to spawn a Super Storm, all three chests will spawn somewhere throughout the storm!
    • Titles and Commendations: A bunch of new and fun titles and commendations to be earned. Titles: Storm Chaser, Lightning Bearer, Wave Rider. Commendations: "Fight an enemy ship while in a whirlpool. 0/1"

    I've been thinking of this idea for quite some time and thought the best place to share it would be on the Sea of Thieves suggestion forms.

    To state again, this is simply an idea and suggestion for the game! Rare may already have an idea similar to this in mind or have an idea like this in the works. If anyone else has had this idea - or similar to this idea - my intentions are not to copy them, but only to share my suggestions!

    If you were able to read through this topic, I applaud you for taking the time to read it! If you were only able to make it halfway, I still applaud you for trying.

    I encourage feedback to this idea, and to even add on to it! Feel free to do so!

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  • @sweetmonkeyone
    The titles and comms should go with Duke and the new set should be the time limited one for the event as the emporium is only for pets and ship cosmetics from rare ips, but otherwise I love your ideas.

  • i had an idea where if you find a specific item on a shipwreck (something like a reapers chest) if you pick up a unatural storm pops up and you need to go to the outpost as fast as possibe because the flyng dutchman is catching up

  • @sweetmonkeyone

    Water Sprouts (Un-Common): While venturing in the storm, be wary of Water Sprouts!


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